2003 IEEE Region 10 Meeting
Yasuhiko Yasuda, Chair
Waseda University
Tel: +81-3-5286-3388 Fax: +81-3-3200-9599
Part A - Section Summary
A-1 Executive Summary
The Tokyo Section has been steadily enhancing its membership, which reached 7,299 at the end of December 2002, with a growth rate of 1.38% over the previous year. It includes 303 Fellow grade members.
Noteworthy business in 2002 was the sister section agreement with the Boston Section which was signed in October 2002. The purpose is to further pursue the IEEE objectives by exchanging ideas and experiences.
The electronic newsletter named “IEEE Tokyo Bulletin” has been continuously issued as an information vehicle for members. In 2002, six issues were timely distributed to each of the Section members through our own computer system.
In 2002, Tokyo Section held 9 major meetings; one annual general assembly, four executive committee meetings, three lecture meetings, and one social meeting.
A-2 Section Officers and Standing Committee Chairs (2003-2004)
Chair Yasuhiko Yasuda (Waseda University)
Vice Chair Hitomi Murakami (KDDI)
Secretary Yuichi Matsushima (KDDI R&D Labs.)
Treasurer Kaoru Sezaki (University of Tokyo)
Standing Committee Chairs:
Chapter Promotion Shuji Hashimoto(Waseda Univ.)
Fellow Nominations Koro Kobayashi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Membership Development Susumu Sakuma (Viscas)
Nominations Takatoshi Shindo (CRIE?PI)
Technical Program Nobuo Nakajima (Univ. of Electro Communication)
Publications Hitomi Murakami (KDDI)
Student Activities Takao Kobayashi(University of Tokyo)
· Secretariat Office:
IEEE Tokyo Section
Tsukasa Bldg. 8F
3-6-2 Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku
Tokyo 105-0003, JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-5776-7670 Fax: +81-3-5776-7671 Email:
A-3 Executive Committee Meeting in 2002
1. 14 March Attendees: 13
Topics: -2001 Financial Report - Approval of 2002 Budget
-2002 Annual General Meeting
- Section nomination of 2003 Fellow candidates
2. 20 June Attendees: 10
Topics: -Nomination of 2003/2004 Officers and Executive Committee members
-Report of Region 10 Meeting
-Issues of sister section agreement with Boston Sect.
-Report of 2002 Section rebate
3. 10 October Attendees: 10
Topics: -Election result of Section officers
-Approval of 2003/2004 Executive Committee members
-Approval of Sister Section Agreement with Boston Section
-Report of Japan Council Committee meeting - SC2002
4. 6 December Attendees: 21
Topics: -Report of Sections Congress 2002
-Report of sister agreement signing ceremony in Washington DC
-2001 activity report and prospect of 2002 accounting close
-2003 activity plan and 2003 budget
A-4 Financial Report
See the Appendix-I.
Part B - Organizational Activities
B-1 Membership Development Program
The Membership Development Committee made every effort to enhance membership by distributing the IEEE brochures and application forms by taking the opportunity of various technical meetings. Particularly, the committee focused on senior member upgrade. The membership by grade is as follows:
31. 12. 2002
Grade / Number /Fellow / F / 303 /
Senior Member / SM / 437 /
Member / M / 5183 /
Associate / A / 994 /
Student / S / 382 /
Total / 7299 /
B-2 Professional and Continuing Educational Activities
Following lecture meetings were held during the year of 2002 and in 2003.
14 May Title: “Prospect of Next-Generation Semiconductor Technology - The Challenge of Breaking the 100 nm Barrier ”
Lecturer: Hajime Sasaki (Recipient of 2001 IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal)
29 October Title: “Mobile Technology and Business Management”
Lecturer: Kouji Ohboshi
4 December Title:“Future Broadcast Technology – Especially in relation to home electronics”
Lecturer: Osamu Yamada
11 March Title: “Insight for the New Paradigm – future IT society”
2003 Lecture: Toshiharu Aoki (Recipient of 2002 IEEE Frederik Philips Award)
B-3 Student Activities
The Student Activities Committee co-sponsored with the Japan Council SAC a Student Branch Leadership Workshop, which was held in Hokkaido University in November 2002 with more than 35 participants. Student leaders exchanged ideas on how to recruit new members, how to promote their activities, etc. Support of new Student Branch formation is also one of the SAC’s important roles.
B-4 E-mail and Newsletter Activities, Home Page
The Publications Committee issued a newsletter named “Tokyo Bulletin” six times during the year of 2002. Besides the bulletin, the information on professional and technical meetings was timely distributed to members through our own membership database and computer system. The system can filter the members by grade, by Society, by Section, and also shows automatically the distribution means accessible to each member – email or fax or post. More than 80% of the total members can receive the information through email, 8% through fax transmission and others by post. We make every effort for frequent update of the Section web page ( Tokyo Section web page also provides the information from the Japan Council, the 35 Japan Chapters, and Student Branches.
B-5 Awards
There is no Section sponsored Award program, but we support Student paper contests at the Student Branches.
B-6 Chapter Activities
The 35 Society Chapters now belong to the Japan Council and 5 Chapters belong to Sections. Move to establish Chapters in each Section is progressing. However, the Tokyo Section’s policy is first to cooperate with Japan Chapters, as more than 61% of Society membership belongs to the Tokyo Section. Tokyo Section cooperates with Japan Council Chapter Operations Committee to encourage new formation of local Chapters.
B-7 Fellow Nomination
The Fellow Nominations Committee sent a letter calling for nominations to Chapter chairs, Executive Committee members and current Fellows – to more than 330 individuals, and selected eligible candidates as nominees of the Tokyo Section. The committee supports the nominators by giving any available information to proceed with the documentation.
Part C. Goals and Plans for 2003
C-1 Goals and Plans
aa) Advance the cooperative relations with Boston Section based on the sister section agreement.
bb) Promote support of Japan Council’s operation and develop closer ties with other Sections in Japan.
cc) Strengthen the support to Student Branches.
dd) Enhance membership, particularly focus on the Senior Member upgrade.
ee) Keep issues of newsletter “Tokyo Bulletin” and try best to be more informative and timely publication.
C-2 Detailed Implementation Plans
aa) As an initial step, we plan to hold face-to-face meetings both in Tokyo and in Boston to exchange ideas for collaboration. In July, we will have a meeting with Dr. Arthur Winston, President-elect, who is the prime contact for Boston Section. Tokyo Section officers will visit Boston to materialize some of the ideas some time in autumn of 2003.
bb) The Tokyo Section will fully support the Japan Council’s operation. We take every opportunity to communicate with other Sections to further develop the IEEE activities in Japan.
cc) The Student Activities Committee will try best to establish at least one new student branch in Tokyo. The financial support will be given to branch activities and also for new branch formation. The Section SAC will cooperate with the Japan Council SAC in holding the Student Branch Leadership Workshop.
dd) The Membership Development Committee will make effective plans to recruit new membership. Increase of senior members is another important goal for Tokyo Section. Senior member upgrade will be publicized in the Section newsletters, and officers will take some actions individually to encourage the eligible members in their universities and the industry to apply for elevation to senior membership.
ee) The Publications Committee will continue the issuance of the “Tokyo Bulletin” with more informative content and will provide its members with timely information of technical meetings and other useful information.
Part D. Others
D-1 Relationship with National Societies
The Section maintains a good relationship with 8 national Societies who hold the cooperation agreements with the IEEE. The eight Societies are;
- The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers of Japan (ITE)
- Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)
- The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE)
- The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (IEIJ)
- Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
- The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ)
- The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
- The Japan Society for Science Policy and Research Management (JSSPRM)