William “Henry” Sanders

1776 - 1872

WarrenCounty, Georgia

William "Henry" Sanders, born about 10 April 1776 inVirginia? or North Carolina?,and wife Elizabeth “Betsy” Dennis, born about 1774 in Unorganized Territory, Georgia?,are first found listed in the 1795 [26 April]Marriage Records of WarrenCounty, Georgia. This county was just formed in 1793 from a part of WilkesCounty and was located towards the northeastdiagonal Georgia border line with South Carolina. I heard from other family researchers that Henry and Betsy were married by a Baptist Minister and also that there is a will listing for an elderly William Sanders in Warren County, dated 10 April 1797, that leaves all of his possessions to his son, Henry Sanders. No distinct proof that this is the father of our William Henry.

Note: I don't know the source of the 10 April death date, perhaps some other researcher found a death or bible record and is withholding the information from the public.

Next I find:Moses Going "of WilkesCounty" [Georgia] received a sheriff's deed to land sold as property of William Sanders March 7, 1799, according to WarrenCounty [Georgia] Deed Book A, page 632.

Putnam County, Georgia

Note:In 1803, Baldwin and WilkinsonCounties were formedfrom the new Creek [Indian] lands. In 1807, PutnamCounty [northerly part]was formed from Baldwin [however, the remaining part ofBaldwin [south part]was totally in between, physicallyseparatingWilkinson from Putnam counties]. These counties were towards the center of the state.

Next I find the Henry, Melekiah [Malachi Madison Sanders], David, and Sarah Sanders' households listed on the 1813 Tax Records [some say as early as 1811] for Captain John Brodnax's District in Putnam County, Georgia. In Captain Whitaker's District I found households listings for a William and a Thomas Sanders. There were also various non-Sanders executors’ of wills for the various deceased Sanders, as follows: Edward Sanders of Baldwin Co., Moses Sanders of Putnam Co., William Sanders of Franklin Co. [also listed in 1807], and Elizabeth Sanders of Wilkinson Co.

Wilkinson County, Georgia

By 1818-19, it appears the families had physically relocatedagain. Remember, WilkinsonCounty is separated from PutnamCounty, because Baldwin county was totally in between the two.

In Mt.NeboBaptistChurch of Wilkinson County, Georgia Records, we findmembership listings taken from church minutes as follows:

Elizabeth Sanders - By experience 25th Sept. 1819. Dismissed 25th Oct 1823. [Henry's wife]

Peggy Maryan Sanders - By Experience 21st March 1835. Dismist 24th Feb. 1838. [assumed to be Malachi's wife, Peggy is a nickname for Margaret]

Malachi Sanders - By Letter 26th Sept. 1818. Dismist 10th July 1830. Excommunicated 26th June 1836. Restored 23rd July 1836. Dismissed 24th Feb.1838.

Henry Sanders - By Letter 25th Sept. 1819. Dismist 25th Oct. 1823.

In the 1820 Census for Wilkinson County, Georgia, page 291 we find the families of Mylahi [Malichi] and Henry Sanders [Note: It appeared that only one household separated them.] as follows:

Mylahi Sanders, Males: 0-10: 3, 25-44: 1; Females: 10-15: 1, 26-44: 1, over-45: 1.

Henry Sanders, Males: 0-10: 3, 10-15: 1, 25-44: 1; Females: O-10: 1, 10-15: 1, 26-44: 1.

On 11 October 1822, in Book B, page 113, Henry Sanders of Wilkinson County, Georgia sold to James Ward 202 1/2 acres, District 6, Lot #215 on 11 October 1822, recorded 29 August 1826. Witnesses: Johnson King and Robert Clay JP.

On the 1830 Census Records for Wilkinson County, Georgia, I found the families of Wade Sanders [a son], then five houses later, Henry Sanders, William Wynn and Jonathan Wynn.

Notes for the Wynn’s:

[1] Ancestry.com has their name as Wyner. So it may or may not be a Wynn.

[2] Their relationship, if any,to the Thomas Harrison Wynn of Muscogee and Chattahoochee Counties, GA and his father, Thomas Wynn of MonroeCounty [by 1830], GA,is unknown.

[3] SomeWynn descendants may have accompanied our Sanders to Muscogee / Chattahoochee Counties, Georgia [see later witnessed will].

