Convening of the Pre-Implementation Meeting / ·  Meeting successfully convened. / Recommendation contained to be followed up / April 2010
Establishment of the Ti-National Project Unit: The Government of the Dominican Republic through its Ministry of Environment honoured its obligation for identification and establishment of the Tri-National Project Unit / ·  Contract concluded between UNEP and the owner of the building.
·  Security Assessment undertaken by UN Security. / Security Recommendations being implemented / April to July 2010
Advertisement and Selection of Project Staff: Based on the approved Terms of Reference agreed to by the participating countries and UNEP, the post as specified in the Description of Action were duly advertised. To facilitate this process and to ensure transparency an Ad Hoc CBC Recruitment Panel will be established comprising of a representative from UNEP and WFP and a representative each from the participating countries. The Panel will be chaired by the Head of Administration, UNEP/ROLAC. / ·  Ad Hoc Committee established in April 2010.
·  Advertisement issued in May/June 2010
·  Final Selection of Technical Staff- 19 July 2010
·  Internal posts advertised and selection made (in the case of the CBC Liaison Officer). / Selected Staff to be informed et al.
Post to be advertised and selection made / April
July 2010
Procurement of Equipment: The procurement of equipment for the Tri-National Office undertaken by UNEP/ROLAC in accordance with the UN procurement rules, but in accordance with the Description of the Action. / ·  Procurement of equipment for Tri-National Office completed. / On Going
Visibility and Transparency: To ensure that the stakeholders in the participating countries are fully aware of the project and that it is being implemented by resources from the European Union. Three National Visibility Consultations, one in each of the participating countries, will be. In addition to informing the stakeholders about the project, the consultations will be tailored to improve the community knowledge about the importance of and the opportunities which could result from the better husbandry of the environment in the CBC. / Visibility Workshops convened for Cuba (21 May 2010), Dominican Republic (13 July 2010), and Haiti (mid August). / · To be convened in collaboration with the launching of the community Based Propagation Center.
· Design a comprehensive Education and Public Awareness Programme
· Production of TV spots on the CBC. / August 2010
Preparation of a Brochure as a means of Convening information of the projects to stakeholder / Brochure completed and translated in the three CBC language
Establishment of the CBC Website / ·  Functioning website / ·  The CBC website will be hosted by the Tri-National Project Office with a special window foe the UNEP/EU CBC projects with links to all participating countries and organizations.
·  It will be build on the work already undertaken by the Government of Cuba on the development of a CBC Website
·  The Project Manager in close collaboration with the Tri-National Officer based on SIDS Unit at UNEP/ROLAC will have principle responsibility for the Website.
·  Final decision on information to be posted on the Website will be the responsibility of the Project Manager in close consideration with the UNEP Task Manager for the project
The Website should be in the three CBC languages-English, French and Spanish
Convening of the First Meeting of the CBC Technical Committee which will review it from a technical standpoint and taking into consideration the Plan of Action for the CBC adopted by the Ministers of the participating countries on 7 August 2009. / ·  Committee Constituted
·  First Meeting of the CBC Technical Committee for the UNEP/EC Project convened on.
·  Report of Meeting prepared and disseminated. / Adoption by the CBC Ministerial Policy Group of Terms of Reference of the CBC Technical Advisory Group and Rules for its functioning / 21-22 July 2010
Convening of the First Meeting of the First Meeting of the Tri-National Ministerial Policy Committee. The Tri-National Ministerial Policy Committee will be required to review and adopt the Work Programme to facilitate project implementation. / ·  Committee Constituted
·  First Meeting of the CBC Ministerial Policy Group for the UNEP/EC Project convened on.
