PWG: DRAFT Meeting Notes
August 30, 2006
Ernie Podraza: Reliant Energy
Carl Raish: ERCOT
Ed Echols: TXU ED
Lloyd Young: AEP
Steve Rod: TXU Energy
Brad Boles: Cirro Energy
Dave Olsen: Direct energy
Eric Goff: Constellation
Ben Carranza: Centerpoint
Phone: Eric Bratcher: First Choice
Karen Malkey: CNP
- Ernie reviewed the Anti-Trust Admonition.
- Ernie reviewed the agenda
- Ernie reviewed the PWG Goals for June 28, 2006; all are completed, in progress or expected to be completed by year end. Specifically, Carl projected that the 2004 and 2005 UFE Analysis as well as the IDR analysis could be completed by year-end.
- Brad went over the PWG Long Term Strategy presentation; discussion related to the Advanced Metering Rulemaking as it ties into the long term strategy also took place.
Action Item: Ernie will summarize the strategy and include it in the next PWG update to COPS.
- Meeting notes for the July 19 Conference Call and July 24 PWG meeting were reviewed and approved without change.
Action Item: Carl will post final versions of the notes to the PWG meeting websites for those meetings.
- Ernie reviewed the Oil & Gas Sub-team notes and suggested moving this agenda item from 1:00 PM ,which was approved by PWG.
- EDS withdrawal as sponsor was duly noted … a copy of the withdrawal letter is posted to the web as a key document for this meting.
- The profile request is going forward as an ERCOT sponsored profile request, so reimbursement issues and issues related to list-based versus universal profile segments do not have to be resolved as part of this request. These issues will be taken up at future PWG meetings as LPGRR drafts are submitted to propose clarifying language.
- PWG will need to consider Decision Tree and LPG language to address the process for submitting requests to assign ESIIDs to the BUSOGFLT.
Action Item: ERCOT will draft an LPGRR to address the needed changes including Decision Tree changes as well as an additional LPGRR to clarify TDSP and ERCOT roles in assigning profile IDs.
- PWG had consensus to recommend approval of the new Oil & Gas profile as an ERCOT sponsored new profile segment to COPS .
Action Item: Ernie will include the recommendation in the PWG update to COPS and include notification that we expect to submit an LPGRR to incorporate the BUSOGFLT profile segment in the Decision Tree and document procedures for assigning ESIIDs to the segment.
Oil & Gas Timeline
Aug 30 ……………….PWG approval of the new profile segment
Sep 26 ………………. COPS votes to recommend approval to TAC
Oct 6 …………………TAC votes to approve the recommendation
Oct 25 ………………. PWG considers approval of Decision Tree language and LPGRR on assignment procedures (note these will be submitted by ERCOT staff in early October to allow time for a 21 day comment period)
November and future …………. Approval process for LPGRR and Decision Tree changes follows
Future ………………. Market Notice of new profile segment is sent out once the LPGRR and Decision Tree changes are approved
- Discussion then turned to PWG 2006 Goals
- PWG agreed to incorporate Lagged Dynamic Profile action into our long term profile strategy consideration
- PWG also agreed to include the goal of dealing with Extreme Events in the long term strategy consideration. We then discussed the possible need to define a short term profile strategy for extreme events; two ideas were offered for discussion: using load research data to make adjustments to profiles (this would only be feasible at True-up settlement) and use of Weather Zone boundary telemetered data to make profile adjustments to profiles.
Action Item: Ernie will prepare slides for the COPS update to summarize the discussions and seek feedback from COPs on how to proceed.
- PWG discussion then shifted to the Parked items from previous meetings.
- Item 11.d. Default Assignment Changes … this will be taken up in October
- Item 11.c. IDR Weather Sensitivity … we discussed some possible additional analysis and extending the analysis to NIDR classifications as well; we also discussed a possible tie-in with the procedures used for proxy day selection and historical usage factors.
Item 11.a. PWG Meeting Procedures … we reviewed the proposed PWG Meeting Procedures document, the group had consensus that the document should be adopted.
Action Item: Ernie will include the recommendation in the PWG update to COPS.
Action Item: Carl will follow-up with Market Rules on whether COPS approval is needed and will post the document to the PWG website.
(Note: Market Rules reported that COPS approval is needed, the document will be posted once it is approved by COPS).
- PWG then reviewed the Open and Closed Action Items list and agreed on the disposition for each item. We then reviewed meeting notes for meetings occurring since the last update to the Open Items list and made appropriate additions for both Open and Closed items.
Action Item: Carl will update the Open and Closed Items lists as decided by the group.
Action Item: ERCOT will create an arrive file on the PWG website to house important documents and presentations from previous meetings …this will facilitate finding and referring to those documents; PWG members are encouraged to review previous meeting materials and suggest items to be added to this archive.
- Ernie reported having received two suggestions from the floor at the last COPS meeting and suggested adding two the Open list. One idea was to add additional weather stations to the ones currently being used particularly in weather zones with the highest loads. The second idea was to review the weather station weighting in zones to make the weights more closely representative of the amount of load near the weather station.
Future meeting dates: Sept 27th, Wed. Oct. 25, Thurs. Nov. 16th, Wed. Dec. 20th