Please be invited to…

TheSpringBiofuelCongress 2013
25-27.04.2013Saint Petersburg, Russia

April, 25, 2013 – 8thinternationalbusinessconference "Heat out of Waste 2012. ModernTechnologies Heat and Electricity Production with the Use of Biomass”

April, 26-27, 2013 – 9thInternationalbusinessconference“FuelPellets.Russia and the World”

300-350 professionals from over 12 countries are expected to visit the congress.

The Spring Biofuel Congress is a leading technology and market event on solid biofuel in the Russian speaking zone. The Congress exists since 2005 as a combination of two annual professional conferences acknowledged as a respectable meeting point for experts from many countries of the world. Presenting at the Biofuel Congress in St.Petersburg is traditionally one of the shortest way to the biofuel technology and equipment market in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The event has a role of the industry's marketplace and allows companies find partners, suppliers, investors, buy and sell biofuel, learn about the latest trends in the market conjuncture, policy and legislation news and so on.

April, 25, 2013 – 8thinternationalbusinessconference "Heat out of Waste 2013. Modern Technologies Heat and Electricity Production with the Use of Biomass”

- Technologies of biofuel combustion and generation of electrical and heating energy

- Statesupportandlegislationdevelopmentinthebioenergybranch

- Financingthebioenergyprojects

April, 26-27, 2013 – 9thInternational business conference “Fuel Pellets. Russia and the World”

- Technologies of biofuel production

- Problems of development of the export biofuel market

- Problems of development of the Russian biofuel market

- Statesupportandlegislationdevelopmentinthebioenergybranch

- Financingthebioenergyprojects

- Establishmentofbusinesscontactsamongproducers, investors, equipmentsuppliers, buyersandsuppliers of biofuel etc.

Expected audience:

FuelPellets. RussiaandtheWorld2013: operating biofuel producers and factoriesunderconstruction, biofuel traders, equipment suppliers, investors and financial organizations, consultants, engineering companies, representatives of regional and federal administration etc. Around 300 participants.

HeatoutofWaste2013: equipment suppliers, engineers, consultants, forestry and woodworking companies, municipalities, financial institutions and investors, companies of energy sector. Totalaround 150 participants

Welcome to St.Petersburg!

For details and registration, please, visit:


Organizational committee of the Spring Biofuel Congress


VIII International business conference

«Heat out of Waste 2013. Modern Technologies Heat and Electricity Production with the Use of Biomass» 25April2013

IX International business-conference
«Fuel pellet: Russia and the world 2013»


Organizers: / Biofuel portal WOOD-PELLETS.COM
Audience: / Biofuel Producers
Biofuel Buyers (Russian and international)
Equipment Suppliers
Consultants and Developers
Industrial Enterprises
Transport and Logistics Companies
Quality Control Experts in Biofuel
Private Investors
Financial Organizations
Representatives of Regional and Local Administrations
«Heatoutofwaste 2013»
April, 25 /
Current state and development perspectives for bioenergy in Russia
  • Bioenergy and energy-saving programmes and activities in Russia.
  • The economies of biofuel use
  • Practical experience in projects realization
  • The development of consumer market for biofuel
Technologies of use of biofuel
  • Biofuel boiler-houses (professional segment)
  • Technologies for agri-waste preparation and combustion (straw, sunflower hulls etc.)
  • Stoves and boilers for households
  • Biofuel power generation and cogeneration
  • Syn-gas technologies
  • Steam and ORC turbines technologies
Equipment and technology presentations
Financing of energy bioenergy projects
Individual business talks
«Fuel Pellet: Russia and the World 2013»
April, 26-27 / Plenary session
Greeting Word
PanelI.Overview of the state and perspectives of development of the bioenergy branch in Russia and CIS
World market of solid biofuel.
Regions and countries reports
Large-scalуbiofuel production projects.
Panel II. Pellets/briquettes production technologies (Issues concerning engineering, project-planning and construction of fuel pellets/briquettes production facilities
Technology innovations
Torrefied biomass
Bioenergy projects financing
Panel III. Export market of solid biofuel
Russia's role and position in the world market for biofuel
Solutions for export & international trade logistics (packaging, transportation of pellets for export purposes).
Presentations of biofuel buyers and biofuel producers
Individual business talks
April, 21 / Panel IV. Status-quo and perspectives of development of the internal market of biofuel in Russia and CIS
Law and state policy in the area of bioenergy. International experience. Situation in Russia.
Problems of standardization and certification of biofuel
Panel V.Applications for Agriculture.
Feedstuff pelleting, grass drying and pelleting
Manure utilization as fuel and fertilizer
Agri pellets/briquettes
Individual business talks (continued)
Additional Information
Location / Saint-Petersburg, Holiday Inn Moskovskie Vorota, Moskovsky Prospekt 97a
Participation: / Participation fee, including complete congress programme (three days) 500euro, including 18% VAT; discount for the 2nd and 3rd participant from one company – 10%.
Main sponsorship: 5 000 euro
Sponsorship: 2 300 euro
Commercial presentation: 830euro
and advertising possibilities:

Conference thesis and presentations:

Participation in the conference: contact us by telephone
+7812600 55 48/78 or by email
fax: +7812438 84 05
Organizational Committee: / Anton Ovsyanko – General Director of Biofuel portal WOOD-PELLETS.COM ()
Olga Rakitova – Executive Director of the National Bioenergy Union ()
MICE 'APEX' ltd. – official partner, technical support
Informational Partners: / Information Partners
The Bioenergy International. Russia (
LesPromInform (
Energy and Industry of Russia (
/ EcoEnergy - Innovation technologies in Biomass processing and biofuel production
/ CPM Europe - the World's largest manufacturer of biomass pelleting equipment. Over 50% of all pellet mills ever working in all countries.
/ Portal Engineering Ltd. - one of the leading engineering and consultancy groups in Russia, specializing at biomass and biofuel related projects. Pellets/briquettes production plant, biomass boiler-houses and power stations turnkey. Among other partners Portal-Engineering is an authorised dealer of CPM Europe and Prodesa Medioambiente in Russia.


