Millbrook Junior High School

Welcome back to another year of acting, hard work, and exciting productions. Some of you are returning after a year or more with the Little Theatre. Some are new. We are planning on performing at least two productions this year. However, if we cannot come together to make this club a success, those will not happen. Therefore, the following guidelines must be followed in order to remain in the Little Theatre and to make us a continued success.

To be a part of the Millbrook Little Theatre (MLT) you must be committed. This commitment will be shown in three ways: attendance, academic achievement, and script memorization/character development. Therefore, there are three ways you can jeopardize your standing in the MLT. First, if you miss two practices in a semester, you may lose your part, be removed from the active list, or not be invited back next year. Putting on a play takes the commitment of the whole group. One actor’s lack of commitment will affect the whole production and could cause a play to be cancelled. Second, any unacceptable behavior or failure to remain on the AB honor role may also cause you to lose your part and become inactive (on probation). Third, not being able to deliver your lines on cue in character may also be grounds for the loss of your part and removal from the MLT. These policies may seem harsh, but they must be adhered to if we are to continue being successful.

Parents, please pick up your child/children on time. Drama is generally over at 5:00 every Tuesday and Thursday. During production weeks, however, we will rehearse Monday through Friday until 5:00 (with the exception of Wednesdays—then it will be until 4:00). Production week is the week prior to our performance; our productions will always be held on Saturdays either around 2:00 P.M. or 5:00 P.M. On a play day, actors will be expected to arrive by 10:00 (for 2:00 shows) or 1:00 (for 5 :00 shows) in costume. After a play, all MLT members are expected to stay and help clean up. We have to clear all props, put away all costumes, and clean up the stage area. Everyone is exhausted after a production, but the only way we can get out as quickly as possible is if everyone chips in and does their part. Any actor who leaves before the post-play discussion (after everything is cleaned up and put away) will not be allowed to return.

Finally, there is a membership fee to join the Little Theater. If we do not charge a fee, the school is entitled to 10% of all money we raise. Without any outside support, we cannot afford to lose this money. As a result, the senior members of the club voted on the following fees: first-year - $10.00, second-year - $8.00, third and fourth-year - $5.00, and fifth-year & beyond - $1.00. **This fee is nonrefundable.

Parents, please read this letter along with the attached rules sheet and sign it, along with your child, stating that you both agree to support the Millbrook Little Theater and adhere to the rules, regulations, and fees set forth. Thank you and we look forward to an exciting, successful year.


Student’s signature Parent’s signature

Drama Club Rules:

1. When someone calls “Hands Up,” everyone is expected to stop what they are doing and listen closely to the speaker. This is only called if students are getting out of hand and are not paying attention. No new members may call “hands up.”

2. No cell phones, iPods, etc. are to be visible or audible during practice. If these are out, they will be taken up for one week.

3. No scented items are to be sprayed. Several people, including Mrs. Beisel, have allergies to these items.

4. Speak in turn, and exhibit common courtesies.

5. No gum, food, or drink is allowed in rehearsals. If a student has a valid medical reason for needing water, that must be presented to Mrs. Beisel, Ms. McNamara, or Mrs. Diggs as soon as possible.

6. We expect greatness, cooperation, and professionalism. Be committed. This is not a day care, and we are not here to babysit. Please pay attention at all times. Horse-playing and goofing off will not be tolerated!

Thanks again for your cooperation and support,

Mrs. Beisel

Ms. McNamara

Mrs. Diggs

Mr. Eddie