Online Resource, Submitted to Photosynthesis Research.
Reconstituted CP29: Multicomponent fluorescence decay from an optically homogeneous sample.
Erica Belgio*, Giorgio Tumino*, Stefano Santabarbara, Giuseppe Zucchelli and Robert Jennings+
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Biofisica, sede di Milano and Dipartimento di Biologia, Università degli Studi di Milano, via G. Celoria 26, 20133 Milano, Italy
+Corresponding author: ; tel. +390250314858; Fax: +390250314815
*Equal contribution
Determination of the sensitivity of the absorption-fluorescence analysis in terms of the Stepanov relation in revealing spectral heterogeneity of Chl-protein complexes.
In this paper we have critically examined the suggestion thatthe multi-exponential decay of fluorescence detected in Chlorophyll-binding complexes, CP29 in this case, is associate with different conformers of the antenna complex (e.g. Crimi et al. 2001; Avenson et al. 2007; Johnson et al. 2009; Moya et al. 2001, Pascal et al. 2005, van Oort et al. 2007).As the chlorophyll absorption/fluorescence bands are sensitive to distortions of the tetrapyrrole ring which are brought about by the conformation of the binding sites themselves (Zucchelli et al. 2007), one would expect that the presence of different conformers would lead to spectral heterogeneity. Such heterogeneity is expected to lead to a substantial deviation between the measured and the calculated emission spectra (van Metter and Knox, 1976) using the thermodynamic absorption/fluorescence relation elaborated by Stepanov(1956; Equation 1.S)
which implies complete thermalisation of the excited state. Although derived for a pigment solution the Stepanov equation describes satisfactorily the emission of coupled pigment systems, such as chlorophyll protein complexes (e.g. van Metter and Knox 1976; Zucchelli et al. 1995; Jennings et al. 2000; Jennings et al. 2003; Dau 1996; Tumino et al. 2008, Giuffra et al. 1997; Belgio et al. 2010). It provides accurate information in the wavelength region where absorption and fluorescence overlap, which for CP29 is between about 660 – 690 nm.
The important questionis the spectral resolution of the approach in detecting absorption/fluorescence heterogeneity in this CP29 sample for the situation described in the fluorescence decay measurements, in which the relative amplitudes of the two principle decay components are 0.6 and 0.4 and the relative fluorescence yields of these two components are both 0.5. Both parameters will contribute to the simulation of spectroscopic heterogeneity.
To this end we have simulated emission spectra for a number of conditions in which sample absorption heterogeneity was assumed. In the first case the CP29 absorption spectrum was translated by various small wavelength intervals, of up to 1 nm, both towards longer and shorter wavelengths. When the two wavelength-shifted absorption spectra were summed, using the weighting factors of 0.4 and 0.6, derived from the fluorescence decay amplitudes (Figure 1 of the main text), the resulting composite spectrum is similar to the measured CP29 absorption spectrum (data not presented). The fluorescence spectra were then calculated (equation 1.S): (i) for the summed absorption spectra, using the 0.4 and 0.6 weighting factors based on the fluorescence decay amplitudes; ii) for each of the wavelength shifted absorption spectra separately and which were subsequently summed using the 0.5 and 0.5 weighting factors derived from the fluorescence yields of the 3 ns and 5 ns decay components. The situation (i) simulates the case in which the sample is assumed homogeneous and thermally equilibrated. The situation (ii) simulates the case in which the sample contains two different, uncorrelated, spectroscopic subpopulations. The calculated emission spectra for the cases (i) and (ii) and for three wavelength shifts (0.25, 0.5, 1.0 nm) are shown in Figure S1 for the 10 nm interval around the wavelength maximum. For the 1 nm shift the thermally equilibrated and homogeneous case (i) is clearly red shifted with respect to the two different subpopulations case (ii) and their fluorescence difference spectra underline this (Figure S2). For the 0.5 nm shift the fluorescence red shift is just discernable, but it is clear that we are on the resolution borderline (Figure S1). Instead for the 0.25 nm shift the spectral shifting which is generated is well below resolution.
In the above described simulations the heterogeneity examined was exclusively a wavelength heterogeneity, maintaining constant the absorption band shapes. As this is probably not realistic, we have performed similar calculations in which the band shapes were also modified either to the long or the short wavelength side. An example of this is also shown in Figures S1 and S2 for the case of a 1 nm spectral shift together with a 10% broadening on the long wavelength side. This shows that spectral broadening has the effect of enhancing the difference between (i) and (ii).
It is evident from these simulations of sample heterogeneity that the Stepanov approach which we have used has quite a high resolution and can probably detect sample heterogeneity differences down to about 0.5 nm in terms of the wavelength position of CP29 absorption, with or without spectral broadening or narrowing. The experimental data (Figure 5 of the main text) do not indicate such differences and so we conclude that if sample absorption heterogeneity does exist it must be no greater than 0.5 nm for the recombinant CP29 sample.
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Figure S1.Simulated fluorescence emission spectra assuming absorption sample heterogeneity. Panels A, B and C show the calculated emission in the 676 – 686 nm interval for the cases in which the CP29 absorption spectra were translated along the wavelength axis by +0.25 nm, +0.5 nm and +1 nm respectively with respect to the measured spectrum. The wavelength-translated spectra are indicated by the dashed line and the non translated spectrum by the continuous line. Panel D shows the effect of a 10% band broadening on the long wavelength side of the absorption spectrum together with the 1 nm wavelength translation (Panel C).
Figure S2.Calculated difference spectra of the wavelength translated minus non translated spectra reported in Figure 6. Continuous line: +0.25 nm shift; dashed line: +0.5 nm shift; dashed-dotted line: +1 nm shift; dashed-dotted-dotted line: 1 nm shift plus 10% band broadening".