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University of Texas at Arlington

Department of Curriculum & Instruction

Bilingual Education/ESL Program (BEEP)

BEEP 4305 Developing Spanish/English Bi-literacy for Dual Language Programs

Fall 2012

Instructor Luis A. Rosado, Ed.D.

Office Number Science Hall 328

Office Telephone/Fax 817-272-7567—817-272-5157

Email Address:

Office Hours Monday 1:00-4:00 and Thursday 3:00-4:00

Section Information BEEP 4305.001

Day and Time Monday, 4:30-7:20

Class Location GACB 103

Description of Course Content

The development of literacy for bilingual children will be highlighted. Specific emphasis will be placed on the rationale, methods, and materials for literacy instruction in Spanish. The successful transition from first language literacy instruction to literacy instruction in English will also be addressed. The course will be delivered in Spanish and students will be exposed to content and techniques to master the Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT).

Student Learning Outcomes

Given the appropriate guidance students will master the following objectives with at least 70% level of proficiency:

1.  analyze the components of the Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test—Spanish;

2.  review basic Spanish grammar rules;

3.  analyze of the structure of English and Spanish emphasizing cross-linguistic transfer to promote bi-literacy.

TExES Domains and Competencies

Domain I—Listening Comprehension

Competency 1: The Teacher demonstrates the ability to apply literal, inferential, interpretative and critical reading skills to authentic materials heard in the target language that are relevant to the bilingual classroom and the school environment.

Domain II—Reading Comprehension

Competency 2: The Teacher demonstrates the ability to apply literal, inferential, and interpretative listening skills to authentic materials heard in the target language that are relevant to the bilingual classroom and the school environment.

Domain III—Oral Expression

Competency 3: The Teacher demonstrates the ability to construct effective and appropriate oral discourse in the target language for various audiences, purposes, and occasions relevant to the bilingual classroom and the school environment.

Domain IV—Written Expression

Competency 4: The Teacher demonstrates the ability to write effectively in the target language for various audiences, purposes, and occasions relevant to the bilingual classroom and the school environment.

Required Textbooks and Other Course Materials

Morris, L. & Rosado, L. (2009). El desarrollo de español para maestros en programas

de educación bilingüe. Arlington, Texas. L. M. Consultant. ISBN 978-0-9800028-0-5

Grade Calculation

1. Quizzes and Special Assignments…………………………………………………25%

2. BTLPT Oral Performance and Vodcast ..…………………………………………35%

3. BTLPT written samples, including a lesson plan in Spanish…………………….30%

4. Attendance and Punctuality ….……………………………………………………..10%

Grading scale

The Center for Bilingual/ESL Education uses the following grading scale: 100-90 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 69-60 D 0-59 F

Descriptions of major assignments and examinations

1.  Quizzes will follow a multiple-choice format, and they assess the knowledge of the Spanish grammar and orthography (spelling and punctuation) knowledge needed to become an effective dual language teacher.

2.  The BTLPT oral and written performance will be rated by the professor based on a holistic scoring process developed by the Center for Bilingual Education. The oral component of the assignment will be graded base on the following proficiency levels:

(0)  beginner, (1) intermediate, (2) Advanced, and (3) Advanced High

3.  Oral Spanish Sample (Vodcast)

Students will develop a two vodcasts in which they will demonstrate their oral proficiency in Spanish.

Vodcast 1: Questions and answers

Vodcast 2: Provide an opinion.

Candidates will uploaded the files to the UT Arlington assessment program—TK-20. Content of the Vodcast will be evaluated using the same criteria as the oral component of the BTLPT. Instructions to complete each of the assessment components are presented below, followed by the rubric to rate the speech samples.

4.  Three Spanish written assignments are required for the BTLPT component: (1). Letter, memo or email; (2) a lesson plan; and (3) an essay based on a prompt.

Grade assignment based on Proficiency levels.

Proficiency Levels / Descriptor / Grade Assignment
3 / Advanced High / 100
2 / Advanced / 95
-2 / Intermediate High / 75
1 / Intermediate / 70
0 / Beginner / 0

Instructions for the Oral Spanish Sample (Vodcast)

Oral Part I: Questions and answers

Estimated time for this activity: Seven minutes


This section of the test requires candidates to answer two questions related to topics and situations in a typical bilingual classroom. If the candidate is not familiar with the topic, he/she might need to improvise. However, candidates must make an effort to address the question in a logical, convincing and systematic fashion.

1.  Candidate has 60 seconds to prepare their answer and 60 seconds to deliver it.

2.  For quality purposes, the verbal output of the video should be recorded in a noise-free environment.

3.  Answer two of the following questions following this process:

A.  Preparation for the Vodcast: Study the questions and select two of them. Take an average of 1 minute to prepare the answers. You may use notes, but you may not read a statement to address these questions.

