Connecticut State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG)


A Statewide System of Academic and Behavioral Interventions and Supports


CT’s SPDG has been developed to expand and sustain a coordinated, statewide system of professional development, coaching, and support to schools, PreK-12, to improve educational outcomes for all students through the provision of a continuum of academic and behavior supports. It will increase the number of schools in CTimplementing scientifically research-based core literacy instruction and school-wide positive behavioral supports driven by common core state standards and personal/social learning expectations. Through the provision of quality instruction, multi-tiered interventions, and analysis of datato inform educational decisions, participating schools will strive to improve the academic achievement of all students with a specificfocus on students with disabilities, students of color, and students acquiring English. In addition to programming on CT’s SRBI Framework, comprehensive reading instruction, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and datadriven decision-making, participants will receive support ondetermining educational benefit for students with disabilities, developing standards-based IEPs, and increasing family/community engagement.


All public schools, PreK-12, including public charter and magnet schools, within the state of CT are eligible to apply. The Superintendent of Schools must be committed to:

  1. Establishing a District Leadership Team in 2014 (if such a team is not in place), maintaining this Team throughout the funding cycle (2014-2017), and delineating mechanisms for sustaining the Team after the SPDG; this Team will provide support to the School Team(s) selected to participate, including guidance/procedural changes, funding/resource allocation, and visibility/ stakeholder support;
  2. Identifying a SRBI District Coordinator (if one has not already been identified) to sustaincoordination and expansion responsibilities during and after the SPDG;
  3. Supporting building principal(s) to identify a School Leadership Team(if such team is not in place) to serve as school-based coaches and manage implementation of the grant and its various components;
  4. Actively collaborating with SERC and the CSDE to identify lessons learned and to contribute to the research base through all funding years; this includes participation in annual leadership networking meetings and regular use and submission of data;
  5. Participating in all evaluation activities as outlined by theProject Evaluator contracted by SERC and the CSDE.

Each school in the 2014-2017 Cohort will receive the following support in Year 1 of the SPDG:

  • Six (6) days of differentiated, statewide professional development (September 2014–April 2015);
  • Six (6) days of on-site, job-embedded technical assistance and coaching support that will be tailored to meet the needs of each school (October 2014 - June 2015);
  • A $3000 stipend to defray costs for substitute coverage, data collection systems, and instructional materials;
  • Annual use of School-Wide Information System (SWIS) to track office referral data; and
  • Facilitated self-assessment of implementation.

Phase I: Exploration and Installation

Phase I of the project will strengthen the skills and capacity of district and school leadership to ensure fidelity and sustainability of implementation. Using CT’s SRBI Framework, school-based teams will be provided with training regarding School-wide PBIS and Foundations of Core Reading Instruction. Schools already using CT’s SRBI Framework to implement systems of instruction, assessment, and decision-making with fidelity will be afforded an opportunity to examine their current practices, identify areas for improvement, and work with technical advisors to strengthen core instruction and overall school climate.

Phase II: Initial Implementation

Phase II of the project will provide school-based teams withstrategies and tools to establish/refine their continuum of academic and behavioral interventions and supports reflective of their students’ diverse strengths and needs. This includes, but is not limited to, understanding function of behavior as it relates to students’ identity development and achievement. In addition, schools will receive training focused on strategic decision-making in order to provide targeted and intensive reading interventions and supports to improve students’ access to learning. Accelerating student learning to attain grade level standards will be a primary focus. On-site technical assistance/coaching will be provided to facilitate implementation of a continuum of support to ensure educational benefit for all students. This will be supported by the development of standards-based IEPs andmeaningfulfamily/community engagement.

Phase III: Full Implementation and Sustainability

Schools will receive customized technical assistance focusing on the analysis and use of data to make informed decisions regarding replicable practices and how to refine/enhance curriculum, core instruction, and/or the learning environment. On-going support for school-based coaches and statewide networking will foster sustainability of the project beyond the life of the grant.


All applications must be prepared in accordance with the specifications below. Proposals should be double-spaced, size 12 font, and not exceed 10 pages.

