RCCS 2017-2018 School Supply List for Grades 6-8
The following are miscellaneous items needed in general at school:
*Pack of pencils (Mechanical or standard) *scissors *eraser (big pink) *glue or glue stick * 8th grade only -assignment book (approx 5x7)
*small pencil pouch or small container (shoebox size or smaller) for small supplies *2 boxes of tissues (160 count or larger)
Art 7th Grade: The art teacher will give out a list at the beginning of second semester.
Backpacks need to be able to fit inside the student’s locker. There is no other area to store them during the school day.
Parents please note: It is the student’s responsibility throughout the year to re-supply any item that becomes lost or used up. Many students will especially require additional pencils and pens. Please check with them regularly to assess this. Thank you!
6th Grade
English – 2 pocket folder, red pen and composition notebook
History – 2 pocket folder, colored pencils and red pen
Math – red pens and pencils
Bible – 2 pocket folder, composition book, memory work done in NIV or NKJV
PE – shorts and t-shirts (available to purchase in office), non-streaking athletic shoes
Science – composition notebook (9 ¾” x 7 ½”)
Computer – personal set of headphones, folder
7th Grade
English – 2 pocket folder, red pen and composition notebook
History – 1 ½” binder (only to be used in this class), set of dividers, loose leaf paper, colored pencils
Math – red pens and pencils
Bible – 2 composition notebooks, Bible
PE – shorts and t-shirts (available to purchase in office), non-streaking athletic shoes
Science – composition notebook (9 ¾” x 7 ½”)
Computer – personal set of headphones, folder
8th Grade
English – 2 pocket folder, lined 3x5 note cards and holder, red pen, composition notebook
History – 1 ½” binder (only to be used in this class), set of dividers, loose leaf paper (college ruled),
colored pencils, glue stick, scissors, pen or pencil
Math – pocket folder, notebook, spiral notebook or 3 ring binder with sections for notes & homework
Pre-Algebra – red pens, pencils, TI-34 scientific calculator
Algebra 1 – TI-84 scientific calculator (plus C silver edition recommended)
Bible – 2” 3 ring binder (only to be used in this class), 12 tabbed dividers, reinforcement rings, pens,
colored pens, Bible (we highlight verses)
PE – shorts and t-shirts (available to purchase in office), non-streaking athletic shoes
Science – composition notebook (9 ¾” x 7 ½”), variety of colors pens, highlighters, colored pencils
Computer – personal set of headphones, folder