Employment Application

Please type or print clearly:

Date: ______E-Mail______Date of Birth: ______

Last Name: ______First Name: ______MI: ______

Street Address: ______Apt. /Ste.: ______

City: ______State: ____ Zip: ______Phone: ______

Social Security Number: ______

Position Desired (circle): Captain Crew Ticket Booth Bartender Intern Maintenance

Are you a citizen of the United States? ______

If not, can you provide proof that you have the legal right to remain and work in the United States? _____

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? ______If yes, please describe:

Have you ever worked for the Riverboat? ______If yes, from ______to ______

Reason for leaving: ______

Do you have any relatives employed by the Riverboat or are members of the Board of Directors? ______

If yes, please list names: ______

Can you swim? ______Do you have any water safety/lifesaving skills? ______


High School: ______Completed? Yes No

College/University: ______Degree: ______

Completed University? Yes No If No, what year are you in (if none, put “not enrolled”): ______

Are you a veteran? _____ Service Branch: ______Selective Service Class or Reserve Status

I am willing to work (circle all that apply): Full Time Part Time Weekends

Evenings Day Time


Please list 3 people (not related) that you have known for more than one year:

Name: ______Phone: ______

Name: ______Phone: ______

Name: ______Phone: ______

Previous Employment History (you may attach more if needed)

List most current employer first:

Employer: ______

Address: ______

Date Employed From: ______To: ______Position Held: ______

Reason for Leaving: ______

Employer: ______

Address: ______

Date Employed From: ______To: ______Position Held: ______

Reason for Leaving: ______

Employer: ______

Address: ______

Date Employed From: ______To: ______Position Held: ______

Reason for Leaving: ______

Public Law 91-508 requires that we advise you that a routine inquiry may be made during our initial or subsequent processing of your application which will provide applicable information concerning character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living. Upon written request, additional information regarding inquiry, if one is made, will be provided. Harrisburg Area Riverboat Society, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and selects qualified individuals for the job based upon job-related qualifications, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, or on the basis of age or handicap. I certify that any misrepresentation made in this application will be sufficient cause for cancellation of this application and/or for my separation from Harrisburg Area Riverboat

Society, Inc. I certify that the above statements have been read by me and that the statements I have made on this application are true and correct. I authorize any physician or hospital to release any information which may be necessary to determine my ability to perform the duties of a job of which I am being considered for prior to employment or in the future during my employment with Harrisburg Area Riverboat Society, Inc.

Signature: ______Date: ______