Input and Output Devices
Problem:At your new job your boss has given you the task of making ID badges for your co-works. He wants to know what kind of computer peripherals you will need. You will need to tell him by the end of the day so you better get to work and figure out what he is talking about.Even though you have never done this before and not wanting to let the boss down you remember back to your days in Mr.Winchester’s Computer Class and you remember that computer peripherals are:
A computer peripheral is:
2.)Sketch:You’ve seen ID badges before and you know that the badges have a picture of the person as well as their name and position in the company. Some even have codes that allow the employee to enter the buildings.
So your first task is to make a list of the different objects that will be on the badge. (Feel free to look at examples on the Internet (a Google search for Employee badges might be a good place to start). List the different things that you think should be on the badge including the items listed above and then decide which input devices you would use to import each.
Now, using the Paint program on your computer make a basic layout of what you want the badge to look like.
3.) Now you have to figure out how you are going to get them into the computer program to create the badges.
(Research and list three ways to import the picture of each employee)
4.)(Research and list three ways to import the company logo and any other items that you would like to include in on the badge).
5.)Now name three input devices that you can use in this project and tell how that would be utilized (At least two sentences each)
6.) Now that you have the badges designed, list a specific type of output device or devices that you will need to complete the job. (Again, if you get stuck here go back and Google the process of creating an Employee Badge).
7.) Lastly, it’s the end of the day and your boss is looking for your recommendation so jot down a quick note to send out in an email to let your boss know what you need and why. Use correct grammar as this IS your boss and you should be presenting your best image (use at least 5 sentences and present it in a professional email fashion.)