Agriculture / Provision of subsidized agriculture inputs to improve food security of rural households and limit their dependence on food aid. / Agriculture extension services.
Introduction of improved farming solutions.
Food / Provision of food assistance to extremely vulnerable; mainly labour-constrained and food-insecure households (1.4 million people) during the lean season (October – March). / Food/cash-for-assets; food security assessments/surveys; Conducting of trainings and capacity-building.
Nutrition / Treatment and prevention of acute malnutrition. /
- Addressing chronic and acute malnutrition though high impact infant, young child and maternal nutrition interventions, including behaviour change communication integrated with broader maternal, new-born and child health (MNCH) services within the health sector.
- Ensuring nutrition sensitiveness of other multi-sectorial analysis and interventions such as social protection/cash transfer, agriculture/food (e.g. food fortification, post-harvest management).
- Policy and capacity development of government partners and communities.
- Improving water and sanitation situation in the rural areas.
- EPR, particularly to the cholera threat.
- Improving water and sanitation situation in the urban areas.
- Expanded WASH interventions in the rural areas.
Health /
- EPR to the threat of cholera and other communicable diseases.
- Coverage of emergency reproductive health issues until the HTF is operational.
- MNCH and nutrition.
- Emergency RH will be taken over by the HTF once it becomes operational.
- Medical products, vaccines and technologies (medicines and commodities).
- Human resources for health (including health worker management, training and retention scheme).
- Health policy, planning and finance (Health Services Fund Scheme and Research).
LICI / Emergency livelihood interventions targeting extremely vulnerable households and communities (flood and drought-affected and IDPs). /
- Economic livelihoods and employment.
- Institutional capacity-building.
- Infrastructure.
Education /
- DRR, emergency preparedness and response.
- Emergency rehabilitation of disaster-damaged school buildings to maintain school attendance.
- Encouraging continued girls’ attendance.
- Addressing the threat of water-borne diseases at the school facilities in conjunction with the WASH Cluster.
- Provision of teaching and learning materials, assessment.
- Curriculum review.
- Improving quality of teaching.
- Sector wide programming and sub-sector policy analysis.
- School improvement, monitoring, supervision and support.
- Second chance education targeting out of school children and youth.
Cluster / Main interventions included in the 2012 Zimbabwe CAP / Main non-humanitarian / recovery interventions, not included in the financial requirements of the 2012 CAP
Protection /
- Emergency child protection, including support to children on the move, and support to critical child protection services providing health, legal and welfare support to children affected by emergencies
- Prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) in non-household setting
- Legal aid to IDPs, women, children at risk
- Humanitarian emergency assistance to IDPs
- Durable solutions for IDPs
- Human Rights and Rule of Law Programme through advocacy, sensitization and practical interventions for and on behalf of the most vulnerable individuals/groups in a humanitarian/emergency situation.
- Child and HIV-sensitive social protection interventions, including social cash transfers to 25,000 extremely poor households.
- Strengthening the justice for children system in Zimbabwe, including child friendly courts, investigations and procedures for all children in contact with the law.
- Building back the social welfare workforce in Zimbabwe.
- Birth registration.
- Legislative and policy reform for child protection including advocacy for children’s rights in the new constitution.
- Development of good practice in psycho-social support.
- Prevention of GBV in a household setting (domestic violence).
- Improving access to justice for the most vulnerable groups (poor, women and children).
- Enhancing capacities of national institutions for promotion and protection of human rights.
Multi-Sector: migrants /
- Humanitarian aid to forcibly returned migrants from South Africa and Botswana as well as to stranded undocumented TCNs and asylum seekers.
- Reintegration assistance to vulnerable migrant returnees, returning to Zimbabwe from abroad.
- Technical support to migration management legislation.
- Technical support to development of labour migration policy.
Multi-Sector: refugees /
- Protection and material assistance to refugees and asylum-seekers in Zimbabwe.
Coordination & support services /
- Humanitarian coordination.
- Cluster coordination.
- Capacity-building in DRR.