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North Valley Military Institute – Special Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, February 23, 2017 4:00 p.m. in room 54

12105 Allegheny Street, Sun Valley, California 91352


NOTE: Reasonable Accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities. Please contact the Superintendent, Dr. Mark Ryan at 323-217-4481 or via email at at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting to request accommodations.

Board members may be calling in from the following location(s) at which this agenda is also posted and which are publicly accessible if members of the public would like to attend the meeting:

I.  Call to Order

II.  Adoption of the Agenda

III.  Public Comment – Members of the public who wish to make comments on non-agenda items are welcome to do so at this time. Speaker cards are available at the end of this agenda. Each speaker is limited to three (3) minutes

IV.  ACTION – Approval of the January Board minutes (see attached).

V.  ACTION – Board membership – The board will accept the resignation of Henry Lozano from the board, whose outside commitments make it impossible for him to continue membership.

VI.  INFORMATION, DISCUSSION, AND ACTION – Fiscal Matters – Budget to Actuals – The following two page document is the Budget to Actuals through January 31, 2017. Here are notes on the significant variances:

  1. Prior year state income – unanticipated state income was received of approximately $22,000
  2. Schoolsite fundraising is showing as a shortage while other local revenues show na overage – Fund raising is not being coded properly and will hopefully be fixed prior to the next monthly report. PAC fund raising was supposed to be tracked separately in the budget in code 8685 while board fund raising was in 8985.
  3. Unemployment insurance is up because we laid people off. We will need to make adjustments to this moving forward.
  4. Curriculum software is overspent and will have to be covered by lowering other operational expenses.
  5. Food services have not sent us bills for every month we have had services, so that is significantly underspent at the moment.
  6. Operations Housekeeping is still waiting for bills to be received from LAUSD for overtime custodial services so it is dramatically underspent.
  7. Facility rental is underspent because we have yet to receive a single bill from LAUSD for our Prop 39 pro-rate share.
  8. Professional Consulting Services is overspent. This is primarily for SPED services contracted with outside agencies, and are working with CSMC to figure move monies into this item from other expense categories prior to the next month’s report.
  9. Student transportation is underspent because we have not paid some of the bus bills.

VII.  INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION – Members of the school administration will answer questions on the following written reports submitted for board information and as part of the board’s fiduciary responsibility to monitor all aspects of school operation:

