Connection Peer Support Group
Facilitator Training Application
September 30 and October 1, 2017
Comfort Inn & Suites, Tualatin
7640 SW Warm Springs St.
Tualatin, OR 97062
Applications due Friday September 15, 2017
• Please include a letter of reference from a NAMI affiliate leader.
• Applicant must be a current NAMI member or join NAMI prior to the training.
• A phone interview will be conducted.
PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY or Compete and Save in Microsoft Word.
Name: / Home Address:Home Phone: / City/State/Zip:
Cell Phone: / Email:
NAMI Member? Yes: No:
Central Oregon / Clackamas County / Clatsop County / Columbia County
Coos County / Douglas County / Eastern Oregon / Klamath County
Lane County / Marion/Polk Counties / Mid-Valley / Multnomah County
Southern Oregon / Washington County / Yamhill County / Other
Do you have your own transportation? Yes: No: Use public transportation? Yes: No:
Job Requirements:
Identify as being in recovery from a mental illness
Attend a meeting of an existing NAMI Connection support group prior to the training if possible
Attend the entire 2-day facilitator training
Adhere to the NAMI Connection Peer Support Group model when facilitating a group
Commit to facilitatinga support group for a minimum of one year
Provide participant data to NAMI Oregon following each support group meeting
Be willing to identify potential new facilitators from support group participants
Have a positive regard for or personal experience with mutual support
Be or become a member of NAMI prior to the training
I have read and agree to the NAMI Connection Peer Support Group Facilitator job requirements.
Availability to facilitate a support group (please check all that apply):
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / SundayMorning
Participant Survey
Are youan individual living with mental illness? / Yes NoYourdiagnosis is:
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? / Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Have you participated in a Connection PeerSupport Group? / Yes NoHave you taken other NAMI classes or trainings? Please list below.
Please briefly describe why you want to become a Connection Peer SupportGroup facilitator:
Lodging/Dietary Needs
Do you require a handicapped-accessible training facility? / Yes NoDo you require lodging for the training? / Yes No
Do you require a handicapped-accessible hotel room? / Yes No
Are you willing to share a room* (if hotel accommodations are offered)? / Yes No
If hotel offered, you would like to share with:
*For trainees travelling 50 miles or farther, NAMI Oregon will arrange and pay for double-occupancy lodging near the training site. Trainees requiring private rooms will need to arrange and pay for their own lodging. If you accept lodging offered by NAMI Oregon but must withdraw from the training before it begins, you MUST contact NAMI Oregon ASAP so the lodging reservation can be canceled without paying a penalty. Lodging is not provided for trainees who live in the Portland metro area.
Please list any special needs for accommodations or meals, including food or other allergies*:
*Some meals, snacks, and beverages are provided throughout the training. Consult the training schedule to see which meals are provided. When possible, NAMI Oregon will accommodate dietary restrictions. Trainees with extensive dietary restrictions should plan to supplement the food provided by bringing items from home.
Return Applications and Letters of Reference to:
Peter Link
NAMI Oregon
4701 SE 24th Ave., Suite E
Portland, OR 97202
Fax: 503-230-2751
Page 1 of 3Connection Facilitator Training Application
rev. Aug. 2016
4701 SE 24th Ave., Suite E, Portland, OR 97202