FEB. 8, 2013
308D WH ~ 9 – 10:30 AM
Attending: Joanne Arhar, Robin Dever for Bette Brooks, Sloane Burgess, Karen Gordon, Janice Kroeger, Mark Lyberger, Averil McClelland, Steve Mitchell, Mary Parr, Rhonda Richardson, Barb Scheule, Lyle Barton
Absent: Angela Backus, Laura Buckeye, Ellen Glickman, Lettie Gonzalez, Bill Kist, Pat O’Connor, Kim Peer, Drew Tiene
Guests: KathyZarges, Daniel Gur, Camden Fullmer, Susan Augustine, Julie Wilcox
SimpleWash application for Facebook users (Daniel Gur and Camden Fullmer)
Daniel Gur and Camden Fullmer, two of three KSU students who developed the SimpleWash application for facebook and other web media attended and provided a demonstration of how the application works to coordinators. In summary, the application, with permission, logs into the media site and searches it for potentially inappropriate materials and gives the owner an opportunity to delete the materials. This will be a great benefit to students about to enter the job market because of the current practices of employers to do web searches on potential employees. The application is free and takes only a few minutes to complete.
Review of Spring Advising Plan (Kathy Zarges)
Kathy shared the Provost’s new advising requirements. Students are required to see an advisor prior to registration for classes, beginning this spring (2013). Freshmen and sophomores who were admitted for Summer and Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 will have holds placed on their registration until they see an advisor. Advisors will remove the hold during the student’s appointment. This will occur every semester. Our office is making an effort to contact all affected students and have been very successful so far. Of approx. 750students, 200 have been seen. VOSS is hoping to see all affected students prior to registration in March and April. The Provost’s office will be officially communicating new advising requirements to students soon. EHHS Advisors are also reaching out to all juniors to schedule a junior year graduation check. The hope is that by proactively reaching out, there will be fewer issues when students receive their graduation audits. VOSS will be evaluating the need for additional advisors, and have one new advisor scheduled to start in mid-Feb. a will have another position posted for a spring hire date.
Late Graduation Application Policy for EHHS Students (Kathy)
The VOSS is developing an EHHS Late Graduation Application Acceptance Policy. Some issues related to late graduation applications have emerged, including extremely late applications which cause concern and confusion for students related to commencement, as well as creating added work at the last minute during a very busy time in our office. Additionally, a couple of program areas have students submit late/paper applications to graduate in program areas in which the students are not yet admitted. This also creates issues with commencement and is not in line with criteria established for the online application. The new policy will outline criteria for submitting late applications (for students) and faculty will receive more in depth information related to the internal process connected to the late application (criteria for acceptance, fee waiver criteria, etc.) The finalized policy will be posted and shared as appropriate.
New Policy on Student Responsibility (Joanne and Kathy)
Joanne and Kathy shared the revised policy on student responsibility. Coordinators suggested that the policy be added to the student portal, discussed in FYE courses and during DKS.
Credit Hours for Teaching/Practicum/Internship/Field Experiences courses (Joanne and Susan)
Susan shared the update for contact/credit hours. Below are the new criteria:
Minimum requirements for the Student Teaching/Practicum/Internship/Field Experiences courses:
- 1 credit = 45 hours per semester (3 hours per week avg.)
- 9 credits = 405 hours per semester (27 hours per week avg.)
- 12 credits = 540 hours per semester (36 hours per week avg.)
Susan said the numbers are minimum requirements but that program areas need to consider their requirements if they are beyond this and keep in mind that adding extra hours may have an impact on students paying overload fees. Additionally, program areas are being strongly encouraged to try to meet the 121 program hour goals.
University Committee Charged with Reviewing University Policy (Mary Parr)
Mary explained that she is participating on a university committee charged with reviewing university policies. One of the policies is the NPC students and what criteria they need to meet in order to continue. When a student is not permitted to continue in a program, their options include transferring, taking a year off, and retaking courses. She asked coordinators for their feedback regarding alternatives. Discussion included whether students should be permitted to continue without a declared major and whether establishing a policy with several hard limits would be detrimental to students instead of encouraging.
Admitted Student Days and Scholarship Information (Julie Wilcox)
Julie shared Admitted Student Days and EHHS Scholarship information with coordinators. She asked coordinators to provide information about award recipients to her by March 22nd.
Note: The March 8th Undergraduate Program Coordinators meeting is cancelled.