  1. Superintendent (Dr. Mark Ryan):
  2. The February 24 event tomorrow will begin with a Pass in Review at 1:30, after which we will have an “exhibition” of all four NVMI pillars in the Large Gym.
  3. NVMI is in receipt of a preliminary proposal from LAUSD for Prop 39 for the 17-18 school year for 22 classrooms and 2 offices. NVMI continues to negotiate with the district about the possibility of an Alternative Agreement which would be ostensibly the same as this year. By March 1, we must submit our formal response to the district, which NVMI legal counsel is helping draft.
  4. The Superintendent must be evaluated by the Governing Board annually. A discussion will take place during the board meeting regarding the performance of the Superintendent, who has waived his right to such a discussion in closed session.
  5. ACTION - The Superintendent requests the board delegate to him the authority to set the 2017-2018 school calendar, which will be presented to the board at the March or April board meeting for informational purposes.
  6. The Superintendent and Director of Operations will present aa draft salary schedule, benefits package, and budget for the 2017-2018 school year at the March meeting which will be predicated on a board decision to continue operations for the 17-18 school year.
  7. Assemblymember Bocanegra and Mark are working on possible legislative proposals to support NVMI as part of a larger effort to support CA education. Mark will make a report to the board on those efforts.
  8. Commandant (LTC Omar Solache)-
  9. Cadet promotion data – two new cadet Captains
  10. Riverside County Parade Monday Feb 20 - We were at the beginning of the parade to usher in the Grand Marshal
  11. State Drill Competition in April – participation still “up in the air” due to cadet apathy
  12. CACC Marksmanship Competition held in San Luis Obispo -February 11th; NVMI took 3rd place
  13. Friday February 24th - The PIR is scheduled to start promptly at 1330
  14. Summer Camp - Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base June 22- July 1, 2017 - 136 Trip slips have been turned in as of now.
  15. Basic NCO Training - Open to all cadets. Training on squad leader and basic NCO understanding. Potential promotion to C/CPL
  16. Advanced NCO Training - Open to C/CFC and above. Training on Platoon Leader and Platoon Sergeant. Potential promotion to C/SSG
  17. Senior NCO Training - Open to C/CPL and above. Training on Company First Sergeant and Company Commanders. Potential promotion to C/MSG
  18. OCS Training - Open to C/SGT and above. Training on Brigade and Regiment Staff Positions. Potential promotion to C/WO1 - C/2LT
  19. Medic Training - Training with the Navy Corps of Medics on Base. Potential badge - Medic Badge
  20. Marksmanship Training - Potential award - Actual Qualification on Marksmanship
  21. RECONDO Training - Potential Badge - Recondo Badge
  22. NEW SHARC Training - Potential Badge - Sharc Badge
  23. Leadership - Summer Camp Staff - Staff will run the Summer Camp, Preplanning and Implementation of the event with assigned adults in charge of the list of units
  24. SURVIVAL TRAINING – Testing on Survival ongoing - Physical Fitness Gram tryouts for the Survival have been held during Thursday mornings - 17 Cadets are eligible to participate; if we do not get more within about two weeks, we will not conduct this training this year.
  25. Revamping LOC Curriculum and broader military program - Curriculum Map Drafts are in progress.
  26. Athletics (Jay R Sarenana): Our High School Winter season has come to a close for our students. Boys basketball and both boys and girls soccer made playoffs. Only girls soccer advanced to the second round before getting eliminated, but this was remarkable for our first year in CIF as full members. Six of our wrestlers made it to CIF city finals with two of our students placing 6th overall in their weight classes (one boy and one girl). Middle school basketball is still being played; boys are currently 5-2 and our girls are 0-7. Next Monday starts our softball season; they have a total of 18 games. Boys’ lacrosse starts on Tuesday with a total of 10 games, Baseball starts on March 7 with 14 games, and boys volleyball starts on March 6 with 14 games. Middle school soccer will begin this week and will be see the biggest participation from our middle school students yet.
  27. Academics (Laura Stribling and Trish Doering): Scantron testong kicks off again this week. Tuesday starts our EL and Special Day Class tests, then 12th and 11th grades.
    We will know, at the end of testing in the two weeks, how much improvement the students have made. March board report will include significant detail on that progress.
  1. Special Education (Karla Uribe) - NVMI currently has 104 students with IEPs enrolled. There are 5 initial assessment requests pending, which will be completed by March 2017. NVMI currently has 11 Section 504 plan students enrolled. SPED continues to offer Academic Support after school, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. The SPED staff was cut from 16 full time equivalent to 12 for budget reasons.


FUTURE MEETING DATES (4PM in room 54 at 12105 Allegheny Street, Sun Valley, CA 91352):

  1. March 23, 2017
  2. April 27, 2017
  3. May 25, 2017

North Valley Military Institute – Special Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, January 26, 2017 4:00 p.m. in room 54

12105 Allegheny Street, Sun Valley, California 91352


I.  Call to Order at 4:08 by Chairman Lanny West. Members present Lanny West, Kay Deitch, Leslie Beavers (via teleconference), Emory Josephs, Steven Escobar, John Pruitt, Prospective member John Martinez. Members absent: Steven Le, Henry Lozano, James Tolle, Kevin Baxter. Staff present: Leigh Taylor from Charter School Management Corporation; Dr. Mark Ryan, Kellie Jackson, Diane French, Gina Wilson, Karla Uribe, Kriscia Tejada, Chris Pulos, Omar Solache, Beth Morden, Matthew Kus, Trish Doering, Amber Ortega, John Martin, Zak Lara, Laura Stribling.

II.  Adoption of the Agenda - unanimous

III.  Public Comment –there were no public speakers

IV.  ACTION – Approval of the December Board minutes (see attached). – unanimous

V.  ACTION – Board membership – The board unanimously approved the addition of Master Sergeant John Martinez, USMC School of Infantry (Camp Pendleton), to the board as well as renewing the membership of Chairman Lanny West, Secretary Emory Josephs, and member Kevin Baxter for two year terms ending December 31, 2018.

