October 8, 2014
PRESENT: President Vincent Seeley
Vice-President Jim Chewens
Trustee Patrick McCulloch
Trustee Rick Paolino
Trustee Stanley Dushane
Motion made by Paolino, seconded by Dushane, to approve payment of audited bills. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Motion made by McCulloch, seconded by Chewens, to approve submitted department reports. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Shelly Pulver of Cultivate Catskill spoke with regard to the America In Bloom findings for this year. The Village received ‘3 blooms’ which is 60-72.45% of the 1000 point system that AIB has as their judging criteria. AIB recommends getting more volunteers to help clean-up the Village and proper signage throughout the Village also. President Seeley thanked Shelly Pulver and the Cultivate Catskill group for all their hard work.
Motion made by Dushane, seconded by McCulloch, to allow DPW employees to carry over vacation days which were not allowed to be taken due to projects being worked on over the summer. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried. Trustee Dushane also wanted to thank the DPW for all of their hard work on said projects.
Motion made by McCulloch, seconded by Paolino, to approve the Village of Catskill Justice office applying for JCAP grant for consumable goods for the Justice office. (i.e., files, folders, etc.). AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
President spoke with regard to a symposium that he and Trustee Chewens attended called Patterns for Progress. Long and short of it is that the Ford Foundation comes into a municipality/school and does needed projects. These projects usually last 3 years and, said program would like to make the Village of Catskill a ‘model’ community and need a letter of support to move forward.
Motion made by Paolino, seconded by Chewens, to sign the Smart Communities Pledge resolution with regard to waterfront resilience program. Dave Argman of Crawford and Associates is working with the Village and Scenic Hudson to augment some of the issues with said project.
Update from Nancy Richards:
10/11/2014 – Dance Festival at the Point
10/18/2014 – Bass tournament
10/25/2014 – Community Center Family 5K walk/run
12/6/2014 – Catskill Teacher’s 5K walk/run
There still are 3 island parks at Dutchman’s Landing that need to be adopted. Two have been adopted. Please contact Nancy if interested.
Trustee Dushane thanked the DPW for the work that they did on the lights and trimming the trees on the Mott Street slide.
Trustee McCulloch mentioned that the bids for the new ETA will be opened on October 15th. The Catskill Fire Department is also hosting county class at Dutchman’s Landing on November 8th from 8AM to 4PM. Will hook up to a hydrant on Scotch Rock Road, as this will not effect any water users.
McCulloch also mentioned the idea of ‘knox box’ on certain buildings in case of a fire, the police department and fire department together, will be able to access the building.
Trustee Chewens mentioned the sign that was taken down on W. Bridge Street by a tractor trailer truck.
Motion made by Chewens, seconded by Seeley, to proclaim October 22, 2014 as National Love Your Melons Day, in Sheila Ormerod’s honor, who lost her battle with cancer this past year. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Trustee McCulloch further mentioned that the Community Life Church at the end of Grandview Avenue will be hosting Halloween at 5:00 with hot dogs and cocoa.
Trustee Paolino mentioned that the Code Department and himself and working with the Village attorney on blight laws as well as scaffolding laws.
President Seeley stated that the welcometocatskill.com website is being updated and is being funded by Catskill LDC. Events calendar as well as a visual walking tour of the Village will be launched on the site sometime in November 2014.
Motion made by McCulloch, seconded by Chewens to adjourn the meeting and go into executive session. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,