North Dakota Center for Nursing

Meeting Minutes

Quarterly Meeting held via BTWAN and telephone access.

April 26, 2012

The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Karen Latham at 10 am.

Roll Call: Karen Latham, Mary Anne Marsh, Jody Slominski, Renee Peterson, Constance Kalanek, Josh Askvig, Loretta Heuer, Billie Madler, Wanda Rose, Susan Pederson

ND Center for Nursing Staff attending: Patricia Moulton

1. The January 26, 2012 meeting minutes were approved. There were no

additions or corrections to the minutes.

2. There was unanimous consent to accept the current agenda for this meeting.

3. Brief reports from each represented organization regarding current activities and issues.

  • Nursing Student Association of North Dakota- their new board of directors have met. The group is involved with the Partners Investing In Nursing (PIN) group
  • NDNPA- The executive committee meets quarterlyand the next meeting will be September 25th & 26thin Fargo. Cheryl Rising traveled to Washington DC and lobbied to eliminate barriers to practice for NPs working in Home health and long term care facilities. Are working on planning for their annual pharmacology conference.
  • NDNA- Wanda Rose reported that the 100th Anniversary of the ANA will be celebrated Sept 21st in Bismarck at the State NDNA meeting. The annual national meeting will be held in June in Washington DC. ND will send 4 delegates to this meeting. Items on the agenda include: a discussion on the future role of the ANA.
  • NDBON: Connie Kalanek reported that the Funding for the ND Center for Nursing rule promulgation is going forward. This hearing is scheduled for May 17th at 1:30pm. She said that it would be great to have letters of support from each of the nursing organizations in the state. Connie just returned from the Council for Advanced Practice nursing round table in Chicago. There was discussion on the consensus model. ND is compliant with this, but there is only about 64% compliance throughout the country. There was discussion about certification exams and if they are psychometrically sound.
  • CUNEA: They just held their last meeting in April. Re: focus on choosing electronic medical records software. They just completed the agreement with Elsevier for undergraduate students.
  • NDANA- Just held their spring meeting in Bismarck in April
  • AARP- no update.

4. Update on new board member- Adele Sigl was welcomed as our newest board member.

She represents the ND Workforce Development Division

5. Status of Conflict of Interest forms: It is necessary that all board members sign this Conflict of

Interest Policy and return it to Patricia so that it can be kept on file with at the NDBON in the

ND Center for Nursing file. Patricia Moulton will send this document by email so that those

who have not done so can forward the signed letter to the secretary, Jody Slominski.

6. Update on 501c3 Application and selection of accountant:

Regarding the 501c3 applications status: Patricia reported that we have received a letter from

the IRS stating that the application is under review, and we should have a response within 90

days if there are any revisions or changes necessary.

We have chosen an accountant (Pat Brown at Brady Martz) who will audit our organization

when it is necessary and who will assist with preparation of taxes.

7. Treasurer’s Report:

Report given by: Connie Kalanek and Patricia Moulton.

  • Financial Summary as of April 1, 2012. We currently have about $46,000. Connie Kalanek, our treasurer reported that she estimates that we will run out of our current budget by the end of Sept 2012, which includes additional seed money contributed by the NDBON.
  • ND Nurse Leadership Council Checking account update. This has been closed and the remaining funds, approx. $1000 were transferred to the ND Center for Nursing.
  • BS Novice Faculty Development Practices in Four Midwest Frontier States- RWJ- $300,000 – not funded.
  • Consortium and Faculty Development in a Rural Career Ladder Multi-College Program-Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for $100,000. This has moved to phase II Application was submitted Feb 1st. We received information that the grant request was not funded.
  • Infrastructure Development for Collection of a National Nurse Demand Dataset – RWJ- $500,000- not funded.
  • A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Baccalaureate Nursing Education on the Development of Emotional Intelligence and the Attitude toward a Future Career in Nursing- National League for Nursing $14,248. The grant has been submitted and is under review. Patricia has been asked to a consultant for this study.
  • A Longitudinal Study of the Relationship of Baccalaureate Nursing Education on Development of Emotional Intelligence and the Attitude toward a Future Career in Nursing in the Accelerated Bachelors to BSN-UND Faculty Scholar Award $6,670. The grant has been submitted and is under review.
  • UND Statistics Consulting Agreement for $1224 – has been executed.
  • Otto-Bremer Grant Final Report has been submitted. Patricia is checking with Jerry Stai about submitting this for another round on April 20th.
  • Status on ND Board of Nursing (BON) Funding Proposal. This proposal was presented to the Board of Nursing at their last meeting and it was accepted. It wlll now go to rule promulgation. If this is presented as an amendment then the final decision will be made at the executive level.
  • Executive committee will work on revising the decision making process
  • Discussion was held regarding the formation of a finance committee that would be the decision making group to deal with the financial aspects of the ND Center for Nursing. It was decided by those in attendance that this group would consist of three members that would include the executive director, the treasurer and the chair of the finance/sustainability workgroup.
  • Continuing Education approval- Connie Kalanek reported that the ND BON is not able to handle the increasing workload that has been coming into the BON requesting CEUs. It is taking an incredible amount of time. They will be establishing some limits. She is wondering if this could eventually be done through the ND Center for nursing. There was discussion re: can we financially do this. Is it feasible? We would have to hire someone to do this. Is this our focus? We need to make sure that we do not stray from our initial strategic plan and mission statement. Wanda commented that the NDNA looked into doing both - the initial request for continuing education hours and then the granting of these for each participant. She said it was cost prohibitive. Washington State has said they will do it for us but they have a different process with different forms and people. We could ask Washington how many applicants they have from ND. The consensus after much discussion was to ask our ND Center of Nursing financial planning group to determine the feasibility of this venture and then report back.

9. Update on Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Action Coalition Application RWJ -A press

release was sent out and there is a meeting of action coalition leads and co-leads next week

regarding leadership development that Patricia is planning to attend.

10. Strategic planning update:

Summary of Workgroup Leaders meeting: Patricia reported that a meeting of this group was held and preparations were made for the upcoming June 14th meeting for all the groups. This meeting will be held in Jamestown from 9 am to 1 pm. The plan is to look at the work groups progress and recommendations and develop benchmarks for the strategic plans. The decision will be made when the group should meet: monthly, quarterly, have an annual meeting of the entire group or meet 2 to 3 times a yr. There was also discussion regarding the membership of the strategic planning groups, should they stay the same or should members shift between groups. It was suggested that since the group is meeting in Jamestown, that we look into touring the new hospital. Patricia will see if a tour could be arranged for the evening of June 3rd and another after the meeting on June 4th.

11. Nursing Education/Faculty Resources Update- N/A

12. Workforce Planning Update- N/A

13. Practices and Policy Update:

  • A meeting has been held with Tammi Ternes of the Governor’s staff. Patricia, Wanda and Billie attended the meeting. This was an informational meeting that brought the office up to date on the formation of the ND Center for Nursing, and its purpose and goals. There was also discussion regarding the IOM report, which Ms. Ternes was familiar with. It was agreed that if the Governor needed any information at a later date, Patricia would be the contact person.
  • Patricia attended the Health services and Health reform meetings at the legislature and also spent time at the State Capital to introduce the ND Center for Nursing to legislators during their breaks on April 11th and 12th. The health services’ meeting was primarily focused on the School of Medicine and Health Sciences and at medical education and disappointingly no discussion was held regarding nursing education. The committee is also looking at continuing development of regional public health collaboratives, the creation of a Fort Berthold public health unit, refining the duties of the health care data committee and the availability of mental health services. The health reform committee was looking at different models of insurance for the uninsured including the Blue Cross Blue Shield through the state benefits program and Medicare. The committee also discussed the level of utilization of the prescription drug program and the impact of the oil industry on provision of healthcare in the western part of ND.

14. Research and Development Update:

  • There has been a data sharing agreement for licensure data with the ND BON developed. Volunteer research assistants have started working on this data collection, and there has been a Research Assistant agreement made with these students.
  • Health Care Facility Survey – partnering with Loretta Heuer and the Community University Partnership Grant staff to send out jointly to hospitals and LTC. Patricia will work on a separate online format for public health, clinics and home health.
  • Patricia participated in the AHRQ review on provider based research networks. She feels that we should consider this for the Practice and Policy workgroup.

15. Communication and Marketing Update

  • The Center for Nursing Monthly Newsletter goes out on the 15th of each month. Membership is growing monthly. We now have 131 nurses signed up to receive the newsletter. Discussion was held about increasing the visibility, and encouraging coworkers and members of our respective organizations to visit the website, and sign up for the newsletter.
  • Patricia is working on a rotation schedule to ensure that all ND nursing organizations are featured in the newsletter over the course of a year.
  • Patricia will be working on a draft for a new Flyer for the ND Center for Nursing.
  • Patricia has developed a draft Future Nurse page that includes information about different aspects of the nursing profession and links to education programs. The Board indicated that information should be included about the difference between ADRNs and BSRNs and that Clinical Nurse Educator should be added under Master’s degree roles. The Board also suggested that short videos about nursing would be great addition to the page.
  • Patricia is also working on a new Banner design that can be used when attending conferences. There was discussion and recommendations made to streamline it and remove some of the pictures so that it is not too busy and complicated. Any members can forward comments to Patricia and she will have it completed in time to attend the upcoming conferences in Grand Forks and Fargo this spring.
  • Connie Kalanek has submitted an article to the Dakota Nurse Connection. She noted that there has not been any opposition to the new increase in licensure fees that she is aware of. An article has also been prepared for the Prairie Rose newsletter with information about the ND Center for Nursing.
  • Affinascape information- This is a Job Center link. This would be to post ND jobs on our website. They charge $125-$175. Employers post the job openings and if we put their link on our website, we would benefit 25% of the fee charged by Job Center Link. The board decided to give this to the workplace planning workgroup to investigate.

16. Board member thoughts about the current direction of the Center for Nursing.

  • Connie Kalanek stated that we need to continue to stay focused on our mission statement, and if there is a tendency to stray from that that we will need to refocus and return to that mission statement.
  • Patricia stated that our meeting in June would pull all the pieces together when we all come together to meet so that it does not feel so fragmented. Some suggestions were: a finance group to look at future fundraising ideas and permanent funding as well. A career center for nurses to contact and collaboration between nursing groups, workforce development center, etc.
  • The center is so huge right now- don’t know where to focus, don’t have a solid hand on one thing- make sure we accomplish something.
  • The PIN group is looking at options for sustainability – may be interested in working with the Center to help coordinate this large group.
  • A board member indicated that they appreciate the work that Patricia has done.
  • It would be sad if there wasn’t a body in ND that could approve CEUs.

17. Next full board meeting is scheduled for July 26, 2012 via BTWAN.

  • There was discussion re: how BTWAN worked for the meeting. There was consensus that this worked well and that it should be used for future meetings as well. It is nice that it is also accessible be telephone for those who do not have access to BTWAN.
  • It was suggested with discussion that we reschedule the next meeting to another date in August. There are several people who have conflicts with the July meeting date and are unable to attend. Patricia will cancel the July 26th meeting and reschedule it for a date in August.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by: Jody Slominski