The Dove Mountain Hiking Club is actively looking for Hike Leaders. Experienced Hike Leaders with knowledge of local trails would be great, but is not required. A love of hiking, a sense of direction, organizational skills and a willingness to do some research is sufficient to get started leading some simple easy hikes. Experienced Hike Leaders will be happy to work with new Hike Leaders to help them feel comfortable leading hikes. If you think you may have an interest, ask the Hike Leader on a hike to be their Sweep. This would give you a feel for the some of the responsibilities of a Hike Leader. We are hiking with friends and neighbors and no one expects us to be experts. If you have an interest or would like to further discuss the duties and responsibilities of a Hike Leader, contact Julie Harrod-520-579-3069.

  1. Select a hike(s) that you would like to lead for the upcoming month

A. How to Select a Hike

Consider the time of the year (desert temperature, mountain temperature/snow, etc.).

Use the number of tools at your disposal when selecting a hike:

Hiker Trails Information Lists on the Dove Mountain hiker website

Local Trail Maps

Local Hiking Books

Other hiking club websites

The Internet

2. Describe your hike in a Microsoft Word Document

Font = Times New Roman

Font Size = 12

For complete format see previous hike schedules. One is always posted on

(In the future detailed descriptions of most hikes will be easily accessed via a data base

for easy copy and paste)

Forward your hike description via email to Julie Harrod by the 20th of the prior month

3. Print copy of Hiking Club Sign-up Sheet from web site

Complete top of form

Determine maximum number of Hikers to allow on your hike

4. Assemble the special items required for your Hike Leaders Pack

Cell phone (not required if another hiker has a cell phone on the hike)

First Aid Kit (If you don’t have one, you can check out from Julie Harrod or Paula Euchner.

Two way radios (optional ,you can check out from Julie Harrod).

Knife, comb, tweezers, etc. (See the “Well-Equipped Hiker”and “Supplies

For First Aid Kits”on the Dove Mountain Hiking Website for additional suggestions)

5. Meet your hiking group at Dove Mountain Park on day of hike

Have all hikers sign the sign-up sheet

Ensure that hikers have the proper equipment and water for the hike

Pass out directions to trail head

Organize car pools to drive to the trail head & remind hikers of suggested carpool fee

6. Lead your hike

A. At the Trail Head

Provide a brief description of the hike

Start hike with leader in front and assign a “hike sweep”for the rear

B. During the Hike

Set pace

Keep group together

Determine appropriate rest stops based on the group’s condition and interest

Don’t allow a hiker to go off on their own or be left alone unless they have a radio

C. End of Hike

Denote miles hiked and make any pertinent comments for each hiker on sign-up sheet

Turn in the sign-up sheet to Julie Harrod

Return Radios and First Aid Kit to the individual that you checked it out from and denote any First Aid Supplies used

7. Have Fun!!