ontario regulation 56/05
made under the
niagara escarpment planning and development act
Made: November 29, 2004
Filed: February 24, 2005
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: March 12, 2005
Amending Reg. 826 of R.R.O. 1990
(Designation of Area of Development Control)
1.Section 11 of Regulation 826 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is revoked and the following substituted:
11.Despite section 2, paragraph 26 of the Schedule to Regulation 683 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1980, as it read on December 31, 1990, shall be deemed to read as follows:
26.Lands within the former Town of Flamborough in the former Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth now in the City of Hamilton described as follows:
i.Beginning at the intersection of the southerly boundary of the former Town of Flamborough and the southerly prolongation of the westerly limit of Lot 32 in Concession I of the former geographical Township of Beverly;
Thence northerly along the westerly limit of Lot 32 to a point 500 metres measured southerly from the northerly limit of Concession I;
Thence easterly and parallel with the northerly limit of Concession I to the easterly limit of Inksetter Road;
Thence northerly along the easterly limit of Inksetter Road to the northerly limit of Concession I;
Thence easterly along the northerly limit of Concession I and its easterly prolongation thereof to the easterly limit of Middletown Road;
Thence northerly along the easterly limit Middletown Road to intersect with the northerly limit of that portion of the King’s Highway known as Number 8;
Thence westerly and northwesterly along the northerly and northeasterly limit of Highway Number 8 to intersect with the westerly limit of Lot 32;
Thence northerly along the westerly limit of Lot 32 to the southerly limit of Dundas Street;
Thence easterly along the southerly limit of Dundas Street to intersect with the easterly limit of Lot 35;
Thence south 12° 46' east along the easterly limit of Lot 35, 356.13 metres to a point;
Thence north 76° 37' 20" east 138.95 metres to a point;
Thence south 13° 22' 40" east 257.92 metres to a point;
Thence north 76° 58' east 275.4 metres to a point on the easterly limit of Lot 36;
Thence north 76° 58' east crossing Middletown Road 238.27 metres to a point in Lot 1 Concession II of the former geographic Township of West Flamborough;
Thence north 13° 20' west 233.78 metres to a point;
Thence north 76° 37' 20" east 188.95 metres to a point;
Thence north 13° 31' 10" west 458.39 metres to the southerly limit of Dundas Street;
Thence easterly along the southerly limit of Dundas Street 128.10 metres to a point;
Thence south 13° 16' 40" east 115.46 metres to a point;
Thence easterly 88.39 metres to a point distant 115.33 metres measured south 13° 16' 40" east from the southerly limit of Dundas Street;
Thence south 13° 16' 40" east 357.39 metres to a point;
Thence north 77° 01' 20" east 225.38 metres to the easterly limit of Neff’s Lane;
Thence north 13° 16' 40" west 473.17 metres to the southerly limit of Dundas Street;
Thence easterly along the southerly limit of Highway Number 5, 197.52 metres to a point;
Thence south 13° 29' east 470.86 metres to a point;
Thence north 76° 37' 20" east 615.76 metres to the easterly limit of Lot 4;
Thence south 12° 52' 10" east along the easterly limit of Lot 4, 152.13 metres to a point;
Thence north 74° east 21.12 metres to a point;
Thence north 52° 36' east 106.01 metres to a point;
Thence south 89° east 228.11 metres to a point;
Thence north 84° 38' east 92.28 metres to a point;
Thence north 72° 15' east 92.11 metres to a point;
Thence 7° 12' east 149.14 metres to a point;
Thence south 89° 23' east 35.56 metres to a point;
Thence south 88° 39' east 54.95 metres to a point;
Thence south 78° 01' east 151.03 metres to the westerly limit of Cramer Road;
Thence southerly along the westerly limit of Cramer Road to the northwesterly limit of Crooks Hollow Road;
Thence southwesterly along the northwesterly limit of Crooks Hollow Road to intersect with point “A” being an angle in the Development Control Area as shown on a Map filed in the Development Control Section of the Niagara Escarpment Commission, Georgetown as Map Number 1, Greensville Area;
Thence in an easterly direction from point “A” as shown on Map Number 1 and following that line to point “B” located on the westerly limit of an abandoned railway right-of-way for Steetley Quarry Products Inc. in Lot 12 in Concession II of the former Township of West Flamborough;
Thence northerly along the westerly limit of the railway lands to intersect with the northerly limit of the southerly half of Concession II;
Thence easterly along the northerly limit of the southerly half of Concession II to the easterly limit of Sydenham Road;
Thence northerly along the easterly limit of Sydenham Road to the southerly limit of Dundas Street;
Thence easterly and northeasterly along the southerly and southeasterly limit of Dundas Street to the westerly limit of South Street;
