Read/Follow CarefullyFall 2001-2002


Computer Application 1

Spreadsheet Summary of using MS Excel

1st Part: Axial Problems, Stresses, Strains, …


The spreadsheet assignment is intended to familiarize you with a powerful tool for computations and presentations of results. It should be considered as a project submitted to a client, and therefore should be up a standard which you will seek to achieve as a future professional engineer. One aim is also to have you work in teams, and develop cooperative skills, which is essential in your profession.


Using MS Excel as a platform, develop a spreadsheet application which will summarize theories and/or problems in Mechanics of Materials. The application should be on a single file, using one sheet per problem. Problems to be solved should be of parametric nature, and not for one specific set of data (i.e. data should be entered as parameters).


The scope of the current application includes the part of the course covered up till Quiz 1, namely, “Axial Problems, Stresses, Strains, and Stress-Strain Relations (Hooke’s Law), …”. Do not include the section on “Internal Forces in Beams (shear and bending moment diagrams)”; it will be part of the second application. Combine between typical problems and interesting cases (think of classical vs. numerical computations).


The application should include, for each problem, a title, a brief description and significance, drawings, input cells/tables, output cells/tables, and graphs display of results (when applicable), … The use of relevant colors, drawing patterns, etc…, to enhance the look of the sheet is encouraged, but should not be overdone.


A report summarizing the work should include: (do not attach your Excel floppy/diskette)

  • Cover Sheet
  • Table of Content
  • Introduction (overall description)
  • Print-outs of Individual Problems Solved
  • Summary and Conclusions (discussion of results and lessons learned)

Samples, Discussions, Questions, and Feedback:

Sample sheets/diskettes will be made available, and discussions will be held in class on a regular basis. Your questions and feedback are welcome during class discussions or in my office (office hours).


Groups of up to 3 students are allowed. You are also encouraged not to work on your own. It is expected that, the larger the group is, the more intensive the work will be. The application/report will be submitted/presented in my office on due date by each individual group; all members of the group should be present then. Schedule of presentations will be arranged later. Late submittal/presentations will not be accepted. Last-minute excuses such as “could not print” or “lost file” will not be tolerated; you should resolve such matters at an early stage (secure and test printer, save/back-up files, etc…).


Substance, content, and organization of spreadsheets and report, as well as oral presentation will count in the evaluation.


Groups interested in advanced programming in/with Excel are welcome (Macros, Visual Basic, AutoCAD, …). This will be rewarded (bonus), but not at the expense of others who would have performed a proper task.

Given: Monday, November 12, 2001Due: Tuesday, December 11, 2001