By/For Options

MTAC 117

January 2008


Page 4

1  Supporting By/For Capabilities

Often, mail owners will utilize the services of a mail service provider to prepare and pay for their mailings. When this situation occurs, the mail service provider is acting on behalf of the mail owner (for the mail owner), creating a By/For relationship with USPS (the mail is prepared By the mailer service provider, For the mail owner). There are three options that exist to reflect this relationship in electronic documentation.

Questions from MTAC 117 eDoc meeting on Jan 24, 2008.

·  Will mail service providers be required to identify the mail owner of each mailpiece?

·  Can the mail owner be provided for the container if all the mailpieces in the container are for the same mail owner?

Single Piece Options

Option 1: Mailer Owner MID

Mail service providers can include the Mail Owner MID in the electronic documentation, identifying the mail owner for whom they have prepared the mailpiece.


-  Mail Owner ID in PDR: Mailer ID of the company which owns the mailpiece indicated in the PDR record

PDR XML (formerly ADIS)

-  Mail Owner ID in the PDR XML: Mailer ID of the company which owns the mailpiece indicated in the PDR XML record


-  Mail Owner ID in MailpieceDataIndividual: the Mailer ID of the company which owns the mailpiece indicated in the WWS record

Option 2: Mail Owner Permit Number

Mail service providers can include the Permit Number of the mail owner in the electronic documentation.


-  Should a field be added to the PDR to allow mail service providers to provide this information at the mailpiece level? If not PDR, which file would be more appropriate?

PDR XML (formerly ADIS)

-  Should a field be added to the PDR XML to allow mail service providers to provide this information at the mailpiece level? If not, how would this be supported in the new web service specification?


-  Permit Num in MailpieceDataIndividual: the Permit Number of the company which owns the mailpiece indicated in the WWS record (CR needed)

Option 3: Mail Owner Customer Registration Identifier (CRID)

Mail service providers can include the CRID in the electronic documentation, identifying the mail owner for whom they have prepared the mailing or portion thereof.


­  Should a field be added to the PDR to allow mail service providers to provide CRID at the mailpiece level? If not PDR which file would be more appropriate?

PDR XML (formerly ADIS)

­  Should a field be added to the PDR XML to allow mail service providers to provide CRID at the mailpiece level? If not, how would this be supported in the new web service specification?


­  CRID in MailpieceDataIndividual: the USPS assigned CRID of the company which owns the mailpiece indicated in the WWS record (CR needed)

Ranging Options

Option 1: Mailer Owner MID

Mail service providers can include the Mail Owner MID in the electronic documentation, identifying the mail owner for whom they have prepared the mailpiece.


-  Should a Mail Owner ID field be added to the CSM? If not, which file would be more appropriate?

PDR XML (formerly ADIS)

-  Ranging is supported in the CSM file of Mail.dat so this option is not available.


-  Mail Owner ID in MailpieceDataBatch: the Mailer ID of the company which owns the mailpiece indicated in the WWS record

Option 2: Mail Owner Permit Number

Mail service providers can include the Permit Number of the mail owner in the electronic documentation.


-  Should a Permit Number field be added to the CSM? Or would the Permit Number (or Lcl Permit Ref Num/Int’l Bill Num) in MPA support this function?

PDR XML (formerly ADIS)

-  Ranging is supported in the CSM file of Mail.dat so this option is not available.


­  Would MailingOwnerData in SubmitPostageStatementData provide discreet enough association?

Option 3: Mail Owner Customer Registration Identifier (CRID)

Mail service providers can include the CRID in the electronic documentation, identifying the mail owner for whom they have prepared the mailing or portion thereof.


­  Should a CRID field be added to the CSM? Or would the Permit Holder Identifier (or Mail Owner Identifier) in MPA support this function?

PDR XML (formerly ADIS)

­  Ranging is supported in the CSM file of Mail.dat so this option is not available.


­  Would MailingOwnerData in SubmitPostageStatementData provide discreet enough association?