·  Report of Meeting prepared and disseminated. / 23 July 2010
Official Launching of Project Office / 23 July 2010
Establishment of a Geographical Information System for the CBC
Identification of Pilot Sites/Communities. The pilot demonstration site are in process of being established as a means of demonstrating that the rehabilitation of degraded lands can be done in tandem with the creation of livelihood opportunities, since this will provide an incentive for the participation of the communities in the project. This approach is necessary given the links between population, poverty, and degraded natural resources in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. This activity will therefore facilitate the development of alternative livelihood opportunities for the affected communities as a means of reducing pressure on the biodiversity resources and addressing poverty. / ·  Five Pilot Sites selected (3 in Haiti, and one each in Cuba and the Dominican Republic.
·  Initial baseline information of the Pilot Site assembled. / · Identification of five pilot sites/communities:
o  One in Cuba
o  One in D.R.
o  Three in Haiti
· Assessment of Alternative livelihood options and the development of a plan for development of alternatives
· Preparation of a Plan for the rehabilitation of degraded land with the involvement of the communities. / August
Establishment of Community based Propagation Centres. To facilitate the rehabilitation of degraded areas in Cuba, D.R., and Haiti community based propagation centres will be established in the three participating countries. The propagation centre in Cuba in addition to producing seedlings for the rehabilitation process will also be used as a training centre for the communities from all the participating countries in the Project Train of Trainers Programme. In the propagation of plants, emphasis will be placed on relevant indigenous species. This will be done at the community level. The propagation Centre in Haiti will be opened and launched during the month of August 2010. The National Visibility Workshop will coincide with the establishment and launching of the Community Propagation Centre on Haiti. / Countries to commence the process of the identification of possible locations.
Ad Hoc Working Group to be established under the guidance of the National Focal Point for Haiti to prepare a proposal for the Community Propagation Centre in Haiti. Back up technical support to be provided by UNEP/Haiti Office. / · Identification of sites
· Mobilization of the targeted communities
· Procurement of materials to construct the propagation centre
· Procurement of plant materials. / ·  Propagation Centre to be launch in August 2010
·  September- Cuba
·  October-D.R.
Development of Alternative Sources of Fuel for the Pilot Communities: A significant portion of the destruction of the forest resources in the project area is currently used for the generation of fuel. To reduce the pressure on the resource base emphasis will be placed on the development of alternative sources of energy, including opportunities which might be available, for this purpose, from indigenous species (i.e. Jatropha Curcas)
Development of Community Private Sector Partnerships: The private sector will be expected to play a role in the creation of livelihood options for the communities. This will be done in partnership through community-private sector partnerships. Mechanisms will be put in place to create an enabling environment within the pilot communities for attracting the participation and investment from the private sector as well as to develop a sense on entrepreneurship among the communities.
Cooperation UNDP in Commencing Work on the Establishment of Protected Areas: Since the resources which will be used for the establishment of the network of protected areas in Hispaniola are being financed by the GEF, through UNDP, consultations will commence immediately with the participating countries and UNDP Offices in both Haiti and Dominican Republic with the view, to the extent practicable of harmonizing approaches and implementation timelines. This is of critical importance given that the protected areas in Hispaniola along with the network of protected areas in Eastern Cuba will form the core of the CBC and the backbone of the protected area system in the insular Caribbean.
Establishment of Community-Private Sector Partnership
Activities / Pre Project / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / #
Activity One
Analysis and Collection of Baseline Date
Collection and Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data
Legal Analysis of Laws
GIS and Database Development
Preparation of Long Term Strategic Plan
Consultations with Communities
Activity Three
Selection of Pilot Demonstration Site
Establishment of Propagation Centres
Rehabilitation of Degraded Lnads
Community Private Sector Partnerships
Provision of Energy Efficient Stoves
Preparation and Production of Bio Fuel
Installation and Operation of Photovoltaic System
Activity Four
Education and Public Awareness Programme
Trainer of Trainer Programme
Training of National Experts
Community Intra-Regional Exchanges
Activity Six
Establishment of Project Office
Selection of Staff
Policy Group Meeting
Technical Group Meetings
Visibility and Communication
Community Monitoring Systems (1)
Monitoring and Evaluation (2)
Procurement of Equipment
Parallel Funding Actions
Activity Two
Establishment of Protected Area System