Classy Classifying of Artsy Animals “Create a Critter”Grade Level 5th
Project 3 of 4
Approx. Duration of Project: 45 - 60 minutes
Project Description(Describe in a brief paragraph what the project entails. Think of this as an elevator pitch for teachers to read and get excited about the instruction. Include the art forms, science content and writing skills.) / Learning Targets
(Consider Bloom’s Taxonomy higher order thinking skills when creating these “I Can” statements)
In this project, students will create a “critter” using the art technique of “exquisite corpse” and finish each part in a different texture.
Students will write a description of their critter detailing the characteristics of each animal group, students will name their animal and present their animal to the class via a “Wanted” poster. / “I Can…”:
●Create a critter from three different animal parts.
●Name a new critter based on the three parts.
●Create a “Wanted” poster that uses the critter as a missing animal and describes its characteristics.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS (These are the open-ended deepening questions that guide instruction in this particular project. Consider 21st Century Skills and higher order thinking skills in Bloom’s Taxonomy.)
•How can I combine three animal parts together to create a new critter using the “exquisite corpse” technique?•How can I name a new critter and create a “Wanted” poster with a description of the missing animal?
•How can I use the new critter’s characteristics to name it and create…
•How can I classify artwork as a drawing? What are the characteristics? (2-D, materials used)
Curriculum Standards (Spell out the complete standard, not just the code. Include science standard and at least one focused writing standard and math standard that is addressed in this project). / Arts Standards (Spell out the complete standard, not just the code. Refer to GA DOE Fine Arts Standards)•S5L1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to group organisms using scientific classification procedures. a. Develop a model that illustrates how animals are sorted into groups (vertebrate and invertebrate) and how vertebrates are sorted into groups (fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, and mammal) using data from multiple sources.
ELACC5W3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
ELACC5W4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in Standards 1–3 above.) / •VA5MC.1 Engages in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas.
•VA5PR.1 Creates artworks based on personal experience and selected themes.
•VA5PR.2 Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes of two-dimensional art processes (drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed-media) using tools and materials in a safe and
appropriate manner to develop skills.
Content Vocabulary (bulleted list of science, writing or math content specific vocabulary words) / Arts Vocabulary (bulleted list of words with definitions for words, refer to ArtsNow Vocab sheets)Vertebrate
reproduce / Surrealistic style; Andre Breton
Exquisite corpse
subject Matter
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION (Include technology that is integrated directly into the project. Ex: apps, websites for research, virtual fieldtrips, mystery skype calls, etc..)
•Students could use ChatterKids to make their critters come alive and share their descriptions and characteristics that they had to write.ASSESSMENTS
Formative (bulleted list of strategies for formatively assessing students throughout project) / Summative (bulleted list of finished products from the project, include rubric and specific writing task/ assignment)●None / ● Rubric for “Wanted Poster”
MATERIALS (include bulleted list of all materials needed including websites, vendors, quantities)
●Drawing paper●Paper and pencil
●Textured plates
●Art sticks
●Black extra fine Sharpie markers
●Examples of exquisite corpse drawings
Activating Strategy (5- 10 min)
●Show examples of exquisite corpse drawings (see attached)
●Review characteristics/attributes of each vertebrate subgroup (bird, fish, mammal, amphibian, reptile)
●Review procedures of working with groups and time constraints for the activity
Main Activity (Bulleted list of one step directions for each part of project, think about the parts as if they are “day 1” “day 2”. This should include a balanced process of whole group modeling and small group project-based learning.)
●Students will fold paper so that there are three vertical sections.
●Each student will roll a die. They will draw the body part according to the number they roll:
● 1= bird 2 = fish 3 = mammal 4 = amphibian 5 = reptile 6 = invertebrate
●After the first roll, student will draw the head of an example of that sub group. (e.g, if the teacher names mammal, the student could draw the head of a dog) on the top section.
●After a specified amount of time, the student will fold the paper so that only the middle section is showing and pass to the next student. The students will again roll the die, and
draw the torso of an animal that represents that sub group.
●After a specified amount of time, the student will fold the paper so that only the bottom section is showing and pass to the next student. The students will again roll the die and
draw the bottom (feet, tail) of an animal that represents that sub group.
●The last student in the group will open the paper to reveal the three sections.
●The student will take the created critter and develop a name for the critter using all three of the animals in the picture.
●The student can now outline with Sharpies if desired, add color and an environmental background for the critter.
●Each section of the critter should be finished using a different texture plate and art sticks (for example, the head could be one texture and one color, torso could be a different texture and color, etc.)
●This paper can then be turned into a “wanted poster”. The student can write a description using some characteristics of all of the animal parts. (e.g. Be on the lookout for a missing ligerdile (lion, tiger, crocodile) that has escaped. It has fur, is warm blooded and might be near the eggs it laid. It was last seen…..)
Classroom Tips: (Include classroom management directions or how to prepare the classroom space for the project)
The teacher might want to have the student monitor each other so that they do not draw the same animal on the paper, even if they draw the same group.
Encourage students to consider placement and size of each body part;center each part; draw large enough to show texture and details, etc.
The teacher should emphasize that while the drawing does not have to be realistic, it should include enough detail to show characteristics of the vertebrate group.
Reflection Questions (Include a bulleted list of open-ended reflection questions that you will ask students to respond to either thru class discussion or written activity. This reflection should help students synthesize their understanding of how the arts helped them understand the concept being taught.)●From using the exquisite corpse technique, which animal group combinations would be the most realistic?
●How could certain animal group combinations help them survive better in the wild?
DIFFERENTIATION (Describe how the main activity could be differentiated for the different sub-groups, include bulleted lists of modified steps.)
BELOW GRADE LEVEL: Studentswill be provided with different pictures of invertebrates and vertebrates cut up into 3 sections (The head, torso, and legs). They will create a creature by gluing down the parts of the pictures. Student will roll a dice. They will paste down the body parts according to the number they roll:1= bird 2 = fish 3 = mammal 4 = amphibian 5 = reptile 6 = invertebrate
Art term: Collage (cut and glue papers) as opposed to drawing
Writing Accommodations:
ELP Level 1-2: Label critter’s characteristics directly on the poster using a word bank provided by the teacher. Picture and first language support should be used as needed for unknown vocabulary.
ELP Level 3-4: Students may type their critter descriptions in OneNote using the “Dictate” feature. Students can then copy the description to their poster. (OneNote>Learning Tools Add-in>Dictate)
ELP Level 5-6 Write a longer description including how their critter’s characteristics contribute to their ideal habitat.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES (Includes items that would further extend/ enrich instruction on this project, it could include suggested book lists, youtube videos, virtual fieldtrips, etc..)
● (first lesson plan on Surrealist Drawing Games)
●Ashley Brian is an author and illustrator who uses a lot of animals in his work. His stories may be good spring boards for student work.
APPENDIX (Include the list of attachments, below are the items that are required to be attached for every project.)
●Rubric for wanted poster●Written reflection sheet
CREDITS(List the authoring teachers names here.)
Sarah WeissVirginia Diederich
Abby Hernandez