Appendix G: Resources for Applicants
- Pre-School and Kindergarten Standards in the Domains of Social-Emotional Development and Approaches to Play and Learning
- Guiding Change, Impacting Quality: A Guide to Technical Assistance in Settings Serving Infants & Toddlers, Preschoolers, and Children in Out-of-School Time Programs and Their Families
GUIDING CHANGE, IMPACTING QUALITY: A Guide to Technical Assistance in Settings Serving Infants & Toddlers, Preschoolers, and Children in Out-of-School Time Programs and Their Families SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL
- Massachusetts Association for Infant Mental Health (MassAIMH) Birth to Six, Inc.
- Massachusetts Core Competencies for Early Education and Out-of-School Time
- The Pyramid Model Consortium
- Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center
- The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center
Thank you for your referral to[Agency/Program Name].
We value your feedback on the quality and effectiveness of the early childhood mental health consultationservices provided.
Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions in order to help us continue to improve our services.
Please check your level of agreement with the following statements:
Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither Agree nor Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree / Not Applicable
- I have a better understanding of what early childhood mental health consultation services are and how they can help.
- The consultant valued my input throughout the consultation process.
- I was involved in developing the child/classroom behavior support plan.
- I gained a greater understanding of children’s’ social-emotional development and behavior from the observation and feedback process.
- The consultant helped me understand how children’s history and experiences can affect their development and behavior.
- The mental health consultation services helped me learn strategies to promote healthy social-emotional development.
- I have applied the strategies taught to me by the consultant to promote healthy social-emotional development of children in the classroom.
- I feel more confident in supporting children’s social-emotional development and behavior.
- I have noticed an improvement in the child(ren)’s classroom behavior.
- Mental health consultation services have improved the quality of our classroom environment(s).
- The mental health consultation services helped me to better engage with families around the social-emotional and behavioral needs of their child(ren).
- I would use mental health consultation services again, if needed.
- I participated in mental health consultation services for ______weeks between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017. (Enter number between 1 and 52)
- Overall, how satisfied were you with the mental health consultation services? (Please circle one)
Please tell us what was most helpful to you from the mental health consultation services:
Any suggestions to make mental health consultation more helpful?
Name (optional) please print:
Sample Parent/Caregiver Satisfaction SurveyThank you for working with / [ECMHC PROGRAM NAME] / and / [Early education & care provider] / to help your child have a positive
early education & care experience. We value your input on our work and hope you can take a few minutes to share your thoughts.
to improve our services.
Please check your level of agreement with the following statements:
Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither Agree nor Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree / Not Applicable
- The role of the early childhood consultant was clearly explained to me.
- The consultant valued my input about my child.
- I have a better understanding of my child’s social-emotional development.
- The consultant helped me and my family access additional resources/services in the community.
- The consultation services helped my child have a positive early education & care experience.
- The consultation services improved my communication and comfort with the staff of my child’s early education & care center.
- I feel comfortable seeking consultation services or other resources again, if needed.
- I worked with a consultant for _____ weeks this year. (Enter number between 1 and 52)
- Overall, how satisfied were you with the consultation services? (Please circle one)
Please tell us what was most helpful to you from the consultation services:
Any suggestions to make the consultation services more helpful?
Name (optional) please print:
Phone number if you would like a follow-up phone call to discuss services or survey:
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