Dance 2217, Fall 2011Instructor: Jacqueline Nalett

Jazz Dance 2SyllabusOffice: 226 Melcher Gym

“Jazz, itself is a feeling, an honest, personal feeling, inspired by soulful music. The source of jazz is inside. Jazz cannot be found in a pose, or a leap, or a bump, or a grind. It’s not a series of ‘jazz steps’. Jazz must be an honest expression of a musical soul. Jazz dance is moving with that feeling through a safe and effective technique. Never force an extension or back arch. Nothing should hurt. Technique is like tuning an instrument; learn to tune your body just right, so that when you go to play it, it’s beautiful. Never stop moving. Even when you are standing still, feel the movement inside.”

- Luigi, jazz dance legend, NYC 1993

Office Hours: By AppointmentClass Time: MW 2:30 am to 4pm

Office Phone:(713)743-9842Email:


This is an intermediate jazz dance course to serve as a continuation in building jazz dance skills. You can expect to learn jazz dance technique through warm ups, center and across the floor combinations in various jazz styles, such as Matt Mattox, Luigi, lyrical, street, musical theatre, music video choreography, and fluid jazz/modern fusion. You will be required to attend dance concerts and write about them.You will also learn anatomical terms, jazz dance history and jazz dance vocabulary which correspond directly to class work. The student is expected to attend class with an open mind and a willingness to actively participate each class day.


  • Development of correct dance technique, alignment, flexibility, strength, stamina, centering and transference of body weight.
  • Improvement of neuromuscular coordination: precise control and placement of body parts.
  • Development of dynamic qualities of movement required for clarity, focus, and expressiveness.
  • Improvement of movement memory: ability to pick up movements faster and remember them longer.
  • Improvement of musicality/timing in dance: learning about rhythm, tempo, meter and phrasing to develop rhythmic skills in dance.
  • Integration of critical thinking skills through reading and written assignments that will enhance experiential concepts.


  1. Class attendance: Final class grade is dropped according to # of absences.

(See attendance policy.)

  1. Daily performance, attitude, improvement in technique goals (details below)35%
  2. Concert papers (due dates on syllabus)15%
  3. Journals (1st set DUE:10/3, 2nd set DUE:11/21)15%
  4. Midterm (Written: 10/3, Performance: 10/5 )15%
  5. Final (Written: 11/28, Performance: 11/30 ) 20%
  6. Late assignments lose 10 points for each class day late.
  7. Non-attendance of the UH concert will drop your final class grade three (3) full points.

35% of total class grade + 10% midterm and 15% final = 60% total evaluation of dance technique during semester broken down as the following:

*Focus, attitude and commitment to improvement in class: 15%

*Overall alignment and awareness of body placement: 10%

*Ability to pick up and remember movement sequences: 10%

*Overall phrasing and musicality: 10%

* Applications of corrections given: 15%

UH GRADE SCALE and Reality Check on Grades by Karen Stokes

A+100A = Outstanding, extraordinary, above and beyond, exemplary, contributes in expected

A97 and unexpected ways, a role model, top of the class, no question about it


B+89B = Very fine and good work, consistent improvement throughout semester, actively

B 85 contributes to class, clear and well executed material, a leader


C+77C= Grasps all concepts and executes material. Submits all work on time and consistently

C73 participates in class.


D+66D= Attends class, improvement and comprehension of material passable, but below

D62 average.


F0F= failure to understand and/or execute material.


(no books required but concerts will have admission fees.)

*Daily Performance/Participation: Attendance and full participation are critical to the strength and development of skill and technique in dance. In the studio, each student will be evaluated according to his or her level of participation, focus, application of corrections given and overall improvement of course objectives.

PLEASE NOTE : Full participation means moving one’s body through space just as the instructor is demonstrating. A student who merely shows up, expends little energy and appears distracted during class will NOT receive a positive participation grade. If you are looking for an “easy A” to boost your GPA, then you have chosen the wrong class and the wrong field for that matter. Learning to dance requires you to move big, with lots of energy and complete mental focus. It requires you to be persistent, have patience, and work really hard.

*Required Concert Attendance:You are required to attend 3 dance events during the semester. Two will have writing assignments, details TBA.

  1. Emerging Choreographers Showcase . University of Houston Center for Choreography. New works choreographed and performed by UH School of Theatre and Dance students. Dec. 2nd at 7:30 pm, Dec. 3rd at 2 pm and 7:30 pm. Tickets 713-743-2929 or will have to sign in and sign out at the concert to receive credit for attending. Admission fee required. (Final class grade drops 3 points for non-attendance.)
  2. Information on off campus concerts attached.

