9th Grade Science Scientific Inquiry and Process Skills / 2014-2015 /
Reporting Cluster: Scientific Inquiry and Process Skills
Topic / Knowledge: / Assessments:
Scientific Investigative Skills / 4 / In addition to score 3.0 performance, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond the target.
Proficient / Students demonstrate the ability to:
  • design, conduct and evaluate the validity of a scientific experimentincluding:
identify the relationship between the independent and dependent variable in an experiment
formulate a testable hypothesis and demonstrate the logical connections between a hypothesis and the design of an experiment
collect accurate data
use evidence (data), apply logic, and construct an argument for their proposed explanations.
determine appropriate display of data (graph, chart, data table, etc.)
  • effectively communicate and support scientific conclusions

2 / Students will recognize or recall:
Specific vocabulary such as:
hypothesis, observation, inference, conclusion, graph, prediction, model, dependent variable, independent variable, control variable, experiment, reliability
Basic knowledge such as:
  • how to design and conduct a scientific experiment including:
identify dependent and independent variables in an experiment
how to formulate a testable hypothesis
collect relevant data from an experiment
use data to support a conclusion
represent data graphically
  • how to communicate scientific information

1 / Student’s performance reflects insufficient progress towards foundational skills and knowledge.
Reporting Cluster: Scientific Inquiry and Process Skills
Topic Knowledge: Assessments
Scientific Tool Use and Measurement / 4 / In addition to score 3.0 performance, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond the target.
Proficient / Students demonstrate they have the ability to:
  • make a measurement and evaluate its accuracy and precision
  • convert units within and between systems
  • organize collected data in a systematic way for evaluation

2 / Students will recognize or recall:
Specific vocabulary such as:
units, variable, accuracy, precision, metric system, English system
Basic knowledge such as:
  • how to choose an appropriate tool to measure content specific quantities
  • metric units of measurement (kg, m, s,) and how to convert units within the metric system
  • how to collect data using a variety of tools.

1 / Student’s performance reflects insufficient progress towards foundational skills and knowledge.
Suggested Instructional Resources
Sample Learner Objectives / Topic / Web Resources – websites or resources on / Labs / PBL Ideas
(projects) / Textbook Resources
I can distinguish among and make qualitative and quantitative observations.
I can recognize and design a fair experiment to test a scientific question.
I can demonstrate proper safety procedures.
I can create an appropriate scientific graph using a given data set.
I can recognize and generate logical inferences based on observations.
I can analyze a given data set to recognize and produce a valid conclusion.
I can communicate scientific inquiry and findings in a clear and fair way. / Scientific Investigative Skills
I can convert between common units within the metric system.
I can measure length, volume and mass using appropriate equipment. / Scientific Tool Use and Measurement