Inclusive Play Project ‘Short Break Fund’ and BCC ‘Interim Access to Childcare Fund’
Funding Application 2017 – 18
Setting Name:………Oasis Academy New Oak……………………………………………………………………………………..
Please complete the funding application table below with all theinformation requested. We cannot process applications withoutthis information.
We will then apply the funding criteria (summarised below and detailed in ‘Inclusion Funding Overview’)and we will calculate your funding grant.
Child’s name* / Please specify: Holiday Playscheme /After School Club / Breakfast Club** / No. of Hours per session / Dates bookedDD/MM/YY / Total number of sessions booked / Hourly rate
£ / TOTAL Funding Request
(Hours per session x number of sessions booked x hourly rate)
Blossom James / Oasis Academy New Oak Breakfast club / 1 hour / Term 2 / 36 sessions in total / £12.25 / 36 x £12.25 = £441.00
* Please submit an annual ‘Child Information Form’ for every child you are requesting funding for. We cannot process applications without this.
**Please use a different row for each clubthe child is attending / you are requesting funding for. Please add additional rows if required.
Funding criteria (for your information):
1)IPP ‘Short Breaks Fund’ will fund additional support for 1 session per week, per disabled child (living in Bristol); max 8 hours Holiday Playscheme/3.5 hrs After School Club (we do not fund additional support at Breakfast Club); paid at hourly rate (up to £10ph)
2)BCC ‘Interim Access to Childcare Fund’ will fund additional support at Bristol based childcare settings for up to an additional 3 sessions per week, per disabled child; max 10 hours Holiday Playscheme/1.5 hrs Breakfast Club/3.5 hrs After School Club; paid at minimum wage (£7.50p.h.)
If your setting provides/funds additional support for disabled children from your own budget(in addition to the funding being requested),please give us details of this for our records:
Child’s name / Please specify: Holiday Playscheme /After School Club / Breakfast Club* / No. of Hours per session / Dates bookedDD/MM/YY / Total number of sessions booked / Hourly rate / TOTAL ‘In-house’ support provided
(Hours per session x number of sessions booked x hourly rate)
*Please use a different row for each club the child is attending / you are providing additional support. Please add additional rows if required.
For further information or support, please contact–
IPP Bridging Workers: Rachel Yarrow (Secondary Team) or Alice Cranston (Primary Team) 0117 9038250
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