State of Oklahoma CORE Project

Development Request

Image name:

Header Section

System: / Application: / DR Number / Module: / Request Nbr: / Change Nbr:
Family Title: / Date:
Requestor: / Project:
Scope: / In Scope / Out of Scope / Related Issue Id:
Priority: / 1–Emergency – Impacts Schedule/Urgent / 2-Critical For Go Live/High
3-Important After Go Live/Normal / 4-Not Time Critical/Low
Category: / New / Existing
Type: / Conversion / Report / Query
Interface / Field Default / Translation Value
Process / Online / Other (Specify)
Functional Area Needing Change:
Functional Support:
Technical Support:

Functional Design Section

Application & Module(s) Impacted

FIN - Financials
Asset Management / Commitment Control / General Ledger / Purchasing
Accounts Receivable / Contracts / Inventory / Strategic Sourcing
Accounts Payable / eSupplier / Project Costing / Vendor
Billing / Grants Management / Other (Specify)
HCM –Human Capital Management
Administer Training / Commitment Acctg / Payroll / Time and Labor
Base Benefits / Human Resources / Other (Specify)
CRM - Customer Relationship Management
Helpdesk / Other (Specify)
EPM - Enterprise Performance Management
Budgets / Other (Specify)
ELM - EnterpriseLearning Management
Learning Mgmt / Other (Specify)

Explanation of Request

Justification for Request

Referenced Documents (Functional)

Table Name / Field Name / Value

Technical Design Section

The following should be filled out by the PeopleSoftApplication Technical Support Team:

Technical Analyst: / Date:
Complexity: / 1-Very Complex/Difficult / 3-Medium
2-Difficult / 4-Easy
Estimated hours: / C00 / C01 / C02 / C03 / C04 / C05 / Total
Functional Design
Technical Design
Unit Testing
Functional Testing
Total hours

Technical Requirements Overview

Execution Frequency

1-On Demand / 3-Weekly / 5-Yearly
2-Daily / 4-Monthly / 6-Other (Specify):

Development Tools Required (check all that apply):

Application Engine / Message Agent / Security
Bus Process/Workflow / NVision / SQL Trigger
Crystal Reports / Component / Query/view
Field / PeopleCode / Web Enablement
Import Mgr / Process Scheduler / Component Interface
Menu / Record/Table / Business Interlinks
Application Messaging / Integration Tool
Other (specify):



Special Processing Requirements:



Referenced Documents (Technical):

Pseudo Code:

Sign Off Section

System: / Application: / DR Number / Module: / Request Nbr: / Change Nbr:
Family Title:
Approval / Deny

I hereby certify that a Comprehensive Review (functional and technical) of this Development Request has been completed and that this DR is now ready for Development.

Your approval and signature signify that the development request details the exact specifications of the requested modification or customization. It also states that the developer may begin working on the request.

Lisa Whiteman Date
DCAR Asset Management Lead / Grace Brown Date
Sekhar Malladi Date
CherryRoad GPC Lead / Terri WelterDate
CherryRoad Financials Lead
Ronney MaxwellDate
CORE Financials Lead / Jennie Pratt Date
DCAR Financials Lead
Lisa McKeithanDate
CORE Business Analyst / Linda BelinskiDate
CORE Security Lead
Mike HedrickDate
CORE Project Director / Danny FitzpatrickDate
CORE Technical Lead

Reason for Denial:

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