East Sussex Teacher Training Programme 2016-17
Starting out on the SCITT programme 2016-17
First weeks in school - What do I need to find out about?
Read and make brief notes on:
General introduction to the school/Academy context, its organisation and policiesStaff and staffing structure
Staff handbook (if your school has one)
Class list and organisational groupings of the children in the class
Timetables of regular class lessons and activities, e.g. P.E., assembly times
Other relevant documentation, e.g. class rules, termly plans, assessment and record keeping formats
Your school’s priorities in its improvement/development plan
School policy documents – including policies for behaviour management, Special Educational Needs, and Child Protection
Health and safety procedures including fire and first aid
Information about school communication systems
Information about confidentiality in school
Information about child protection issues and procedures
Information about the use of social media, personal phones and cameras
School prospectus / introductory information for parents
School newsletters
Any other information given to parents, e.g. school approach to reading, Calculation policy etc
It may be useful to draw up a detailed plan of your classroom, including its resources.
Taking on some of the ‘administrative’ and basic organisational tasks in your base class such as calling the register, lining children up, bringing children in from the playground, taking children into assembly etc.Observing lessons in your base class. In observed lessons, look at classroom management skills, seating organisation, transitions within and between lessons, conclusions of lessons, setting homework, etc.
Familiarising yourself with some behaviour management strategies. Note the range of strategies used and the exact expectations for children and be able to talk about them at course session: Behaviour for Learning.
Borrowing and reading school policy documents for core subjects: English, mathematics, science, ICT, teaching and learning and behaviour management and be ready to discuss them at course sessions.
Identifying the differing needs of pupils in your class – their NC levels, SEN, EAL etc. and look at any available tracking data, copies of IEPs etc.
Agree the six profile pupils you will monitor for Terms 1 and 2 with your School Based Tutor and note initial observations.
In your first School Based Tutor Meetings
Discuss your induction to school – what you have found out so far and what you still need to find out?Agree a schedule for your observations for the week. Whose classrooms – other than your base class - can you visit and what will you look for?
Draft the schedule for Weekly School Based Tutor Meetings together. Discuss recording notes
Refer to timetable of School Based activities
East Sussex Primary
Developing your skills through observations of others
It is part of your responsibility to make focused observations of others to identify ways of improving your practice.
The aims of classroom observation are to help you to begin to:
- broaden your knowledge of the variety of teaching and learning styles available;
- analyse what is actually going on in the classroom, e.g. how space and time were used, what sort of questions were asked, whatwere the pupils actually doing;
- understand in what circumstances pupils will and/or will not achieve;
- discover the ways in which teachers perceive and think about classroom events.
To improve teaching through observation you need to decide the focus of the observation with your SBT.
It is essential that you are clearly aware of what you are going to observe and how you are going to observe it before you go intothe classroom.
You must make written records of your observations and then, with reference to appropriate reading around your focus, evaluateand reflect on the observations that you have made.
Finally, discuss these with your SBT.
Observing classroom or behaviour management
Using the school’s policy to promote good behaviour.
The effects of rewards and sanctions on control, motivation and discipline.
Use of factors such as the amount of time allocated, room layout, whole-class and group work and different activities to ensure thatpupils’ interest and attention is maintained.
How the teacher at different points manages transition effectively during the lesson, day or week.
How the teaching and learning of pupils is affected by pace.
How teachers either avoid or deal with confrontation.
Supervising an activity outside the classroom – in the hall, playground etc
Communicating with parents
NB The focus of observation activities should be related to the Standards and to areas identified by your SBT.
You must be sensitive to the fact that such observations in school could lead very quickly into areas which are sensitive for the school, theteachers and its pupils. Thus observations should be conducted in a sensitive and unobtrusive way and with due regard to the confidentialnature of the activity.
If the observation produces results which are in any way contentious they should be discussed with the school staff beforethey are committed to paper.
Time Management
The SCITT programme is a very busy year. It requires you to balance your school practice – including planning, marking, lesson evaluation etc alongside course requirements and personal study - and so it is vital to ensure that you make the best use you can of your time.
In past years trainees have found it helpful to set up timetables and study plans for themselves.