Class of 1984
25th Reunion
Reunion Committee
John Carbaugh
Jim Chisom
Margaret Adams Lindsey
Doug MacKenzie
Trevor Morris
Stephen Mungall
Vannessa Carter Walling
October 31, 2008
Dear ,
Can you believe it has been twenty-five years? This April we’ll celebrate our 25th Class Reunion! Mark your calendars for Alumni Weekend 2009, April 17-19, and plan to return to the college for our 25th Reunion and see the latest developments on campus like the Donald J. Kerr Stadium!
We are working hard to ensure that this reunion will be worth making a trip back to visit Roanoke College. More information will follow in the next couples months in regards to the reunion festivities scheduled during Alumni Weekend 2009.
Along with attending the reunion festivities in April, we encourage you to participate in the Reunion Class Gift Campaign. We set class goals:
- to raise $15,000 for the Roanoke Fund.
- to have 25% of the Class of ’84 participating in the campaign (the reunion class with the highest percentage of donors giving will be awarded the Clarence Caldwell ’41 Bowl).
- 25 new Associates
The Roanoke Fund is a means of bringing operational monies into the College on a yearly basis to pay for expenses not covered by tuition. Did you know that college rankings are based on percentage of alumni giving. So, any gift you make, big or small, will help make a difference in some student’s life. It will also help the College’s rankings, boosting our ability to recruit the most talented prospective students – to share in the ‘Noke experience.
Rooms have been blocked off for our class at the Roanoke Plaza Hotel at a special rate of $99 + tax. You can make your reservations today by calling 540-563-9300.
We look forward to seeing you during Alumni Weekend 2009 at our 25th Reunion!
Class of 1984 Reunion Committee