St. Teresa’s Church, Rathduff

Fr. Des Smith, C.C. (096) 21596 & 087 7785315

Mass Intentions from Sat. 25th Aug. to Sun. 2nd September 2012

Sat. 25th Aug. [V] 7.00 p.m.:Paddy Walsh (1st Anniv.) Derrygullinane

Sun. 26th August10.00 a.m.:Decd. members of the Kavanagh family

Mon. 27th Aug.10.00 a.m.:Special Intention

Tue. 28th Aug. 10.00 a.m.:Pat Murphy (47th Anniv.)

Wed. 29th August10.00 a.m.:Special Intention

Thu. 30th August10.00 a.m.:Special Intention

Fri.31st August10.00 a.m.:Special Intention

Rehins S.Centre: 8.00 p.m.:Martin & Annie Barrett & Tom Connor & decd. family

Sat. 1st Sept.10.00 a.m.:Tony Hopkins

Sat. 1st Sept. [V] 7.00 p.m.:Joseph Brogan (Anniv.) & P.J. Loftus

Sun. 2nd Sept.10.00 a.m.:Willie Butler

CONFESSIONS: Sat. 6.30 p.m. & after Mass

READERS: 2nd Sept. [V] Michael Sleater. [10] Ann Marie Kneafsey.

E. MINISTERS: 2nd Sept. [V] Lena Healy. [10] May Early.

CHURCH CLEANERS: Group 8: Teresa Traynor, Joan Murphy, Mary O’Connor.

Knockmore G.A.A. Dev. Lotto: 18/08/2012 – 1. 17. 26. 32. (no Jackpot winner) Weekly ticket winners – Patricia Ryan, Margaret Thornton, Jackie Doherty. Season ticket winners – Rebecca Soares, John Walkin, John O’Brien. Next Jackpot €19,200. Draw on Sat. 25/08.

Grow Meetings: Tues. 8 p.m. in Ballina Community Centre. Confidential. 094 9026417.

Mini Ceilí: In The Mayfly Hotel, Foxford – every Sunday night from 8.30 p.m. All welcome.

Sewing/Alterations service: Please contact 085 1677445.

Laptop/desktop Computer Repair Service: Available locally – please contact 087 3685287.

Conn Rangers Lotto Draw: (Week 19) 20/08 – 1. 7. 11. ?. No Winner. Season Tickets: Jane Sweeney, Pat Kelly, Anthony & Joe. Weekly Winners: Bridget Brogan, Laurie Murphy, Rose Walshe. Next Jackpot €2,700. Draw on Mon. 27th Aug.

Knockmore Boxing Club: Training commences Mon. 3rd of Sept. 7 pm in the Community Hall. Girls/Boys age 9 years and over welcome to attend. Info. from Billy on 0868373646.

Console: Suicide Bereavement Counselling Service – 01 610 2638 Email or 1 life – Suicide Helpline – 1800 24 7 100.

Knockmore Junior Legion of Mary: Welcomes new members. Come along to a meeting on Wed. 6.30 p.m. in Knockmore Church Sacristy for more information. 086 8196653.

North West S.P.C.A. Charity show & Summer Fete this Sun. 25th Aug. 12 – 6pm at Rehins. Near Hotel Ballina. Entries for dog show taken on the day. Please support.

Fiona Bourke School of Speech & Drama: Enrolment in Hotel Ballina Sat. 1st Sept. 1-2. Classes begin on Tues. 4th Sept.

French classes for N.S. children starting in Ballina next week .Contact 0851037606.

Western Care Charity Cycle: Sat. 8th Sept. 45Km or 90Km. Entry fee €30. Info. from 096 77465 or 09490 29136 or

The Mature Living: Over 50’s Exhibition will be held in the Royal Theatre, Castlebar on Fri. & Sat. 7th and 8th Sept. Adm.: €5. Part of proceeds to Hospice. 70 stands, Health checks, Sideshows, Talks, Entertainment and much more:

Notices for the Bulletin can be left in to Parish House, Knockmore, by Thurs. 6.00 p.m. or Email to

Fr. Michael Flynn, P.P. 094 9258108/087 2640015

Church of Christ the King, Knockmore

21st Sun. in Ordinary Time : 26th August 2012

Sat. 25th Aug. [V] 8.00 p.m.:Kitty McHale (Month’s Mind), Tavanaghmore

Sun. 26th August 9.00 a.m.:Thomas & Helen Hanley & Angela O’Reilly

11.00 a.m.:For the People of the Parish

Mon. 27th August 7.00 p.m.:Sheila James

Tues. 28th Aug.10.00 a.m.:Jim Kelly & decd. Kelly family, Brackwansha

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament this Tuesday 10.30 am to 6.30 am

Wed. 29th August10.00 a.m.:Jack Ferguson (Month’s Mind) Barnfield

Thur. 30th August10.00 a.m.:Paddy, Mary & Martin Butler

Fri. 31st August 10.00 a.m.:Special Intention

Sat. 1st Sept.10.00 a.m.:Thomas, Elizabeth, Maggie, Tommy & Paddy Duffy

Sat. 1st Sept. [V] 8.00 p.m.:Seamus Dunne, Carrentrila

Sun. 2nd Sept. 9.00 a.m.:Decd. members of the O’Dowd family, Rathbane

11.00 a.m.:For the People of the Parish

CONFESSIONS: Sat. evening after Mass.

READERS: 2nd Sept. [V] Angela Feeney. [9] Anthony Coleman. [11]B. Coleman.

E. MINISTERS: [V] J. Feeney & D. Connolly. [9] M. Lacken. [11] A. Mulvihill & M. Gardiner.

SERVERS: 2nd Sept. [V] Emily Martin & Alice Howley. [9] Shauna Sweeney & Aoife

McTigue. [11] Rebecca Conway & Aoibhe Hopkins.

CHURCH CLEANING: Barnfield Area.

COELIACS: Please contact the priest to arrange to receive Holy Communion.

Recent Deaths: Please remember in your prayers – Francis Quinn, Lisaniska; Ita Quinn, Primrose Hill, Ballina (mother of Peter Quinn, Carrentrila); Tommy Murphy, Lord Edward Street, Ballina (father of Brenda McHale, Tavanaghmore); and all our Faithful Departed. May they rest in Peace .

A Spiritual Compass: A weekend reflection at Esker Spirituality Centre, Athenry, Co. Galway. Sept. 14th to 16th. Contact 091 844 007

Music lessons: Will resume Knockmore Resource Centre in Sept. Contact Geraldine: 087 2487757 for details.

Back to Work Initiative: For those who have a disability/injury/illness – Employer Based Training Course 12 months. FAS training allowance. Info: 09490 22770 / 086 7701996.

St. Angela’s College Sligo: Courses in religious education open to teachers, parents, Sacrament preparation teams, etc. starting in Sept. Contact 071 9195550 Email

BA/Diploma/Cert. in Theology & Community Involvement: In assoc. with Newman Inst. Please contact 0719195551 or

Schools Re-Open: Currabaggan NS & Lisaniska NS – Thurs. 30th August. Garracloon –Mon. Sept. 3rd . Shraheen NS -

Mayo Roscommon Hospice: Recent church gate collections realised €350 (Knockmore) €200 (Rathduff). Thanks to all who contributed and those who helped.

Keeping Children Safe: Diocesan Confidential phone No. 087 3664350 – if you have any concerns. Details are on the Church Notice Board.