Census data:

Wade Sanders
Males: 20-29: 1
Females: 20-29: 1, 50-59: 1
Wm McCarty [father-in-law]
Males: 10-14: 2, 70-79: 1.
Females: None

Note: Is the wife/mother-in-law living with Wade?
-then 3 houses-
Henry Sanders
Males: Under 5: 3, 5-9: 1, 15-19: 1, 40-49: 1
Females: Under 5: 3, 5-9: 2, 10-14: 1, 15-19: 1, 30-39: 1

Note: The extremely large count of female children must have been from friends of the family.

Wm Wynn or Wyner
Jno Wynn or ??

Muscogee County, Georgia

Note:ChattahoocheeCounty was not formed until 1854, from part of Muscogee and MarionCounties.The boundary between northern MuscogeeCountyand southern ChattahoocheeCountywas the UpatoiCreek. So perhaps, there was no move from here later in 1860, just a boundary change.

During the period of 1838-39, the final Creek Indians were forced out of this particulararea, where they had been hiding[engagement known as the "The Trail of Tears"] and the area suddenly become the"Boom" area of Georgia. Farmers and businessmen rushed into the area,mainly trying to grow and manufacture the cash crop of cotton.

I next find what appears to be some of our Sanders listed in the Mt. Olive Church Records of the now Chattahoochee County [formally Muscogee County], Georgia [county on the west central border of the state] as follows:

Chattahoochee County, Georgia Archives Church Records, Mt. Olive Church, page 2, of Church Book, 1833 to 1906.

…(March 1834), Mary Lanier (by 1.) June 21, 1834. Agreed that, our communion season, March and September be our feet washing seasons. Catherine (a sister of color); Nancy Brooks, John N. Shirey and Lewis Lanier by exp., Elizabeth Sanders...

...June 23, 1838, Elizabeth Wall (ex.), Martha J. Sanders...Ezekiel Walters...

...26 Jan 1840, Bro C. A. Parker was chosen pastor and Bro Ezekiel Walters clerk...

,,,(Apr. 1844), Judy Williams (ex.), Gemima McCoy (1), F. Spurgers, Mary Lawson, Marques D. L. Sanders... [son of Peterson Sanders]


On the 1840 Census Records for District 678, Muscogee County, page 311a are found part of our Sanders family as follows [Henry was not listed at Rootsweb/USGenWeb, however, a Saunders, indexedfor page309, cannot be found on their listing page 309.]

13 Saunders, John D., Males: 0-4: 2, 5-9: 1, 20-29: 1; females: 20-29: 1. Total: 5

14 Saunders, Wade M., Males: 0-4: 2, 5-9: 1, 30-39: 1; Females: 0-4: 1, 10-14: 1, 30-39: 1. Total: 7

27 Saunders, William M., Males: 0-4: 1, 20-29: 2; females: 0-4: 1, 20-29: 1. Total: 5, Extra male, 20-29, present.

Note: According to the above, Wade is the older of the three.

Found at Ancestry.com for this District in 1840:

William H. Saunders, Page 309, District 678, Muscogee County, Georgia
Males: 5-9: 1, 15-19: 2, 50-59: 1
Females: 10-14: 1, 40-49: 1


[1] The above datagives some justification that they probably had another daughter named Elizabeth, b. about 1826,that married in MuscogeeCountyto a George Washington [G. W.] Alston on 25 Aug 1842 [the couplewas found, as boarders,living next door to father? Henry Sandersin 1850]. I would also say their daughter, Isabelle, died before 1826. I always had this unknown Isabelle from my grandfather's, Richard Baxter Sanders [of John D. of Allen W. of William Henry]research efforts of the 1950s.

[2] I believe George W. Alston stayed behind in Georgia as a boarder next door to Henry Sanders when his family relocated to Tallapoosa and then Chambers County, Alabama by 1840 [based on birth place of youngest brother, Cicero F. Alston- from his Civil War pension file]. George then married Elizabeth and they remained boarders. By 1860 they are found [joined up with his family]in Chambers County, Alabama and by 1880 in Smith County, Texas.

Also found were [relationship unknown, if any]:

Saunders, B. W., page 313

Saunders, Peterson, page 310

Ezekiel Walters, husband of Henry's oldest daughter Mary B., is listed for Stewart County, GA in 1840 [matches place of birth for one of their children on 1850 Census]. There was a Joseph A. Cobb living next door.

Walters' 1840 Household: Males: 5-9: 2, 30-39: 1; Females: Under 5: 2, 5-9: 1, 10-14: 1, 30-39: 1.