Thence southerly along the westerly limit of South Street and its southerly prolongation thereof to the northerly limit of Concession II of the Former Township of West Flamborough;
Thence easterly along the northerly limit of Concession II of the former Township to the point of intersection with southwesterly prolongation of the northerly limit of Concession II of the former geographical Township of East Flamborough;
Thence northeasterly along the southwesterly prolongation to King’s Highway Number 6 being the northeasterly boundary of the former Town of Flamborough;
Thence southeasterly along the northeasterly boundary of the former Town to an easterly angle of the former Town of Flamborough;
Thence in a southwesterly and westerly direction along the southeasterly and southerly limits of the former Town to intersect with the westerly limit of Lot 7 in Concession I of the former geographical Township of West Flamborough;
Thence northerly along the westerly limit of Lot 7 to a point “C” being an angle in the Development Control Area as shown on aforementioned Map Number 1;
Thence in an easterly and northwesterly direction from point “C” and following the line as shown on Map Number 1 to point “D” located on the northwesterly limit of Crooks Hollow Road;
Thence southwesterly and southerly along the northwesterly and westerly limit of Crooks Hollow Road to a point 157.155 metres measured northerly from the northerly limit of that portion of the King’s Highway known as Number 8;
Thence westerly and parallel with the northerly limit of Highway Number 8 to the westerly limit of Lot 5 Concession II of the former Township of West Flamborough;
Thence westerly in a straight line to the southeasterly angle of Part 1 within a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number 62R-12027;
Thence south 77° west along the southerly limit of Part 1 within Plan Number 62R-12027, 145.08 metres to a southwesterly angle;
Thence south 12° east 48.494 metres to a point;
Thence westerly and parallel with the northerly limit of Highway Number 8, 13.335 metres to a point;
Thence south 12° east 43.05 metres to the northerly limit of the lands described in an Instrument registered in the Land Registry Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number 75376 H.L.;
Thence westerly along the northerly limit of Instrument Number 75376 H.L. to its northwesterly angle;
Thence southerly along the westerly limit of Instrument Number 75376 H.L. to the northeasterly angle of a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number 62R-6984;
Thence westerly along the northerly limit of Plan 62R-6984 to its northwesterly angle;
Thence southerly along the westerly limit of Plan 62R-6984 to intersect with the northerly limit of the lands described in an Instrument registered in the Land Registry Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number 26793 C.D.;
Thence westerly along the northerly limit of Instrument Number 26793 C.D. to its northwesterly angle;
Thence northerly and parallel with the easterly limit of Lot 3 Concession II of the former Township of West Flamborough 54.56 metres to a point;
Thence westerly and parallel with the northerly limit of Highway Number 8, 139.544 metres to a point;
Thence south 13° 42' east to the northerly limit of Highway Number 8;
Thence westerly along the northerly limit of Highway Number 8 to intersect with the northerly prolongation of a line parallel with and a distance of 244.440 metres from the easterly limit of Lot 3 in Concession I of the former Township of West Flamborough;
Thence southerly along the northerly prolongated line parallel with the easterly limit of Lot 3 to a point 64.618 metres measured southerly from the southerly limit of Highway Number 8;
Thence easterly and parallel with the southerly limit of Highway Number 8 to intersect with the northerly prolongation of the westerly limit of a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number 62R-6279;
Thence southerly along the northerly prolongation and the westerly limit to the southwesterly angle of Part 1 in Plan 62R-6279;
Thence easterly along the southerly limit of Plan 62R-6279 to intersect with the westerly limit of the given road, Wiers Lane;
Thence southerly along the westerly limit of Wiers Lane to the northerly angle of Part 1 within a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number 62R-8926;
Thence southerly along the easterly limit of Part 1, 55.468 metres to a set monument;
Thence south 75° east crossing Wiers Lane 80 metres to a point in Lot 5 Concession I of the former Township of West Flamborough;
Thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point on the westerly limit of Lot 7, 83.232 metres measured southerly from the southerly limit of Oak Avenue;
Thence southerly along the westerly limit of Lot 7 to intersect with the southerly boundary for the former Town of Flamborough;
Thence westerly along the southerly boundary of the former Town to the place of beginning.
