Instructor:Ching-Chi Yang

Email address:

Office Hours:MW 2:30-3:30pm; or by appointment

Office Location:301 Thomas Building

Course meeting Times: Lecture M W F11:10am - 12:25 pm, 215 Thomas Building

LabT R 11:10 am - 12:25pm, 064 Life Sciences Building

Semester Time Frame: Summer 2015, Wed, July 1– Wed, August 12.


Teaching Assistant: Justin Petrovich [email:]

TA office hours:TR 1:00-2:30pm

Required Textbook:Mind on Statistics,5th Edition, Utts and Heckard.

Statistical Software: Minitab


The course uses ANGEL, Penn State’s online course management system. For information on accessing ANGEL go to: . See ANGEL on a weekly basis for homework and lab assignments. Your grades on all exams and assignments will also be posted on ANGEL.

Course Grades:

Lab Activities25%

Homework 20%

In Class Quizzes 10%


Final Exam25%

Attendance Policy: Attendance to lectures (MWF) is not required, but highly recommended.

Attendance to labs is practically required, as lab quizzes can only be taken at the designated classroom, 004 Life Sciences Building. For more information on labs, see below.

Lab Activities:Lab activities and lab quizzes will be assigned every Tuesdays and Thursdays. Your lab quizzes must be completed during scheduled lab time. You should see ANGEL for lab assignments. Two of your lab quizzes with the lowest scores will be dropped.

Homework: Homework will be assigned through ANGEL every Fridayfrom problems in Utts & Heckard.Homeworkwillgenerally be assignedweekly and due Fridays(from July10th).No late homeworkwillbe accepted, unless previous arrangements were made with the instructor. Your assignment with the lowest score will be dropped.

In-Class Quizzes: There will be quizzes on Fridaysbased on what was covered in the lecture over the last week. Your quiz with the lowest score will be dropped when determining your final grade. In-class quizzes are open-book and open-notes.

Midterm: There will be one midterm exam in this course. You may bring one hand-written formula sheet (letter size, may use both sides) and a calculator.

Final Exam: There will be a final exam, which is scheduled on Fri, August 14th. Time and location will be announced. The final exam is selectively cumulative, but will mostly cover materials after the midterm.You may bring one hand-written formula sheet (letter size, may use both sides) and a calculator.

Grades (tentative): The tentative final-grade scale is as follows. A higher grade may be received if this is modified, but you will not receive a lower grade than what is found below.

Grade / A / A- / B+ / B / B- / C+ / C / D / F
Percent / 93-100 / 90-92.9 / 87-89.9 / 83-86.9 / 80-82.9 / 76-79.9 / 70-75.9 / 65-69.9 / < 65

Penn State’s Principle on Academic Integrity:Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner. It is acceptable to discuss homework problem together, but each student must write up every homework independently in his or her own words.In addition, this course will follow the guidelines listed at

Disabilities:PennStatewelcomesstudentswithdisabilitiesintotheUniversity’seducationalprograms.Ifyouhaveadisability-relatedneedforreasonableacademicadjustmentsinthiscourse,contacttheOfficeforDisabilityServices(ODS)at814-863-1807(V/TTY).ForfurtherinformationregardingODS, pleasevisittheOfficeforDisabilityServicesWebsiteat thedocumentationsupportstheneedforacademicadjustments,ODSwillprovidea letteridentifyingappropriateacademicadjustments.Pleasesharethisletteranddiscusstheadjustmentsyou’re yourinstructorasearlyinthecourseaspossible.