Why Work?
(Questions based on pp. 5-7 of Bible Witness, Volume 10, Issue 2 – CHRISTIAN AND WORK)
- How did God demonstrate that He is a working God throughout history?
- Name the various duties that God gave to man before the fall (Genesis 1:28; 2:15, 19). How do they compare with the God-mandated work that man must do after the fall? (Genesis 3:17-19)
- Civil laws require every able-bodied individual to be committed to work for his own upkeep. For Christians, the necessity to work goes beyond that objective. Can you cite other objectives which make it necessary for the Christian to work? (1 Timothy 5:8, 16; Exodus 25:1-8)
- In what way can church ministers and leaders set the pattern of exemplary working attitudes for their flock? (2 Thessalonians 3:7-9; Acts 20:33-34)
- The primary purpose of the Christian’s work is to bring glory to God. Demonstrate the various ways in which we can fulfil this purpose in the workplace.
- Which areas of the Christian’s life are usually affected first when he defies the biblical time frame for work? (Exodus 20:8-11; John 11:9-10)
- Why do you think many people choose to torment themselves by working more than what is necessary? (1 John 2:16) How should Christians avoid this trap of the devil? (Titus 2:12)
- What activities must fill our weekly day of rest? (Isaiah 66:23; Luke 4:16; Acts 20:7)
- The author refers to the pattern of Christ’s earthly life as the great motivation for us to work. What was the main characteristic of the Lord’s working life here on earth? (John 4:34; 9:4; 10:17)
Christian Work Ethics
(Questions based on pp. 8-10 of Bible Witness, Volume 10, Issue 2 – CHRISTIAN AND WORK)
- Review how the author defines “Christian work ethics”.
- How should a Christian conduct his work so that he may bear a good testimony to others? (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12; 2 Thessalonians 3:12)
- What will be the serious implication if a Christian refuses to work in order to sustain his own household? (1 Timothy 5:8)
- Looking at Proverbs 6:6-11, contrast the work habits of the ant and the sluggard.
- Reflect upon how slothfulness tendeth to poverty as depicted in these verses:
- Proverbs 21:25-26 –
- Proverbs 15:19 –
- Proverbs 19:5 –
- Proverbs 20:4 –
- 2 Thessalonians 3:10 –
- Give some examples of how Christians may exercise obedience at work. To what extent will godly obedience at work have an impact on the Christian faith? (Titus 2:9-10)
- How can we exercise responsible stewardship at the workplace? (Matthew 25:14ff)
- Why is it wrong for Christians to work with the objective to amass wealth? (Proverbs 23:4-5; 1 Timothy 6:9-10; Deuteronomy 8:17)
- What does Deuteronomy 8:18 tell us about the right attitude towards work?
- Why must Christian work ethics be grounded on the Word of God? (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
The Christian Employer
(Questions based on pp. 11-14 of Bible Witness, Volume 10, Issue 2 – CHRISTIAN AND WORK)
- According to the author, what is the main purpose that God puts Christians in positions of authority?
- What differentiates a Christian employer from others? How can this difference make an impact in his life at home and at work?
- How can the principle of ‘being just’ from Colossians 4:1a be applied by Christian employers?
- What lesson can we glean from the example of the centurion’s concern for his servant who had fallen sick? (Matthew 8:6-7)
- Name the two aspects mentioned by the author wherein the principle of ‘being equal’ (Colossians 4:1a) can be applied by Christian employers? In what other aspects may this principle be applied?
- What Scripture passages from the OT and NT warn employers against unjustly withholding their labourers’ dues? To whom will they be accountable for this unethical labour practice?
- What other responsibilities do employers have towards in-house employees aside from giving them fair wages? (Proverbs 27:27; 31:15; Luke 15:17)
- What does the term ‘forbearing threatening’ mean? (Ephesians 6:9a) By what disposition should employers govern their employees?
The Christian Employee
(Questions based on pp. 15-18 of Bible Witness, Volume 10, Issue 2 – CHRISTIAN AND WORK)
- According to the author, what is the mindset of many Christian employees that must be corrected as it is not pleasing to God?
- As an ambassador for Christ in the workplace, what should be the distinguishing marks in the life of the Christian employee? (Psalm 37:5; Proverbs 3:5-6; John 15:5)
- In what way can a Christian employee honour Christ as he prays and works hard day by day?
- What danger is in store for the Christian employee who looks up to his employer as his provider and his career as his lifeline?
- What are the three attitudes that a Christian employee must display at the workplace so that he will be an effective ambassador for Christ?
- 1 Timothy 6:1 –
- Colossians 3:22-25 –
- 1 Timothy 3:7 –
- On what grounds may a Christian employee refuse to obey his superiors? (Colossians 3:22) Can you give some examples?
- What opportunity do Christian employees have that may not be available to pastors and preachers of the Word?
- From the conclusion, sum up the article’s main points that are essential for Christian employees to become “a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work” (2 Timothy 2:21)
Dangers and Temptations in the Workplace
(Questions based on pp. 19-21 of Bible Witness, Volume 10, Issue 2 – CHRISTIAN AND WORK)
- Why does the workplace pose a great challenge to Christian employees in preserving their testimony?
- What could be the possible reasons or circumstances that may cause a Christian to conform to unethical practices at the workplace?
- How can Christian employees avoid being drawn into the sinful habits and lifestyles of colleagues at the workplace? (Ephesians 4:17-24; Galatians 5:16-25)
- Whose standard should the conduct of Christian employees be patterned after? How high is this standard? (Philippians 2:15)
- Where does the urge to compromise begin? (Genesis 3:1)
- Explain how falling into temptation can be a matter of personal choice. (James 1:14)
- How can we apply the principle of James 4:7 in being conformed to Christ and standing strong against compromise?
A Most Important Work
(Questions based on pp. 22-24 of Bible Witness, Volume 10, Issue 2 – CHRISTIAN AND WORK)
- According to the author, what is God’s intended purpose for man to toil and labour? (1 Timothy 6:8) How does the world find ways to twist and corrupt this godly purpose for work?
- In what way can earthly possessions and covetousness diminish the spiritual life of the Christian worker? (Matthew 13:22)
- Draw a parallel between the Jews addressed by Jesus in John 6:26 and those people referred to by the Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:18-19.
- How does John 6:27a rebuke the wrong attitudes, perspectives and goals of the Christian worker? (Matthew 4:4; 6:19-21)
- What is the ultimate result of earthly labours done for personal gratification? (Mark 8:36)
- What lesson can we glean from Matthew 6:31-11 in relation to our work?
- A far greater duty and concern for the Christian worker is to labour “for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life”. What does this mean?
- What then constitutes the most important work for both the Christian employer and employee? (Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Corinthians 5:20)
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