8th Internationalbusinessconference: «Heat out of Waste 2013»

9th Internationalbusinessconference: «Fuel Pellets. Russia and the World 2013»

1.1Registration form

Company name
Bank details: / Company legal address:
Postal address:
Bank address:
Account no.:
Telephone, fax, e-mail
Events /  «Fuel Pellets. Russia and the World 2013», April, 26-27,2013
 .«Heat out of Waste 2013» April, 25, 2013
 Gala dinner April, 26 -19.00 (70 euro)
Additional information / We would like to become a sponsor
We would like to make a company presentation
We would like to make an analytical report
We would like to provide informational sponsorship
Company profile / Biofuel producer / supplier / Biofuel buyer / consumer
Equipment supplier / Investor / financial institution
Transport logistics / Administration / authority
Science / education / Future biofuel production

Payment conditions

Please, sendtheformtotheOrganizersbyfax: +7812438 84 05Or by email:
Deadline for registration: 17.04.2013. Deadline for payment: 18.04.2013. Discount 20% - by payment before 01st of February.

Withdrawal from participation should be confirmed in written form and be presented to the organizational committee before 12.04.2013, in this case we return the registration fee after deduction of administrative cost – 15% of the sum, if participation withdrawn after 12.04.2013 the registration fee is not returned.

Signature: ______/______/ Stamp

Date: «______»______2013

Terms of participation

1) Participation fee:

COMPLETE: 500 euro or 20 000Rublesincluding VAT

Included in the participation fee:

- participation in the plenary and subpanels

- participation in the program of business negotiations

- package with conference materials

- coffee-break, lunch, festive dinner

Theorganizerscanbookahotelandorganizetransportationfromairportorrailwaystation, if needed (hotel and transportation from airport or railway station are not included in the participation fee)

Fee reduction:

20% – early payment (before February 01, 2013)

10% – for the participants of the conferences of the Biofuel portal WOOD-PELLETS.COM in 2011-2012, payment before March 01, 2013.

10% – for the 2nd and 3rd participant from the same company

Other fee reductions:

– Operating producers of fuel pellets and briquettes can get a 10% fee reduction of the payment amount, in exchange the producer provides pellets sample, information about pellets quality and equipment used for wood-pelletting for the database of the portal WOOD-PELLETS.COM

Discounts are not cumulative.

Heat out of Waste (April25th) only: 200 (or 8000 rubles) euro
Fuel Pellets. Russia and the World (April26-27th) only: 340 euro

2) Commercial presentations:


- 15-20 minutepresentation (beamerandotherequipmentcan be provided, prior application is needed)

- Presentation materials will be included into the participant’s package

- Participation of 1 company representative in the whole conference program

Package cost: 830euro

For the second participant from the presenting company, the participation cost will make 140 euro

3) Main sponsor of the Spring Biofuel Congress 2013


- Presentation (in compliance with the conference profile)

- Presentation materials will be included into the participant package

- A separate table for individual business negotiations

- Participationof 1 – 5 companyrepresentativesin the whole conference program

+ Advertising banner on the portal WOOD-PELLETS.COM

+ Company presentation as a sponsor of the business-conference

+ Logo and company name included into advertising and informational materials and press-releases, devoted to the conference

+ Any number of informational materials included into the participant’s package

+ Sponsor’s bill-boards and other advertising materials placed around the conference-hall

+ Other advertising possibilities upon agreement

4)Information partnership conditions

Services, provided by the organizers of the business-conference

- Freeparticipationofonejournalistinthewholeconferenceprogram (participation of further representatives costs 500 Rubles per person)

- One sample of the printed edition included into the participant’s package and/or a stand with magazines in the hall of the conference center

- Logoandlink to the web-site of the informational partner placed on the portal

Services provided by the informational sponsors:

- Publication of press-releases and modules (banners) of the conference prior to the event

- Publication of articles, reports and/or interviews, based on the conference results

- Linkstotheofficialweb-siteoftheconference and placed on the web-site of the edition (if available)


To register for the Congress you can use the Online registration. Please, send the form to the Organizers by fax: +7 (812) 438-84-05 Or by email:

Deadline for registration – April 17, 2013

Deadline for payment – April 18, 2013

Discount 20% – early payment (before January 31, 2013)


Cancellation of the participation should be sent in written form by email , .

Cancellation done before April 12, 2013, – the fee is 15% of the registration fee, rest of the amount will be refunded.

Cancellation done after April 12, 2013 – registration fee is not refunded.

Conditions of the sponsorship status are being discussed individually.

Email: orcall+7 (812) 600 55 78 or+7 (911) 188 6454:

Tel.: +7 (812) 600-55-48
Fax: +7 (812) 438 84 05
Portal-Engineering Ltd.
197183 Saint-Petersburg
Lipovaya Alleya, 9 office. 913