Applications must include:

1)Signature page with original signatures (see Appendix A);

2)Data summary (see Appendix B);

3)Narrative of no more than(10) pages which addresses the following:

  1. Evidence of staff’s commitment to improving academic and behavioral outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities, students of color, and students acquiring English.
  2. Evidence of how an integrated model of reading and behavioral interventions and supports complements the school’s improvement plan/reform efforts that currently exist.
  3. Description of what the continuum of academic and behavioral interventions and supports at the building level currently looks like.
  4. Explanation of how instructional practice and learning environment reflects a culturally responsible approach to literacy and behavior for all students, including students with disabilities, and how inequities are recognized and addressed.
  5. Description, with examples, of types of assessments used and how staff currently collect, manage, and analyze data to make informed decisions toimprovestudent learning.
  6. Explanation of how staff actively engages families in students’ identity development and learning experience, and how they involve families in decision-making for their child.

4)Appendices of additional “value added” documentation/resources and letters of support, as appropriate.

Proposals, includingone (1) original AND one (1) electronic version, irrespective of postmark date, must be received by 4:30 p.m. on April 30, 2014. Extensions cannot be allowed.The original proposal must bear an original signature of the Superintendent of Schools on the Signature Page (see Appendix A). All proposals become the property of SERC.

The addresses for delivery are:

SPDG Application


25 Industrial Park Road

Middletown, CT 06457



Schools will be selected through a multi-step process as follows:

1)Data Analysis – CSDE and SERC Staff will review aggregated and disaggregated data provided by each school that applies, including trends in reading achievement, office disciplinary referrals, graduation rates (for high schools only), and time with non-disabled peers (TWNDP) for students with disabilities (see Appendix B);

2)Paper Screening–Applications will be reviewedby committee, including various grant partners as feasible, including CSDE, SERC, RESC Alliance, UConn/CBER, CT PIRC, and CPAC;

3)Verification – A pre-arranged, conference call and/or an on-site visit of highest ranked applicantsmay be conducted by SERC to verify need (schools will be contacted by May 23, 2014 to schedule); and

4)Selection – CSDE and SERC will select up to 15 schoolsfor the 2014-2017 Cohort and make recommendations for participation in future Cohorts by June 10, 2014.


If you have any questions, please contact Michelle LeBrun-Griffin, Project Coordinator, (860) 632-1485, ext. 321 or .

For further information about CT’s SPDG, please visit SERC’s SPDG websiteat

It is the policy of SERC to provide equal opportunity in employment to qualified individuals regardless of race, color, religion, age, sex, marital status, civil union status, natural origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, or any other legally protected class in accordance with all applicable laws. This commitment extends to all employment decisions, including but not limited to: recruiting, hiring, promotion, training, compensation, discipline and discharge, and to all terms, benefits, privileges, and conditions of employment.

Connecticut’s SPDG

Statewide System of Academic

andBehavioral Interventions and Supports

Appendix A – Cover PageSchool Application 2014-2017

Contact Information and Required Signatures


School Address:Grade Levels:___


Contact Person


Phone:Email: Fax:

Signature of the School Administrator:


Printed NameSignatureDate

*Signature of the Superintendent:


Printed NameSignatureDate

*Signature of the Director of Special Education:


Printed NameSignatureDate

*Even though this is designed as a school-based project, Superintendents and Special Education Directors are required to sign the application indicating agreement with requirements outlined above.

Appendix B

SPDG School Data Summary

Directions: Each application should include a complete school data summary as indicated below. For example, % students with disabilities (SWD) should include percentage and number of students/total number of students in school (i.e., 8% = 30/360). Questions regarding completion of this form should be directed to Michelle LeBrun-Griffin, Project Coordinator, at (860) 632-1485, ext. 321.