B.  During the video: Indicate your name and the type of assignment

I am ______. I will be addressing section I of the Oral component of this assignment—Questions and answers.

C.  Read the question and proceed to answer it.

D.  Once you have answered questions one. Proceed to part II of the assignment, following the same procedure.

Sample Questions

Question 1 / Describa los elementos que le motivaron a querer ser un/a maestro/a de educación bilingüe.
Question 2 / ¿Qué tipo de modificaciones recomendaría usted para que un estudiante con una aptitud lingüística en inglés a nivel intermedio pueda completar una prueba de matemáticas en inglés?
Question 3 / Describa las similitudes y diferencias entre los comités que regulan la admisión y reclasificación de estudiantes bilingües (LPAC) y estudiantes en el programa de educación especial (ARD)

Oral Part II: Support a situation or provide an opinion

Estimated time for this activity: Seven minutes


This section of the test requires candidates to address one topic/question.

1.  Study the questions and select the one that you want to address.

2.  For quality purposes, the verbal output of the video should be recorded in a noise free environment.

3.  Address one of the topics/questions provided.

4.  Follow this process:

A.  Preparation for the video: Study the questions and select one of them. Take an average of two minutes to prepare the answers. You may use notes, but you may not read a statement to address these questions.

B.  During the video: Indicate your name and the type of assignment

I am ______. I will be addressing section II of the Oral component of this assignment— Support a situation or an opinion.

C.  Read the question selected and proceed to answer it—you have two minutes to complete the answer.

Sample Questions

Question 1 / Usted es parte de un comité que identificará el programa educativo más apropiado para los estudiantes que están aprendiendo inglés como un segundo idioma en el distrito escolar. Algunos de los modelos que se están evaluando son: la educación bilingüe de transición, educación dual y el programa de inmersión estructurada en el inglés. Seleccione uno de estos modelos y prepare una presentación oral para expresar su opinión.
Question 2 / En base a las pruebas de aptitud lingüística, un grupo de estudiantes cualificó para el programa de educación bilingüe. Sin embargo, sus padres han rechazado la admisión a este programa. El director de la escuela ha convocado una reunión con estos padres y le pide que usted haga una pequeña presentación para convencer a los padres para que permitan que sus hijos ingresen en el programa de educación bilingüe.

Scoring Rubric for Oral Expression—Questions and Answers, Oral Presentation, and Situation/Opinion

Rating / Task Completion / Topic Development / Language use
3 Excellent / Fully addresses and completes the task. / Directly relates to the topic; well-developed treatment of the topic.
All or almost all supporting details or examples are appropriate and effective
All or almost all content is accurate. / Demonstrate mid-high or high degree of control of a variety of structures; a very few grammatical errors occur with no evident pattern.
Varied vocabulary appropriate for the content used with precision
High level of fluency
Very good pronunciation
Well-organized, generally coherent response.
Register is appropriate (accurate social and/or cultural references included)
2 Good / Addresses and completes the task. / Relates to the topic
Most supporting details or examples are well defined
Most content is accurate with occasional inaccurate information. / Demonstrate moderate degree of control or a variety of structures; some grammatical errors occur.
Appropriate vocabulary with occasional errors such as making up words or code-switching.
Moderate level of fluency with occasional hesitance; some successful self correction.
Good pronunciation
Organized responses with some coherence.
Register is generally appropriate (generally accurate social and/or cultural references included)
1 Needs improvement / Addresses and completes the task. / Moderately relates to the topic
Some supporting details or examples are vague or not well defined.
Some content is accurate with significant inaccurate information. / Demonstrate a lack of control of a variety of structures; frequent grammatical errors occur.
Limited vocabulary; frequent errors such as making up words and code-switching.
Low level of fluency with frequent hesitance.
Fair pronunciation with interference from another language.
Disorganized response with little coherence.
Register is inappropriate (inaccurate social and/or cultural references included)
Unable to comply / Partially addresses and/or partially completes the task. / Minimally relates minimally to the topic
Most supporting details or examples are irrelevant or not effective.
Most content information is inaccurate. / Demonstrate lack of control of numerous structures; numerous grammatical errors impede communication.
Insufficient vocabulary; constant interference from another language.
Poor fluency with labored expression
Poor pronunciation, which affects comprehension
Disorganized response with no coherence.
Minimal to no attention to register (inaccurate social and/or cultural references are included)

Scoring Rubric for Written Expression—Responding to a letter, memorandum, E-mail and Opinion/position Essay.