VI.  ACTION – The board adopted the following resolution of membership in the Chartersafe Joint Powers Authority:



WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the North Valley Military Institute College Preparatory Academy charter school (“School”) to establish a joint powers agency to administer programs for group purchasing, financing, risk management, insurance, self-insurance, and risk sharing; and

WHEREAS, the joint powers authority will offer significant advantages to the School in terms of cost, liability protection and services; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the North Valley Military Institute College Preparatory Academy charter school:

1. The North Valley Military Institute College Preparatory Academy charter school agrees to join the California Charter Schools Joint Powers Authority (CCS-JPA, DBA CharterSAFE) and

2. Application for a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers compensation insurance to be submitted to the Department of Industrial Relations is hereby authorized, as necessary for the School to participate in the workers compensation self-insurance program of the Authority.

3. The School Director (Superintendent) is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents as necessary to carry out the purposes of this Resolution.

4. That the Clerk /Secretary is directed to certify a copy of this Resolution and to forward the same, together with a copy of the executed joint powers agreement, to the California Charter Schools Joint Powers Authority.

VII.  INFORMATION, DISCUSSION, AND ACTION – Fiscal Matters – The board took the following action

  1. NVMI formally acknowledged receipt of a Notice of Concern form LAUSD dated December 7, 2016 regarding NVMI’s fiscal condition. The Notice was discussed in detail by the board.
  2. Monthly responses are required to the LAUSD Notice of Concern. NVMI submitted responses for December which complied with the district’s request, and at all future monthly board meetings, the board will approve the submissions required by the Letter of Concern. Today’s fiscal actions include approval of those documents.
  3. The bank reconciliation document was ratified unanimously by board.
  4. The “BALANCE SHEET DETAIL” which included Income Statement, Budget and Cash Flow including actuals” for the period ending December 31, 2016 was ratified unanimously.
  5. The 2015-2016 Audit Report showing NVMI as an ongoing concern because of the approximate $1 million deficit was ratified unanimously.
  6. The board gave unanimous approval of a Revised Budget reflective of cuts made as a result of board action in November, 2016 –This budget reflects an ending balance of $490,539 which is reflective of all cuts made and all projections for fund raising. The school has made multiple personnel cuts and various operational cuts to ensure that the ending balance is approximately a half million dollars this school year, so that the million dollar deficit reflected in the 2015-2016 Audit is half resolved this year. The intention is to resolve the remaining half million dollar deficit during the 2017-2018 school year. The Superintendent and Director of Operations reminded the board and public that $400,000 in board fund raising is included in this budget. To date, about $150,000 has been promised to the Annual Campaign ($100,000 from Pastor Tolle and about $50,000 from NVMI families and as a result of the gofundme page). We remain about $250,000 short of the fund raising goal, and the board discussed the plans for that fund raising, along with options should that fund raising not be successful. The discussion included the steps that would be necessary if the NVMI governing board were to decide that school closure was necessary. In order to be completely transparent with families and staff and not put families and staff in a more awkward place than they already are regarding the uncertain future of NVMI, the Superintendent recommended the board adopt an action plan and timeline of not later than March 1, 2017 for a board decision about the school remaining open or school closure so that families are aware of a date by which they would be informed for sure of NVMI remaining open for 2017-2018 or closing if that is the final decision of the board. – In addition to the unanimous approve of the revision of the budget, the board unanimously passed a motion that the board will take action not later than the March 23 meeting to notify families and staff of a decision about closure. There was extensive discussion about the need and intention to fully meet the $400,000 fund raising goals, and the board adopted a plan that it would have a weekly telephonic check in of the fund raising committee each Tuesday at noon Pacific Time for approximately 15-30 minutes. This meeting will be public noticed to comply with the Brown Act, but no action is contemplated at these teleconferences. Meetings will take place January 31, February 7, February 14, and February 21 at noon Pacific Time using the call in number 559-546-1200, conference code 109323295#.
  7. Unanimous ratification was given of First Interim submission to LACOE/LAUSD . It was submitted December 9 in accordance with requirements of state law and our charter.

VIII.  INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION – Members of the school administration answered questions on the following written reports submitted for board information and as part of the board’s fiduciary responsibility to monitor all aspects of school operation: