AP Period 4: Video Questions

Crash Course #19 (Venice and the Ottomans)


1. What is the main topic of this episode?

  1. What city and what empire are going to become ‘matched-up’?


  1. What two ‘big deals’ will come out of this ‘match’?

Thought Bubble:

  1. What were the Venetians really good at?
  1. What two empires had ‘concessions’ or trade treaties?
  1. Before the Ottomans were an empire, what was the big commodity exported from Egypt?
  1. Since the crusades made it ‘awkward’ to have a clean trade agreement between Europe and the Muslims what ‘story’ did the Venetians use to keep trading with them?
  1. Therefore, the merchants of Venice (ha! Who wrote a play of this title?), were in the business of “?” saving.


  1. What were the approx. starting and ending dates of the Ottoman Empire?
  1. Thus, they were one of the ?
  1. And they were unique from the Mongols because they combined pastoral roots with ?
  1. Who were the two most famous sultans?
  1. What type of religion do some in the Balkan peninsula of Europe believe in because of Sultan #1’s conquests?
  1. Though the Ottomans were only 1/2 size of old Roman Empire, they were a huge ? power and had MORE or LESS money due to trade.
  1. How did the Sultan keep his army/bureaucracy so loyal only to him? (Slave aristocracy system)
  1. Why does John whisper? Who is he afraid of?

Open Letter

  1. What very unfortunate (not really appropriate for school) joke does John make?

18. The relationship between the Ottomans and the Venetians was beneficial to both societies:

Ottomans controlled______Venetians had experience in ______

Crash Course #21---Columbus, deGama, Zhenge He

  1. Does John seem to have a positive or negative view of Columbus?
  1. Zenge He was a __?____ from ___?___.

Thought Bubble:

  1. Columbus had how many ships compared to how many of Zenge he’s
  1. How many voyages did Z take? How big were his ships?
  1. Since China didn’t really need many imports, what was the main purpose of these treasure ship trips?

Vasco de Gama (and Prince Henry)

  1. What is ironic about Henry’s ‘nickname’? What did he do to help European exploration?
  1. What two things did de Gama sail to find?
  1. He was the first to do what? And in what year did he ‘land’ in Calicut, India?
  1. What were the Portuguese two main reasons for exploration?
  1. Since they did not have enough boats to take over and control Indian Ocean trade what did the Portuguese do instead?

Spain and Columbus:

  1. John first dispels some Myths about him:

a)thought the world was flat? True—False

b)thought he landed in China? True—False

c)was a lucky idiot? True—False

Open letter:

  1. What was the ‘line of demarkation’?


  1. Columbus: # of journeys ?
  1. He promised the leaders of Spain what two things?
  1. The two experts said he SHOULD or SHOULD NOT go on the voyages?
  1. He was SUCCESFUL or UNSUCCESFUL in bringing home riches/spices.
  1. Even though he had less immediate goal accomplishments than other two, within 2 generations what happened to Spain?
  1. According to John, this became the first truly ___?___ history.
  1. What definition of greatness do you like? Who would you want to be?