On the 1850 Census Records for McNorton's District, Muscogee County, Georgia we find our Henry Sanders living with his youngest son, Joshua C., and family, ashousehold #196 [Henry's wife now deceased] as follows:

SANDERS Henry, 75, b. Virginia

SANDERS Missouri, 23, b. Putnam Co., GA [female]

SANDERS Joshua C., 23, b. Wilkinson Co., GA

SANDERS Henry Thomas, 11 mo., b. Muscogee Co., GA

Notes for Joshua C. Sanders' family:

a. Census data:

1860 - Crawford, Russell Co., AL., page 990.
1870 - Wacoochee Valley, Lee Co., AL., pages 482/3.
1880 -Wacoochee Valley, Lee Co., AL., pages 265/6.
1900 - Goodwater, Coosa Co., AL., page 50.
1910 - Brownsville, Clay Co., AL., page 145.

1920 - Goodwater, Coosa Co., AL, page 50. Joshua Sr. haspassed away.

b. Children: Besides Henry Thomas [who is the only child that married and had offspring - but disappeared after 1880] there was Adaline, Elizabeth L., and Joshua L. Henry Thomas probably appears [as H. F. Sanders]in LeeCounty, ALin 1880 with a family of his own [four daughters and one son], but they cannot be found after that Census year.

We also find Henry's son, William "Madison", living next door in household # 195:

SANDERS Penelope J? (I?) 32 Jefferson Co., GA
SANDERS Madison 32 Putnam Co., GA
SANDERS William C. 16 Muscogee Co., GA
SANDERS Elizabeth 12 Muscogee Co., GA
SANDERS Martha H. 8 Muscogee Co., GA
SANDERS Bethana 6 Muscogee Co., GA Female
SANDERS Sarah A. 4 Muscogee Co., GA
SANDERS James Bryant 2 Muscogee Co., GA

Note for Madison: By 1870 in MarionCounty, Georgia and by 1880 in Robertson County, Texas.

We then find daughter Elizabeth Sandersand son-in-lawGeorge W. Alston living in HH 197 as boarders:

HH 197 [John Barbaree Family] District 678, Muscogee County, Georgia.

George W. 30
Elizabeth 22 Wilkinson Co, GA [she is probably older]
James M. 7
Peter B. 5
William H. 3

Henry's son, John D. is also livingin the District at household #157 as follows:

SANDERS John D. 39 Putnam Co., GA
SANDERS Matida (Matilda?) A. 37 Abbeville, SC
SANDERS James N. B. 15 Muscogee Co., GA
SANDERS William W. 13 Muscogee Co., GA
SANDERS John W. 11 Muscogee Co., GA
SANDERS Almida A. 9 Muscogee Co., GA, Female
SANDERS Benjamin F. 7, AL
SANDERS Parasade 5 Muscogee Co., GA, Female
SANDERS Sarah E. 3 Muscogee Co., GA
SANDERS Rachael E. 1 Muscogee Co., GA

Henry's son, Doctor H. is also living [close to Cobb in-laws]in household #106 in the District as follows:

SAUNDERS [Sanders]
Martha, 27, b. Twiggs Co. Ga.
D. H., 27, b. Wilkes Co. Ga.(male)
[Walters, his step-children]
William, 13, b. Muscogee Co. Ga.
Franklin, 12, b. Muscogee Co. Ga.
Emilia, 10, b. Muscogee Co. Ga. (female)
Susan R., 8, b. Muscogee Co. Ga.
Seth, 6, b. Muscogee Co. Ga.
Milton H., 2, b. Muscogee Co. Ga.

Henry's oldest daughter, Mary B., is also living in household # 162in the district as follows:

WATERS [Walters]
Ezekiel, 45, b. Screven Co. Ga.
Mary, 42, b. Putnam Co. Ga.
Henry J? (I?), 17, b. Thomas Co. Ga.
Sarah A., 13, Thomas Co. Ga.
Mary C., 11, b. Muscogee Co. Ga.
Newton C., 7, b. Stewart Co. Ga.
Almeta, 6, b. Stewart Co. Ga. (female)
Allen J? (I?), 4, b. Muscogee Co. Ga.

Note:Ezekiel Walters served as a Clerk of the InferiorCourtofChattahoocheeCounty, GA. Source: History of Chattahoochee County, GA, N. K. Rogers, 1933, 402 pages.