Contact Person:______Phone #:______

Special Education Data / 2010-2011 / 2011-2012 / 2012-2013 / 2013-
(as of 4/1/14)
Example / 8%
(40/500) / 9%
(48/525) / 8%
(43/530) / 9%
% Students with disabilities (SWD)
(# SWD/total # students)
% Black/African American SWD
(# Black/African American SWD/total # students who are Black/African American)
% Hispanic/Latino SWD
(# Hispanic/Latino SWD/total # students who are Hispanic/Latino)
% White SWD
(# White SWD/total # students who are White)
(# ELL SWD/total # students acquiring English)
% SWD in regular class placement 80% or more of day
(# SWD in regular class placement 80%+/total # SWD)
% Black/African American SWD in regular class placement 80% or more of day
(# Black/African American SWD in regular class placement 80%+/total # SWD who are Black/African American)
% Hispanic/Latino SWD in regular class placement 80% or more of day
(# Hispanic/Latino SWD in regular class placement 80%+/total # SWD who are Hispanic/Latino)
% White SWD in regular class placement 80% or more of day
(# White SWD in regular class placement 80%+/total # SWD who are White)
% ELL SWD in regular class placement 80% or more of day
(# ELL SWD in regular class placement 80%+/total #SWD who are acquiring English)
CMT/CAPT Performance Data* / Grade Levels / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013
% SWD at/above goal in reading on CMT/CAPT
(# SWD at or abovegoal/total # SWD) / Elementary / 3rd
Middle School / 6th
High School / 10th
% Black/African American students at/above goal in reading on CMT/CAPT
(# Black/African American students at or above goal/total # students who are Black/African American) / Elementary / 3rd
Middle School / 6th
High School / 10th
% Hispanic/Latino students at/above goal in reading on CMT/CAPT
(# Hispanic/Latino students at or abovegoal/total # students who are Hispanic/Latino) / Elementary / 3rd
Middle School / 6th
High School / 10th
% White students at/above goal in reading on CMT/CAPT
(# White at or above goal/total # students who are White) / Elementary / 3rd
Middle School / 6th
High School / 10th
% ELL students at/above goal in reading on CMT/CAPT
(# ELL at or above goal/total # students who are acquiring English) / Elementary / 3rd
Middle School / 6th
High School / 10th

*Complete information only for the grade levels your school serves.

Behavioral Data / 2010-2011 / 2011-2012 / 2012-2013 / 2013-
(as of 4/1/14)
% SWD with one or more office discipline referrals (ODRs)
(# SWD with 1+ ODRs/total # SWD)
% Black/African American studentswith one or more office discipline referrals (ODRs)
(# Black/African American studentswith 1+ ODRs/total # students who are Black/African American)
% Hispanic/Latino students with one or more office discipline referrals (ODR)
(# Hispanic/Latino studentswith 1+ ODRs/total # students who are Hispanic/Latino)
% White students with one or more office discipline referrals (ODRs)
(# White students with 1+ ODRs/total # students who are White)
% ELL students with one or more office discipline referrals (ODRs)
(# ELL students with 1+ ODRs/total # students who are acquiring English)
% SWD suspended/expelled
(# SWD suspended or expelled/total # SWD)
% Black/African American students suspended/expelled
(# Black/African American students suspended or expelled/total # students who are Black/African American)
% Hispanic/Latino students suspended/expelled
(# Hispanic/Latino students suspended or expelled/total # students who are Hispanic/Latino)
% White students suspended/expelled
(# White students suspended or expelled/total # students who are White)
% ELL students suspended/expelled
(# ELL students suspended or expelled/total # students who are acquiring English)
High School Data (if applicable) / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013
% SWD graduated
(# SWD graduated/total # of SWD in class)
% Black/African Americanstudents graduated
(# Black/African Americanstudents graduated/total # students who are Black/African American in class)
% Hispanic/Latino students graduated
(# Hispanic/Latino students graduated/total # students who are Hispanic/Latino in class)
% White students graduated
(# White students graduated/total # of students who are White in class)
% ELL students graduated
(# ELL students graduated/total # of students who are acquiring English in class)
% SWD registered for post-secondary education
(# SWD registered for post-secondary education/total # of SWD in class)
% Black/African Americanstudents registered for post-secondary education
(# Black/African Americanstudents registered for post-secondary education/total # of students who are Black/African American in class)
% Hispanic/Latino students registered for post-secondary education
(# Hispanic/Latino students registered for post-secondary education/total # of students who are Hispanic/Latino in class)
% White students registered for post-secondary education
(# White students registered for post-secondary education/ total # of students who are white in class)
% ELL students registered for post-secondary education
(# ELL students registered for post-secondary education/total # students who are acquiring English)

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