SDRME 2012 Summer Business Meeting
Annapolis, June 17-19, 2012
Minutes recorded by Elza Mylona, Secretary
1)Welcome President- Elect:
Dr. Carol Capello has been elected as President- elect. The Executive Committee congratulated and welcomed Dr. Capello.
2)Treasurer’s report. Balance of checking account balance of $27,003.96 and $18,632.42 for balance of savings. Marcel D’eon asked about whether we could invest our account as to increase the interest accrued. Jon Veloski mentioned that it may not be possible given our tax status.
3) Committee reports:
Nomination Committee Report: The SDRME Nomination Committee, Summers Kalishman, PhD (Chair), Annie Daniel, PhD and Giulia Anna Bonaminio, PhD, had the position of President- Elect to fill. Working with the Executive Committee of SDRME, we identified potential nominees. Carol Capello accepted the opportunity for nomination. Elza Mylona, PhD, Secretary of SDRME,sentan electronic ballot for the position of President-Elect in June 2012. Carol Capello, PhD, Weil Cornell, is our SDRME President-Elect.
Elza Mylona reported that 49 SDRME members voted for the President-Elect position. Results of the election were reported.
Membership Committee Report:
Completed applications:Dr. Mathieu Albert has replaced Brian Hodges as the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine’s SDRME representative. Dr. Albert is Interim Director of the Wilson Centre for Research in Education.Dr. Arch Mainous has replaced Lynn Manfred as the Medical University of South Carolina’s SDRME representative. Dr. Mainous is the Associate Dean for Assessment and Evaluation at MUSC.Dr. Linda Perkowski is the Central Michigan University College of Medicine’s new SDRME representative. Dr. Perkowski is the Associate Dean for Medical Education and Scholarship at CMUCM.
Pending applications:Dr. Monica Ann Shawsubmitted an application to represent the University of Louisville School of Medicine. Dr. Ruth Greenberg retired recently from the University of Louisville.. Dr. Shaw is U of L’s Associate Dean for Medical Education.
Individuals who have expressed interest in joining (or rejoining) SDRME:Dr. Carol Hodgson has expressed interest in becoming the University of Alberta’s SDRME representative, which was previously held by the late Dr. David Cook. Dr. Hodgson is the J. Alan Gilbert Chair in Medical Education Research at the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Alberta. Dr. Cayla Teal has expressed interest in becoming Baylor College of Medicine’s SDRME representative, which was previously held by Beth Nelson. Dr. Teal is Director of Educational Evaluation and Research in the Office of Undergraduate Medical Education.
Communications Committee: Jamie Shumway will be stepping down from the position of the chair. Jamie has served in that role since 2008. Jorie Colbert will assume this responsibility.
International Membership Committee : Committee Membership
Chair: Carol Capello (term ends 2013) Members: Marcel D’Eon (term ends 2013), Linda Perkowski (term ends 2013)
Committee activities since the Fall 2011 Report:
The Chair recently sent the yearly request to International Members to ascertain
- Whether they met the member-eligibility criteria
- Whether they were still interested in continuing as an International Member
- Any necessary modifications to their contact information
- If no longer interested and/or eligible, to supply the name and contact information of someone at their institution who would meet the SDRME membership criteria
The deadline is July 1. Reminder emails will be sent to those who have yet to respond before the deadline.
To date, 10 of the 25 International Members listed on the web site are still eligible and interested in remaining SDRME International Members and their contact information has been updated, as necessary. One prior member’s successor has now become a member and another member will be leaving his position in the fall but will contact us about a successor at that time. Six International Members have been taken off the International Membership roster given that numerous emails to them have been undeliverable over the past year.
Follow-up of possible new International Members met at this spring’s Ottawa conference is in the works.
Future Endeavors by Committee:
Those members who fail to respond by July 1 to the annual email or whose emails are undeliverable will be taken off the membership roster and the Committee will search to find replacement persons at their institutions.
The Committee will also follow up on any potential international members whom current International members have recommended or potential members whom we may meet international meetings (e.g., Ottawa Conference, AMEE) whom we believe would be eligible for SDRME membership.
We are planning to again host an informal luncheon gathering at the AMEE meeting in Lyon this summer. International members have already contacted the Chair about the possibility of having another such meeting at AMEE to discuss various research projects they are working on and possible collaboration in multi-institutional projects.
The Committee will continue to explore options for meaningful relationships between the SDRME and its international members, following up on the information provided in the reply emails (e.g., posting possible research collaborations on the web site).
4)SDRME career achievement award: Carol Elam is the 2012 recipient of the Merrill Flair award.
5)Biannual Survey ( Larry Gruppen). 44 responders. Summary of the report will be sent by the end of July.
6)Reviews Update: Two reviews will be presented in the summer meeting this year. Last year’s awardee has a publication accepted at the RIME.
7)CAS- Report: Last meeting of CAS was focused on education and specifically on methods of teaching. There was a panel discussion to challenge traditional teaching techniques in education. Workshops featured different methods of teaching i.e., TBL and Just in Time Teaching. Boyd Richards presented on educational scholarship. Another session on milestones and Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA).