5.0 World Cultures Ms. Ruch-Buck

Grading Procedure 2012-2013 NPHS , Social Studies

Your letter grade represents a total of points accumulated over each marking period. To determine your grade, points for various activities and evaluations are totaled and converted to a letter grade using district guidelines as follows:

Grading Scale for Marking Periods Final Course Grades

A+97 – 100%A+ - D course averages parallel the marking period grades.

A90 – 96%E 50 – 64% (Remediation permitted)

B+87 – 89%FBelow 50% (Remediation not permitted)

B80 – 86%

C+77 – 79%

C70 – 76%

D65 – 69%

FBelow 65%

All numeric averages will be rounded to the nearest whole number.

Final grading system will remain the same as the quarterly system for A. B, C, and D.

Each marking period will be counted as 21% of your final grade and a FinalExam will be given at the end of the year which will count for 16% of your final grade.

Throughout the year, point totals will be converted into a percentage to determine your quarterly grades. A mid-term will be given and will count as 10% of your term 2 grade.

Check your grade via Home Access on a regular basisOR keep a tally sheet which will be provided by your teacher. Let Ms. Ruch-Buck know of any problems as soon as you find them AND provide the graded assignment to her.

Factors used in determining your quarterly grade include:

quizzeshomework projects group work
tests research class work presentations

Quizzes and Testswill vary in point value according to content and scope. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.

Unless noted, homework will be worth 5 points. Work must be complete, done correctly and handed in on time. Partial credit may be given. Late homework will not be accepted for any credit if we have gone over the assignment in class.

You mayNOTearn EXTRA CREDIT if you have multiple missing homework assignments or missing project grades.

Notebooks are an essential tool for successful classwork. They must allow for materials to be permanently inserted and must be organized chronologically.

A successfully completed research project is a course requirement. Written expectations and requirements will be given well in advance. Not completing the research project will result in an "F" for the quarter in which it is due.

You cheat when you take someone else’s work as your own, when you give your work to another to use as his/her own or when you copy homework. Cheating is serious and has consequences including receiving a zero for the test, quiz or activity involved.

All work has an assigned due date. For full credit, have work completed at the beginning of class on due date. If you have an excused absence or tardy for only one day, you should be prepared to take a make-up test or quiz on your first day back in school. If you have an excused absence for two (2) or more days, see the teacher to get back assignments and to reschedule tests. Generally, the time allocated for make-up work will equal the number of school days missed. If you must be absent five (5) or more consecutive school days, contact your home office for assignments as soon as possible to allow time for the office to gather and collate assignments and materials. Please realize that any make-up tests or quizzes may be different from the test originally given. If your absence is unexcused, you will receive a zero for the missed assignments, quiz or test.

All work submitted must be neat and follow specifications given.

You will have many opportunities to earn a satisfactory grade – or better!

Make consistent effort and take advantage for those opportunities 

Please remember that I am here to help you be successful!

I want you to have a wonderful first year at NorthPennHigh School!!!


I have read this information and had the opportunity to discuss it with my teacher. I understand that this information applies throughoutthe entire year.

Student Signature: ______

Printed Name: ______

Today’s Date: ______

Revised 6/22/11