General Note [William Henry’s other sons]: James D. has been living in Alabama and is now on his way or has arrived in Alachua County, Florida.Wade H. is living inCoffee County, Alabama [he stays]. By 1860, Allen W. is living in Pike County, Alabama [by 1880 - Alachua County, Florida].

In 1850, another Sanders family household, #192, was living very close [also from the above mentioned church records]:

SANDERS Marquis D. L., 23, b. Muscogee Co., GA

SANDERS Frances A., 18, b. Muscogee Co., GA

SANDERS Erasmus P., 3, b. Muscogee Co., GA

SANDERS James L., 8 mo., b. Muscogee Co., A


[1] Found this family, with more children, in 1880 living in Beat 16, WalkerCounty, Alabama [MacUs D. L. Sanders]. James L. has his own family there. No positive connection to our line found [only suspected], to date.

[2] Marquis D. L. Sanders[married two Riddlespurgers sisters]is said to be the son of Peterson Sanders, who was livingin the county with a census note that stated Peterson Sanderswas fromDinwiddie County, Virginia. Relationship Source:"The Riddlespurgers : a colonial family of the South" Author: Swatner, Coleen Moore,Gateway Press, Inc. 1988, p. 82. See also Rootsweb link [owner Karen Ryals] below:

ChattahoocheeCounty [Boundary Change], Georgia


On the 1860 Census Records, our Henry is found living with son “Wm M. Sanders" [William Madison], in the Cusseta Post Office area of Chattahoochee County, Georgia [adjacent county, south of Muscogee].

I believe, from my grandfather's writings [Richard Baxter Sanders]in the 1950s,the family lived on or near Hitchity Creek,three miles south of Cusseta. In the mid-1970s, when I was stationed at Ft Benning, Idrove many times over the creek's bridge [thinking about the old family]on the way to, the some distance,Interstate 75, to Florida.

Next, I found the Wynn connection proof, previously mentioned as follows:

Chattahoochee County, Georgia Archives Wills. Source: N. K. Rogers Written: 1861 Abstract of Will of Thomas H. Wynn. Wife: Temperance Wynn. Daus.: Mary E. Rucker, Jane Glower (dec'd.), Irena Wynn, Adalade Wynn. Sons: Littleton, David, Augustus, Daniel; grandson, Thomas Clower. Witnesses: Julius Sanders, E. P. Webb, A. W. Sanders. Dated May 20, 1861. Probated Aug. 5, 1861.

Notes for above Sanders witnesses:

[1] A. W. Sanders, would be Allen Wiggin Sanders of our line.

[2] Julius Sanders [Saunders] was previously married to their daughter, Emily Wynn, b. 1813, d. 22 March 1850. Julius was born in Monroe County, GA, 12 Oct 1808, d. Sep 1894. Son of Peter Saunders, b. 15 Sep 1776 in Guilford County, NC, d. 12 Dec 1851 in Talbot County, GA. Source: History of Chattahoochee County, GA, 1933, N. K. Rogers, page 378. By 1860, Julius was remarried to a Susan E., b. 1822, GA.

Notes for Thomas Harrison Wynn in above will: Born 1800, died 29 Jun 1861, son of Thomas Wynn, b. 1766 [Virginia], d. abt 1853 [1850 Census - Monroe County, GA]and his first wife Mary Sturdevant. Thomas Wynn (born 1766) was the son of Thomas Wynn Rev. soldier b. abt 1740 in Dinwiddie County, VA d. 27 Apr 1807 Hancock County, GA and wife Mary Redding (one record Redd) d. 12 Feb 1807 Hancock County, GA. Source: History of Chattahoochee County, GA, N. K. Rogers, 1933, pages 392-3.

Pike County, Alabama


By the 1870 Census Record, we found our Henry living with son Allen Wiggin Sanders in Precinct 9, Troy Post Office area, Pike County, Alabama. Note: His birth place was now shown as North Carolina. But Henry was “listed” as 102 years old, so he, himself, was not providing the information [actual age was probably more like 94].

In 1872, Henry died [about age 96]at China Grove, close to Troy, Pike County, Alabama.Henry's funeral was held at the Christian Church House in Troy, Pike County, Alabama.

Note: In 2007, there is probably only one surviving line in the original Allen Wiggin Sanders family.

Prepared by:

Ronald Allen Clemons Sr. of the Allen Wiggin Sanders line.

26 September 2007