Third Grade Weekly Parent Letter for

January 30-February 3, 2017


1. age2. huge3. dance

4. jawbone5. change6. space

7. bounce8. jeans9. large

10. once11. jacket12. giant

13. circle14. pencil**Test on Friday.

Reading: Story of the Week: The Albertosaurus Mystery

Genre:Informational Text – gives factual information about a topic
Target Skill: Conclusions- a smart guess about things an author does not say
Vocabulary Strategies: Suffix – ly

certainly – without a doubt lively – full of energy

cautiously – in a careful waysuddenly – unplanned

lovely – pretty

Vocabulary Words:

1. uncovering – taking off

2. skeletons – frameworks of bones inside of bodies

3. location – place

4. fierce – very wild; dangerous

5. prove – show

6. buried – covered up

7. clues – hints

8. remains – what is left

9. fossils – remains of an animal or plant

10. evidence – facts that help people find out what is true

Grammar: Adjectives- words that describe nouns Articles- a, an, the **Test on Friday.

Math:Putting fraction in order

Least to Greatest Greatest to Least

¼, ½, ¾ ¾, ½, ¼

Science: Forms of Energy

1. Energy is the ability to do work or to cause change.

2. The sun is the main source of energy at the earth's surface.

3. Electrical energy is the movement of electric charges.

4. Light energy is energy we can see.

5. Heat is the transfer of energy from a warmer object to a cooler object.

6. Sound energy is energy we can hear.

7. Mechanical energy is energy that motion or position gives to an object.

8. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion.

9. Energy from the sun causes many changes on Earth.

10. Potential energy is stored energy.

Social Studies:1. Infrastructure is the basic structures that a society needs in order to function.

2. South Carolina's economy was slow to improve after the Civil War.

3. The war's destruction changed the daily lives of people in South Carolina.

4. Many women had to run farms and businesses due to men being injured or killed in the war.

5. Reconstruction is known as the era of rebuilding. after the war, Southern states had to rebuild and rejoin the Union.

6. On April 14, 1865, a Confederate supporter named John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. Vice President, Andrew Johnson, became the new president.

7. President Andrew Johnson created a plan for reconstruction. This plan included ten percent of voters had to promise their loyalty to the Union, each state had to form a new government and write a new constitution, and agree to end slavery.

8. Black Codes limited the voting rights and freedoms of many African Americans.

9. One example of Black Codes is the law that no African American could become an artisan or shoekeeper without a license. But the license was too expensive for many to afford.

10. A Reconstruction Plan was created that stated the U.S. military would govern Southern states until they complied with creating their own new constitution that would give African Americans the right to vote, agreement with the Fourteenth Amendment giving African Americans citizenship and equal protection under the law.

11. The Constitution of 1868 gave all South Carolina men equal rights. It gave women some rights, but not the right to vote. It also provided for free public schools for all.

12. Sharecropping is a system in which landowners "rent" their land to others to farm.

13. Whites in South Carolina called a supporter of the new state government a scalawag.

14. The Compromise of 1877 removed U.S. troops from the South and help end reconstruction.