/ Improve PES service quality through professional staff training
Linz, Austria
31 May – 1 June 2011 /
List of presentations
Blended learning
-“New training programs and methods for employees in ESS – including blended learning”
Ms. Gordana Kamnik, Project Manager of Training Center ESS, Slovenia
-"Experience of staff training ofUkrainian PES"
Mr. Oleksandr Snovydovych, Leading specialist, State Employment Center of Ukraine
- “PES staff training in Latvia”
Mr. Renārs Neimanis, Head of PES Assistant, State Employment Agency, Latvia
- “Better resultswithdiverse methods”
Ms. Minna Katko, Development Specialist,Salmia Training and development centre, Finland
- “Developing for Performance”
Mr. Aidan Mullally, Assistant Manager, Employment Services - National Contact Centre, FÁS – Irish Training & Employment Authority, Ireland
- “Further training for Employment services staff in the Czech Republic” Ms. Eva Síkorová, Expert, Labour Market Conceptions, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Czech Republic
Development of staff training schemes due to changes
“Cross-sectoral training in the field of lifelong guidance - The Hungarian case 2008-2011”
Dr. Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze, Programme Leader, National Employment Office, Lifelong Guidance Unit, Hungary
“Vocational training during a merge period: Professionalization and skills & competencies challenges”
Ms. Juliane Abidos, Pôle Emploi, France
“From Federal Certificate in Personnel Consulting to Federal Certificate in Human Resources”
Mr. Rodolphe Vuille, Head of Training / Deputy Director, VSAA, Switzerland
“State of the art of teaching and learning methods”
Dr. Franz Palank, Head of the Centre for Distance Studies at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, and Lecturer at the University of Linz, the University for Applied Sciences in Upper Austria and thetrain thetrainerprogrammeat the Günther Steinbach Academy Linz, Austria
Training schemes for PES managers
- “Managers in the spotlight - motivation and goals for new concepts”
Ms. Susanne Loudon, Deputy manager, Department for organisational development and staff training, Austria
- “Actiris management training – past, present and future”
Mr. Dirk Vandendriessche, Training Manager, Actiris, Belgium
- "Professional standard, development and certification for managers"
Ms. Marion de Jonge, Advisor Human resource management, Human resource development, UWV Werkbedrijf in Holland
- “Being a leader or being the boss? Seven keywords to describe leadershipand to develop a staff training programme - a practical story” Mr. Cor Mertens, Campus Manager and Ms. Marijke Claerbout, Training Consultant, VDAB, Belgium