A response at this level is characterized by most of the following features/dimensions:

Score / Task Completion / Topic Development / Writing Skills
3 high / Fully addresses
and completes
the task / Directly relates to the topic; topic well developed
 All or almost all supporting details or examples are appropriate and effective /  Response is well organized and generally coherent
 Demonstrates a mid-high or high degree of control of a variety of structures; a few grammatical errors occur with no evident patterns
 Varied vocabulary appropriate for the content and used with precision
 Very few errors in conventions of the written language (orthography: spelling, accent marks and punctuation; sentence structure)
 Register is appropriate (accurate social and/or cultural references included)
2 Mid-High / Addresses and
completes the
task /  Relates to the topic
 Most supporting details or examples are well defined /  Response is organized, but some parts are not fully developed
 Demonstrates a moderate degree of control of a variety of structures; some grammatical errors occur
 Appropriate vocabulary with occasional errors such as making up words or code switching
 Some errors in conventions of the written language (orthography: spelling, accent marks and punctuation; sentence structure) but they do not impede communication
 Register is usually appropriate (generally accurate social and/or cultural references included)
1 Mid-low /  Addresses and
completes the
task / Moderately relates to the topic
 Some supporting details or examples are vague or not well defined /  Response is inadequately organized/not sequenced correctly
 Demonstrates a lack of control of a variety of structures; frequent grammatical errors occur
 Limited vocabulary; frequent errors such as making up words or code-switching
 Frequent errors in conventions of the written language (orthography: spelling, accent marks and punctuation; sentence structure)
 Register is inappropriate (inaccurate social and/or cultural references are included)
0 Low /  Partially
and/or partially
completes the
task /  Minimally relates to the topic
 Most supporting details or examples are irrelevant or not effective /  Response is disorganized
 Demonstrates a lack of control of most structures; numerous grammatical errors impede communication
 Insufficient vocabulary; constant interference
from another language
 Pervasive errors in conventions of the written language (orthography: spelling, accent marks and punctuation; sentence structure) impede communication
 Minimal to no attention to register (inaccurate social and/or cultural references are included)


Rating / Task Completion / Topic Development / Writing Skills
High / Fully addresses
and fully elaborates all categories
(school grade, vocabulary, materials, procedure and assessment) / Demonstrates a high degree of content understanding; all content information is accurate and well developed
 All teaching techniques described are appropriate for grade level and objective given
 All materials and activities discussed are appropriate for grade
level and objective given
 Assessment instrument described elicits appropriate information on targeted learning objective and is appropriate for grade level / Response is well organized and generally coherent
 Demonstrates a mid-high or high degree of control of a variety of structures; a few grammatical errors occur with no evident patterns
 Varied vocabulary appropriate for the content and used with precision
 Very few errors in conventions of the written language (orthography: spelling, accent marks and punctuation; sentence structure)
 Register is appropriate (accurate social and/or cultural references included)
High / Addresses all
(school grade,
vocabulary, materials,
procedure and
but some points are not fully elaborated / Demonstrates a moderate degree of content understanding; all content information is accurate
 Most teaching techniques
described are appropriate for grade level and objective given.
 Most materials and activities discussed are appropriate for grade
level and objective given
 Assessment instrument described elicits moderate amount of information related to learning objective / Response is organized, but some parts are not fully developed
 Demonstrates a moderate degree of control of a variety of structures; some
grammatical errors occur
 Appropriate vocabulary with occasional errors such as making up words or codeswitching
 Some errors in conventions of the written language (orthography: spelling, accent marks and punctuation; sentence structure), but they do not impede communication
 Register is usually appropriate (generally accurate social and/or cultural referencesincluded)
1 Mid-
Low / Addresses only
some of the
(school grade,
procedure, and
assessment) / Demonstrates a low degree of content understanding; only some content information is accurate
 Some of the teaching techniques described are appropriate for grade level and/or objective given.
 Some materials and activities discussed are appropriate for grade
level and/or objective given
 Assessment instrument elicits minimal information related to learning objective / Response is inadequately organized/not
sequenced correctly
 Demonstrates a lack of control in a variety of structures; frequent grammatical errors occur
 Limited vocabulary; frequent errors such as making up words or code-switching
 Frequent errors in conventions of the written language (orthography: spelling, accent marks and punctuation; sentence structure)
 Register is inappropriate (inaccurate social and/or cultural references are included)
Low / Addresses
almost none of
the categories
(school grade,
procedure, and
assessment) / Demonstrates a poor understanding of content; content information is inaccurate
 Teaching techniques described are not appropriate for grade level
and/or objective given
 Materials are not connected to
procedures and activities are not appropriate for grade level and/or objective given
 Assessment instrument is not described and/or the instrument described does not relate to learning objective / Response is disorganized
 Demonstrates a lack of control in most structures; numerous grammatical errors impede communication
 Insufficient vocabulary; constant interference from another language
 Pervasive errors in conventions of the written language (orthography: spelling, accent marks and punctuation; sentence structure) impede communication
 Minimal to no attention to register(inaccurate social and/or cultural references are included)

Attendance Policy