Academic Support Services
Questionnaire for the Internal Evaluation of Short Courses (ISCE)
1.Name and code (from 2010) of the short course:2.Approval date by ICAS:
- Database of approved short courses:
Intranetaddress:Teaching-Learning – Short Course Management
- These short courses are approved by ICAS and, in accordance with the Institutional Policy for Short Courses, comply with the:
(i) NWU, HEQF and SAQA criteria; and......
(ii) criteria of the relevant professional body ......
3.Presenter and/or manager of the short course:
6.The frequency of presentation for this short course:
Once only / Not annually / Annually / Twice a year / More than twice a year
Answer the following questions with reference tot the following rubric:
Evaluation measured against HEQF criteria- Commendation (4):
- Compliance with minimum standards (3):
- Must improve (2):
- Does not comply (1):
- Not relevant (0)
(i)Supply a short motivation if 1, 2 or 4 has been awarded to a statement.
(ii)All credit bearing short courses have to be subjected to an internal evaluation process every 3 years.
(iii)All relevant questions in the divisions have to be answered.
If this is the second or third phase of the Internal Short Course Evaluation (ISCE) that this course has undergone, please answer this question:
All the action steps as indicated in the completed action plan of the previous ISCE report have been executed and successfuly completed, in the opinion of the relevant Director / YES / NO/
1.1.1This course executes the institutional vision, mission and strategic aims of the NWU faculty/school/unit.
1.1.2This course appears on the NWU data base of approved short courses on the Intranet and on the Internet.
1.1.3A procedure exists for the continuous improvement of this course regarding
(i)planning and
(ii)informing those involved (by means of notifying the ICAS).
1.1.4Study material is developed and selected with the outcomes and assessment criteria as departure point.
1.1.5There is a correlation between the number of credits or study hours, and the actual student workload to reach the outcomes of the course.
1.2Teaching and learning approach
1.2.1Study material is available.
1.2.2Study material fits the attainment of outcomes and the relevant HEQF level.
1.2.3The learning activities in the study material or study guide(s) are stimulating and relevant.
1.2.4 The learning activities in the study material or study guide(s) contribute towards attainment of the outcomes.
1.3Student recruitment, - selection and – admission
1.3.1A need for the short course exists in the local, national and international community.
1.3.2Admission is granted according to the regulations of the Department of Education, SAQA and the HEQF.
1.3.3Accurate information is given regarding the HEQF level and credits.
1.3.4Advertisement- and marketing material contain accurate and adequate information on the admission requirements, HEQF level and credits of the short course.
1.4Infrastructure and information management
1.4.1Well-supplied, safe and adequate venues and infrastructure are available for the presentation of the course, if contact sessions are presented.
1.4.2IT infrastructure (hardware, software) is available and adequate for this course as part of the study material and/or in the venue.
1.4.3There is enough communication between course presenters and senior management from the school/faculty to ensure a reasonable infrastructure and sources for the short course.
1.5Course administration
1.5.1Selection and admission of students is managed and communicated effectively and in time by the short course manager.
1.5.2The short course information system (from 2010) is managed so effectively that accurate, dependable and intime information is available on the following:
admission requirements, HEQF levels and credits, and records of students.
1.5.3The short course information system is accessible for presenters and enables them to monitor students’ success on a continuous base.
1.6.1There are appropriate guidelines, procedures and contracts for the selection, appointment and remuneration of fulltime, parttime or external presenters involved with the development and presentation of this course.
1.6.2Presenters have relevant academic qualifications that are higher or equal to the exit level of the short course.
1.6.3Personnel involved in this course are satisfied with the following:
(i)their working environment (including staff-management relations);
(ii)adequate time allowance and/or task agreement re the course;
2.1Course delivery2.1.1Short course students can accomplish the learning aims of the short course in the estimated study hours.
2.1.2Subject-specific skills and techniques demanded by a specific career, are mastered in the course.
2.1.3Students receive (i) regular and (ii) timely feedback on their input (tests, assignments, projects etc).
2.1.4Teaching strategies (contact or distance) provide for different learning styles of the students.
2.2Assessment and moderation
2.2.1The assessment method/-instruments are Formal Formative (assignments or tests) for feedback.
2.2.2The assessment method/-instruments are Summative (exams or portfolio’s) for determination of pas/failure of the student.
2.2.3Fairness, reliability and validity of assessment are planned and effected.
2.2.4Assessment methods determine whether students have reached the outcomes.
2.2.5Formal formative and summative assessments are consequently performed according to criteria and/ or detailed memoranda.
2.2.6Moderation is performed by suitable qualified personnel who carry out these responsibilities, as indicated by the application form that is approved by ICAS.
2.2.7The recommendations of moderators are discussed and considered with the course manager and the relevant presenter with the aim of implementation, if this will add quality to the assessment practice.
2.3Workbased learning (WBL) (where applicable)
2.3.1The course manager, as well as the participating employer, keeps records of all workbased learning activities to (i) monitor and (ii) implement feedback of the content and progress of the students’ learning experiences in order to improve the learning opportunities.
2.3.2There is an effective communication process among the course manager, the student, mentors and participating employers.
2.4Financial feasibility
2.4.1The course is financially feasible and exorbitant course fees are not expected of the students.
3.1.1Course managers and other relevant people have access to accurate information of the retention- and throughput rate for the course (access to the Short Course student information system from 2010).
3.1.2The throughput rate is acceptable in the context of the course.
3.2Course impact (alumni and employers)
3.2.1Student feedback on the efficiency of (i) teaching practices, (ii) content of the course is available.
3.2.2Information received from student feedback is used to continuously improve the reaching learning practices and the course composition.
3.2.3Recognition of the quality of the training of students in this course is given in different ways in the working environment/community/other instances.
4.1As a natural result of the internal evaluation an action plan has been composed to correct or amend the deficiencies of this course. / YES / NO/N A.
4.2Where applicable, has the action plan been sent to the Director/Line manager to follow up? (Person identified on application form under 2.8). / YES / NO/
Thank you for your cooperation to maintain the quality management regulations for short courses on the Potchefstroom Campus !
Huidige gegewens: ANNATJIE.BOLTMAN l:\8. onderrigleer\8.2 kortkursusbestuur\ikke\isce annexure 4 - questionnaire internal evaluation sc_2010-03-10.doc
Questionnaire for the Internal Evaluation of Short Courses (IESC)1
4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0Commendation / Compliance with minimum standards / Must improve / Does not comply / Not applicable