ii.Beginning at the intersection of the boundary of the City of Hamilton (former southern boundary of the Town of Flamborough) and the southeasterly prolongation of the southwesterly limit of Lot 12 in Concession III of the former Township of East Flamborough;
Thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the former Town of Flamborough to the intersection with the southeasterly prolongation of the southwesterly limit of a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number M-232;
Thence northwesterly along the southeasterly prolongation and the southwesterly limit to the westerly angle of Plan M-232;
Thence northeasterly along the northwesterly limit of Plan M-232 to intersect with the southerly angle of a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number 62M-334;
Thence northwesterly along the southwesterly limit of Plan 62M-334 to the northwesterly angle of Lot 3 of said Plan;
Thence south 44° 11' west to intersect with the southeasterly prolongation of the northeasterly limit of a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number 1223;
Thence south 58° west to intersect with northeasterly limit of Lot 9 in Concession III of the former Township of East Flamborough;
Thence southwesterly in a straight line to intersect with a point on the northeasterly limit of a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number 953 a distance of 45.72 metres measured southeasterly from the southeasterly limit of Rockcliff Road;
Thence southwesterly following the distance of 45.72 metres perpendicular and parallel with the southeasterly limits of Rockcliff Road, to intersect with a point a distance of 45.72 measured easterly of Rockcliff Road as shown on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number 777;
Thence southerly and southwesterly following the distance of 45.72 perpendicular and parallel with the easterly and southeasterly limits of Rockcliff Road to the southwesterly limit of Lot 43 within Plan 777;
Thence northwesterly along the southwesterly limit of Lot 43 to the point of intersection with the northerly angle of a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number 62R-6093;
Thence southwesterly along the northwesterly limit of Plan 62R-6093 to the intersection with northeasterly limit of Lot 12 in Concession III of the former Township of East Flamborough;
Thence northwesterly along the northeasterly limit of Lot 12 to a point a distance of 400 metres measured southeasterly from the southeasterly limit of Dundas Street;
Thence southwesterly crossing Lot 12 to a point on the southwesterly limit of the Lot 12 a distance of 390 metres measured southeasterly from the southeasterly limit of Dundas Street;
Thence southeasterly along the southwesterly limit of Lot 12 and its southeasterly prolongation thereof to the place of beginning.
iiiLands within Lots 5 and 6 in Concession III of the former Township of East Flamborough as shown on a Map filed in the Development Control Section of the Niagara Escarpment Commission, Georgetown as Map Number 2, Waterdown Area.
iv.Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly prolongation of the southwesterly limit of Lot 7 in Concession III of the former geographic Township of East Flamborough and the boundary of the former Town of Flamborough and the City of Burlington;
Thence northwesterly along the southeasterly prolongation and the southwesterly limit of Lot 7 to the northwesterly limit of the right-of-way for the Canadian Pacific Railway as shown on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number M-9;
Thence northerly along the northwesterly limit of the said right-of-way to the point of intersection with the southwesterly prolongation of the southeasterly limit of Part 25 within of a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number M-10;
Thence northeasterly along the southwesterly prolongation to the southerly angle of Part 25;
Thence north 42° 00' east 61.139 metres to a point;
Thence north 46° 30' west 10.0553 metres to a point;
Thence north 41° 05' east 45.607 metres to a point;
Thence south 48° 37' east 8.885 metres to a point;
Thence northerly crossing George Street to the southerly angle of Part 33 within Plan M-10;
Thence north 45° 36' 50" east 30.175 metres to a point;
Thence north 41° 55' east 43.897 metres to a point;
Thence north 24° 07' east 80.290 metres to the southwesterly limit of Lot 5 in Concession III of the former Township of East Flamborough;
Thence northwesterly along the southwesterly limit of Lot 5 to the southeasterly limit of Dundas Street;
Thence northeasterly along the southeasterly limit of Dundas Street to the southwesterly limit of Lot 2 in Concession III;
