God Humbles Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4)
Main Point:We will have peace when we understand that God is in control of everything.
Key Verse: "At the end of that time I, Nebuchadnezzar, looked up toward heaven. My mind became clear again."- Daniel 4:34a
Materials: Letter writing paper, pencils, envelopes
Personal Connection:
- Say: When God does something amazing in our life, what do we want to do? We want to tell other people about it! If we had a terrible disease and God healed our body, would we keep quiet about it? No! We would want to tell everyone the good news. Today we learned that when God healed Nebuchadnezzar from his insanity, the king wanted to let the whole world know how great God is. Leader, tell about a time when God did something mighty and amazing in your life.
Hands on Application:
- Say: Today, we are going to do just what Nebuchadnezzar did. We are going to tell others about something amazing that God has done in our lives. We will each write a letter to a friend or a relative telling them about what we have experienced. Be sure to end your letter with praise to God for what He has done. Some examples are: a time when God answered your prayer, or a time when God gave you peace when you were upset about something, or a wonderful blessing that God has given you. Of course, the most amazing thing that God has done for each of us is that He sent His Son to make a way for us to be made new. Your letter might even tell about a time when something bad happened, but God turned it into something good – just like Nebuchadnezzar. We know that God is in control of everything, so even when bad things happen, we can be at peace knowing that He will take care of us!
- Lead your group in writing letters.They can choose a person to write to or write “To Whom It May Concern.” In their letters have them write what problem they were facing, how God fixed the problem, and then end with praise to God for helping them. Have them write three things they can praise God for in their letter, and then end their letter with their signature.
Group Discussion:
- Say: Is there anyone who wants to share your letter before you send it? Let children who would like to, share their letters. Feel free to share your letter with your group as well.
Before you begin your prayer time, read Philippians 4:6 to your group.
Compare this verse with what Nebuchadnezzar told the people in Daniel 4:34a. When he LOOKED UP to heaven, his mind became clear. When we LOOK UP to heaven, our minds become clear as well because God's peace fills our hearts. Pray that your children will learn to live in the peace that God has given to us when we face tough times.
Conversation with God (Prayer):Fill in the prayer journal and close in prayer.
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