Union Share - Loan Application
The Branch Manager
Union Bank of India
Dear Sir,
Sub: Request for loan - against shares/debentures/bonds
1. I/We request you to sanction a Term Loan / SOD facility of Rs. ______against security of the shares/debentures/bonds, details of which are given in enclosed sheet.
2. I/We undertake to pledge the said shares/debentures/bonds to your Bank as security for the loan/advance given to me/us.
3. I/We, am/are maintaining my/our demat account with______( depository name) and the shares are held with them in demat form.
4. The details of my DP account are as follows:
a) Depository Name:
b) DP a/c no:
c) No.of shares held: Amount:
5. I/We shall abide by all the terms and conditions of the Bank’s scheme. I/We enclose demat latest copy depicting the holding of above shares/debentures/bonds in my / our names/s, along with copies of PAN card, latest Income Tax return, salary slip etc.
6. My/our personal details are furnished in the enclosure.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
NAME/s : ______
Office ______Residential ______
Residing at the above address since last
______Yrs ______months
( In case the period of stay is less than 2 yrs
furnish previous address also)
Telephone: ______Telephone ______
Mobile No. ______E-mail: ( Office)______
Permanent Address: ______
City/Town______State: ______Pin Code: ______
Tel No with STD Code______Mobile No:______
II. Details of shares held in Demat Form and offered as Security:
Company Name / No. of Shares held / Face value of shares / Amt invested(original investment) / Present market value of shares( as on the date of application)
III. Details of loan requested:
a) Loan amount Requested : Rs.
b) Purpose of Loan :
c) Nature of facility : Term Loan / SOD
d) Margin :
e) Repayment period ( No. of installments) :
( in case of Term Loan)
IV. Service Particulars/Income Particulars :
Years of Service: ______Present employment with: ______
( also give address)
Monthly Salary (Gross): ______Nature of Business : ______
Monthly Salary (Net): ______Business Income:
Annual Gross Income:______
Monthly Expenditure/:______Annual Net Income :______
Deductions Annual Expenditure/
Deductions :______
Surplus :______Surplus :
V. Bank Account Particulars: VI. Whether any other loan is taken from any bank / branch, if so particulars: any Bank? Give particulars
Name of the Bank &Branch / Type of Account
(SB/CD) / Account
since when /
Details of borrowings, if any, from Banks
( including Union Bank of India)
Name of Bank Branch / Nature of limit and amount / Present outstanding(1) I/we declare and agree that:
-the shares mentioned hereinabove are in demat form
-the loan amount will not be used for speculative purposes or to acquire or retain controlling interest in a company
-the above share/debentures/bonds are in the approved list of securities of your bank
-the valuation of securities as carried out by the bank for calculation of eligible loan amount shall be final
-in case, the value of shares/debentures/bonds depleted due to adverse market conditions /fluctuation and falls below the outstanding amount ( taking into consideration margin ), the shortfall amount will be adjusted/advance reduced/additional securities will be provided ( strike off whichever is not applicable)
(2) I/We further declare and affirm that the information furnished hereinabove is true to the best of our knowledge and belief and in case any information is found false, the bank has right to recall the advance and initiate appropriate action as it may deem fit.
(3) I/We authorize Union Bank of India to exchange, share or part with all the information relating to my/our loan details/repayment history/information to other Union Bank Branches/Banks/Financial Institutions/Reserve Bank of India/CIBIL/Credit Bureau/Agencies/Statutory Bodies as may be required and shall not hold Union Bank of India and/or its agents liable for use of this information.
Date: Applicant’s Signature
List of documents attached:
-Passport size photograph of the applicant (s)
-Latest salary certificate and form-16 in case of salaried persons
-Latest IT return copy
-Depository Participant statement of account depicting the above shares in demat form
-Proof of residence and identity (Ration card/Driving License/Telephone Bill/Electricity Bill/Voter ID/Passport)
-Copy of PAN Card ( Mandatory )