Planning & Budgeting Committee

April 1, 2004



Thomas Jackson - Chair Harold Tyler

Dawn Reid Lance Widman

Susan Taylor Arsen Karapetyan, ASO

Carolee Casper

ALSO ATTENDING: Patricia Caldwell, Victor Hanson, Arvid Spor

Handouts: State Budget Update #4 – March 26, 2004

Planning and Budgeting Process

Planning Cycle

ECC Calendar Committee Memo to Cabinet, March 30, 2004

Tom Jackson called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the March 18, 2004, meeting were approved with the addition of one line to read, “Laptops for instructional use should be part of division plans”.


Due to Spring Break, the next PBC meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 22, 2004.

Carolee Casper announced that the new ECCE Agreement will be distributed next week.

Harold announced that the ASO students will be attending a Student Lobby Day meeting next month and hopefully, at the April 22nd meeting, enough information will be available to share with these students as to what they may or may not communicate with the legislature.

Planning Update

Arvid Spor brought updated revisions to the “Planning and Budgeting Process” and the “Planning Cycle” and asked that he get feedback from the committee ASAP. He will send hard copies to those members who did not attend today’s meeting.

Budget Update

Pam announced that Accounting is developing the tentative budget. Figures will be available for the May 6 PBC meeting. There are not too many changes at this time and the May Revise might not be released prior to the preparation of our tentative budget. The assumptions used for the preliminary budget will be changed slightly. Reports are that the collection of the tax revenue has been sluggish, with a possible need for drastic cuts in services or an increase in taxes. It appears there now will be COLA of 1.84%-2%, the PERS employer rate will increase and we have some positions approved to be filled. Pam indicated that benefit costs for classified staff are 39% of their salaries. This additional amount of money needs to be taken into consideration when addressing the total costs per employee.

Calendar Committee

There was a lot of discussion about the memo from Pat Caldwell to the ECC Calendar Committee addressing the addition of a 17th week for finals. Cabinet wants to keep the calendar as is. Susan Taylor wanted it noted that there may be budget ramifications if the semester is increased to 17 weeks. Plans continue to reflect a winter session and no increased fall or spring classes.


The meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m.

Next Scheduled Meeting

Thursday, April 22, 2004 in the Stadium Room

Recorder: Michele Waller, Human Resources