Multiple-Choice Questions
Chapter 7: Currents, Climate, and Wind
1. A southwesterly wind blows toward what direction?
w. southeast
x. northeast
y. southwest
z. northwest
2. A strong gale has a force of 9 according to what scale?
w. Fujita scale
x. Saffir-Simpson scale
y. Beaufort scale
z. Wentworth scale
3. The Beaufort scale was originally intended to standardize ship logs in what fleet?
w. Australian Naval Force
x. US Navy
y. Navy of the Greater Japanese Empire
z. Royal Navy
4. The highest class of wind in the most common form of the Beaufort Wind Scale is what?
w. Full gale
x. Violent storm
y. Violent gale
z. Hurricane
5. The northeasterly trade winds are to Hadley cell as the prevailing westerlies are to what?
w. Ferrell cell
x. Polar cell
y. Westerly cell
z. Hadley cell
6. The horse latitudes are located directly between what convection cells?
w. North hadley cell and south hadley cell
x. Hadley cell and ferrell cell
y. Ferrell cell and polar cell
z. Ferrell cell and westerly cell
7. What is another name for the doldrums?
w. Horse latitudes
x. Intertropical convergence zone
y. Hadley convergence latitudes
z. Subtropical zone
8. In a full day, a sea breeze is least likely to occur at what time?
w. Noon
x. Late morning
y. Late afternoon
z. Midnight
9. The Saffir-Simpson Scale measures the…
w. density
x. size
y. intensity
z. duration
10. Which of the following does NOT describe a white squall?
w. no associated dark clouds
x. very rare at sea
y. not as powerful
z. increase in wind speed due to surrounding storms
11. Which of the following is true about solar radiation
w. Less light absorbed at low latitudes
x. Equal heating of earth causes currents
y. Sunlight concentrated on Tropic of Cancer and Tropic and Capricorn
z. Does not help keep temperature constant
12. What is describes La Nina?
w. Lower temperatures
x. Stronger trade winds
y. Higher fish count
z. Always follows El Nino
13. What is the name given to fast moving currents that deposit sediments down an underwater slope?
w. Kuroshio Currents
x. Depository Currents
y. Turbidity Currents
z. Sedimentary Currents
14. What is the nature of eddies that move north of the Gulf Stream?
w. They are cold, deep, and spin clockwise.
x. They are cold, deep, and spin counter-clockwise
y. They are warm, shallow, and spin counter-clockwise
z. They are warm, shallow, and spin clockwise
15. Of the following, which are the largest in diameter and depth?
w. Cold-Water Eddies
x. Mild-Water Eddies
y. Warm-Water Eddies
z. Moderate-Water Eddies
16. What is the name of the current when the tide is going down and the water flows away from the shore?
w. Flood Current
x. Ebb Current
y. Slack Water
z. Receding Current
17. What is the name given to a current when the water flows toward the shore and the tide is coming up?
w. Flood Current
x. Ebb Current
y. Slack Water
z. Receding Current
18. What is the name given to the current when the water is not moving at high and low tides?
w. Flood Current
x. Isostatic Current
y. Slack Water
z. Receding Current
19. Vertical currents at high latitudes caused by the sinking of dense, cold, salty water is called:
w. Picnocline Circulation
x. Picnothermocline Circulation
y. Thermohaline Circulation
z. Halocline circulation
20. The acronym NADW stand for:
w. Norwegian Associated Depth Water
x. North Atlantic Deep Water
y. North Atlantic Dull Winds
z. North Atlantic Dark Water
21. Water from the Weddell Sea sinks due to:
w. Rapid freezing at the surface
x. High Winds that speed up the process of upwelling
y. High amount of dissolved oxygen concentrations
z. Underwater geysers that blast cold water up to the surface resulting in upwelling
22. Convergence causes:
w. water to flow in the opposite direction of other water which in turn causes downwelling.
x. water to flow in opposite directions of other water which in turn causes upwelling.
y. water to flow towards other water which causes upwelling
z. water to flow towards other water which causes downwelling
23. Ocean acoustic tomography is a mapping system that becomes inaccurate due to differences in:
w. salinity
x. temperature
y. pH
z. the relative number of organisms
24. Short Answer Geostrophic currents occur when:
25. The Coriolis effect is balanced by gravity, water piled up by subtropical convergence circulates around the hill.
26. Which of the following does not belong?
w. East Australia Current
x. Benguela Current because it is an eastern/cold boundary current, and the other three are western/warm boundary currents
y. Aguilhas Current
z. Brazil Current
27. What is the unit for ocean current?
w. Amperes
x. Humboldts
y. Langmuirs
z. Sverdrups
28. With which type of circulation are windrows associated?
w. Langmuir
x. Deep water
y. Thermohaline
z. Circumpolar
29. With which type of circulation are windrows associated?
w. Langmuir
x. Deep water
y. Thermohaline
z. Circumpolar