*Midterm and Final Exam: The midterm will be a test of skills learned up to that point and/or a short combination plus a written portion. The final will consist of longer dance combinations as well as a written component.

*Journals: You will turn ina total of 4 pages, 2 at mid-semester and 2 at the end of the semester.

They must be typed, double-spaced, Times 12 font, with no extra space between paragraphs.. In these journals you are to address dance class related issues. Discuss challenges you are encountering in class, what you like/dislike about class, new things you are learning, etc. You may also include thoughts on other dance classes. Each individual page may be a full day’s entry or several entries from various days. Since I cannot meet individually with every single student, this is your chance to have a “conference” with me on paper. I will respond in writing to your journal and return it to you.

Total word count should be no less than 600 words. Include word count.


Attendance is mandatory. Participation is crucial to attaining knowledge in dance. Carefully read the attendance policy included with the syllabus. Dance classes strictly adhere to this policy. Copies are posted on the dance bulletin board and also available as handouts at the beginning of the semester.


A doctor’s excuse does not make an absence “excused.” If the student has an injury or contagious illness, please discuss it with the professor. Being tardy is entering class after attendance has been taken and two tardies will equal one absence. Please notify the instructor before class begins if you must leave before class has ended. An early departure is equivalent to a tardy. If during a class you suddenly feel ill and need to sit out, let the professor know right away.

Students are absolutely not allowed to sit out of dance class and do work for another class.

See department secretary for information on appealing an absence.713-743-3003 theatre office

MAKE UPS: You are allowed to make up only one (1) absence.

Do not wait until the last week of school to do this as all dance classes are ending. To make up an absence you must take another UH dance class. See teacher for options.


You will not be able to dance and your participation grade will suffer if you wear inappropriate attire.

Dance clothes include: leotards, tights, leggings, tank tops, fitted t-shirts, bike shorts, loose stretchy pants cut off above the ankle. Even if you wear jazz pants, they need to fall above the ankle. If, after several classes, you find that your feet are sticking to the floor, you can purchase jazz shoes, (soft, split sole only, no dance sneakers).No socks or stockings allowed.You may also wear a small foot covering that goes by the names ‘Dance Paws’, ‘Foot Undeez’, ‘Foot Mittens’, or “Foot Thongs’.To purchase, try these sites:

**Regardless of what you wear on your feet, you must be barefoot at the very beginning of class during the warm up.

**Hair MUST be secured back from face and off of neck. No big, long,heavy, or noisy jewelry allowed in class.


Please remember to bring water to class. Hydrating the body during a workout is necessary for optimum performance.


The departmental ruling on gum chewing in class is based on the possibility of inhaling the gum and blocking the airway while dancing.


Please do not leave your trash on the floor of the dance studio. Respect our dance space.



For information on Academic Honesty, Academic Calendar, Religious Holy Days, and Disabilities, please go to:

For Dance Division Info:

University Dance Theatre – student dance organization :

______Please bear in mind that you are only in competition with yourself. Dance is a highly personal adventure. Your achievements depend on your willingness to work hard, your desire to improve, your ability to concentrate, your receptiveness toward constructive criticism and the extent to which you can perceive your own efforts with objectivity. Success demands time and patience.

Students in a degree granting plan for Dance at the University of Houston must meet the GPA protocol for the School of Theatre: Students who receive below a 2.67 grade in a major/minor/cert class will be placed on probation. Student must re-take class and complete with a minimum 2.67 grade. Please see the handout on GPA protocol for majors.


3 Mandatory Shows To Attend:

  1. Weekend of Texas Contemporary Dance, FREE ADMISSION, Miller Outdoor Theatre, Hermann Park, Sept. 23 and 24, 8 pm
  2. The Secondary Colors, Student tickets $10, Hobby Center Downtown Houston, October 20, 21, 22, 7:30 pm
  3. Emerging Choreographers Showcase, UH theatre building, Dec. 2 and 3rd at 7:30 pm, also 2 pm matinee on Dec. 3rd, for price call UH Box Office 713-743-2929

**You will have writing assignments for the first 2 shows. Details of assignments TBA in class as concerts approach. You will need proof of attendance from first two shows. For TX contemp. get a program. For Secondary Colors, keep ticket stub and get a program. For show #3 you will sign in at the door.

(((Check the syllabus for grade percentage these concerts are worth. There are no substitutions for these shows, except in unforeseen or emergency circumstances, and then the substitution may not receive full credit.)))

There are other concerts going on all semester that you may see for an absence make up, or just because you want to see more dance! There will be announcements about these other shows and signs on the bulletin boards in the studio and hallway of Melcher.