Thence northwesterly crossing Dundas Street and along the southwesterly limit of Lot 2 in Concession III to the westerly angle of Lot 2;
Thence northeasterly from that angle along the northwesterly limit of Concession III to the southwesterly limit of Lot 1 in Concession IV;
Thence northwesterly along the southwesterly limit of Lot 1 in Concession IV to a point measured 396.24 metres from the southwesterly limit of Lot 1, Concession IV;
Thence southwesterly and parallel with the southwesterly limit of Lot 1, Concession IV to a point measured 396.24 metres from the southwesterly angle of Lot 3, Concession IV, of the former Township of East Flamborough;
Thence northwesterly on the southwest limit of Lot 3, Concession IV to the southeasterly limit of the 5th Concession Road, former Township of East Flamborough;
Thence northwesterly crossing the 5th Concession Road along the southwest limit of Lot 3, Concession V to the northerly limit of the southerly half of Lot 3, Concession V;
Thence northeasterly along the northerly limit of the southerly half of Lot 3, Concession V parallel to the 5th Concession Road to a point intersecting with the northwesterly limit of Lot 1, Concession V, former Township of East Flamborough;
Thence northwesterly along the southwest limit of Lot 1, Concession V to the southeasterly limit of the 6th Concession Road, former Township of Flamborough;
Thence northwesterly crossing the 6th Concession Road, along the southwest limit of Lot 1, Concession VI to the southerly angle of Lot 1 in Concession VII, former Township of Flamborough;
Thence southwesterly along the southeasterly limit of Concession VII to the southerly angle of Lot 2, Concession VII;
Thence northwesterly along the southwesterly limit of Lot 2 and its northwesterly prolongation, thereof to the southeasterly limit of Concession VIII;
Thence southwesterly along the southeasterly limit of Concession VIII to intersect with the easterly limit of the right-of-way for the Canadian Pacific Railways;
Thence northerly along the easterly limit of the right-of-way for the Canadian Pacific Railways line to the northwesterly limit of Concession VIII;
Thence northeasterly along the northwesterly limit of Concession VIII and its northeasterly prolongation, thereof to the northeasterly boundary of the former Town of Flamborough;
Thence southeasterly along the northeasterly boundary of the former Town to the easterly angle of the former Town of Flamborough;
Thence generally in a southwesterly direction following the southeasterly limit of the former Town to the northwesterly limit of Concession II of the former Township of East Flamborough;
Thence northeasterly along the northwesterly limit of Concession II to the southwesterly limit of Lot 5 in Concession II of the former Township;
Thence northwesterly along the southwesterly limit of Lot 5 in Concession II and Concession III to the northerly angle of Lot 27 within a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number 62M-318;
Thence southwesterly along the northwesterly limit of Lot 27 to its westerly angle;
Thence southerly along the southwesterly limit of Plan 62M-318 to a point on the southwesterly limit of Lot 5 within said Plan a distance of 109.118 metres measured northwesterly from the southerly angle of Lot 1 within said Plan also being an angle within Part 1 of a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Wentworth (No. 62) as Number 62R-260;
Thence south 44° 52' 40" west 67.088 metres to a point;
Thence north 45° 07' 20" west 54.616 metres to a point;
Thence south 52° 35' west 169.666 metres to a point;
Thence south 72° 39' west to intersect with the southwesterly limit of Mill Street South;
Thence southeasterly along the southwesterly limit of Mill Street South to the easterly angle of Part 26 within the aforementioned Plan M-9;
Thence south 44° 52' 40" west 101.594 metres to a point;
Thence southerly in a straight line to a point on the southeasterly limit of Part 31 a distance of 60.96 metres measured southwesterly from the southerly angle of Part 30 within Plan M-9;
Thence south along the southerly prolongation of the fore mentioned straight line to intersect with southeasterly limit of the former Town of Flamborough;
Thence southwesterly along the southeasterly limit of the former Town to the place of beginning.
Except for:
Beginning at a point on the southwesterly limit of Lot 5 in Concession II of the former Township of East Flamborough;
Thence northeasterly along the northwest limit of Concession II to the southwesterly limit of Lot 2 in the former Township;
Thence northerly on the southwesterly limit of Lot 2 in Concession III to a point 640.08 metres measured from the southerly limit of former Highway Number 5 (Dundas Street);