WHS Music Boosters Meeting Minutes
April 18, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm
In attendance
Eric Lucas, Mason Cole, Heidi Granken, Robin Fontana, Stephanie Penoyer, Jenny Sullivan, Laura Blaskovich, Susie Krost, Stephanie Barnes, Katy Pietraszak, Neil Hudson, Tina Stewart, Saskia Wien
Treasurer’s Report – Heidi Granken
We have $18,513.13 in the bank. For more details Heidi handed out a report. Dinner and Concert came in a little low. Pre-sales for Pops was $2050, and we made some money on (pre)sale of recordings.
Tina Stewart and Heidi will sit down and figure out if some of budgeted events did/will happen this year. There are also questions about whether ASB will fund the Northlake Choral Festival. Once all the bills come in from the SF Gold Festival, we’ll know how much of the additional money remains in the Music Department ASB account that can be used for other Music Department expenses.
Eric had a check request for $27 for senior award certificates.
SF trip update – Eric Lucas
The trip was very successful, and the different groups received good ratings. Rae Shepherd is setting up a Google drive location for uploading and viewing pictures and videos. The teachers have received their CD’s with concert performances and will share. The trip takes place every other year, alternating bigger and smaller trips. The next trip will be smaller. Silverwood Idaho is under consideration.
Dinner and concert – Saskia Wien & Jenny Sullivan
Everything went really well. The only negative was a lower attendance this year. It will probably be relatively higher with the addition of 9th grade and interested freshman parents. Maybe sending out more short e-mail reminders to parents before the event would help attendance. This is a low-cost event, so we still make money on it. It has also been a very effective event to host the pre-sale of the Pops tickets.
Recycling event - Neil Hudson
The flyer is done. Eric will e-mail it to parents and teachers. We will advertise on Woodinville Neighbors, Music Booster and NSD discussion group Facebook pages. Green Planet does a lot of advertising to the community already. As we make money on donations only, we need to ask for it. Neil will bring water and Katy Pietraszak will bring some individually wrapped baked goods. There will be access to bathrooms because either Mason Cole or Eric Lucas will be present. Neil will check with Don for a cash receipts document from last year and make sure we have tax receipts available. Eric will bring a canopy and cash box. Neil still needs several 1 hour volunteer slots filled.
Recordings - Don Kamer
Don was unable to make it to the meeting. To date we have pre-sold a little over 30 recordings, priced at $20 each. Hopefully the recordings will be available for handing out at the Pops concert. Additional copies should be for sale as well. Don Kamer will make a link available so that people can pre-order additional copies of the recording on-line via Legacy fundraising.
Pops Concert - Robin Fontana & Stephanie Penoyer
There are a couple of seats left up front, and some tables in the back. We usually sell out all the tables before the event. Last year there was an additional pre-sale event. It was decided to do the same this year during the recycle event on April 29th from 12:00 – 2:00. Robin will revise the Pops flyer; Tina will get it added to the e-Newsletter.
We are still in need of senior pictures. Robin will a send reminder e-mail to Tina for distribution to all the parents.
Eric will take care of the programs.
There will be a meeting this Sunday at Robin’s house at 4 pm. E-mail will follow.
Adding Square / PayPal to payment options – Heidi Granken
It would be nice to have Square available at events to be able to take credit card payments. We pay $5 per month per person for each person accepting square payments on the account. Heidi will be primary on the account, but it is very easy to add a person to the account, or take someone off. Tina Stewart and Heidi will discuss and try to have this in place soon. This would be especially great for the auction at our wine-event, pre-sales for the Pops concert, and CD sales at the Pops Concert. A motion was made by Robin Fontana to add Square, Jennifer Sullivan seconded. All in favor, motion was approved.
Long term it would be great to also have PayPal so people can pay or donate on-line.
Outreach events at Leota and Timbercrest
We are planning on having a table at both schools to promote WHS Music Boosters, answer questions and sign up new members. Tina will collect flyers from Music Boosters events; we’ll find photos from the Gold Festival for display at the tables.
Leota Art/Spring into the Arts event: 4/26, 6:30 – 9:00 pm – Susie Krost and Tina Stewart
Timbercrest Spring Concerts Band June 7, 7:00 – 8:00 – Susie Krost and Katy Pietraszak
Strings/Choir June 8, 7:00 – 8:00 – Susie Krost and Katy Pietraszak
Other Business / Open Floor
Eric Lucas is interested in adding another fundraiser, which is similar to the recycle event: Goodwill fundraiser. The PR / promotion would have to be done by us. If we fill up a whole Goodwill truck, they will pay us $600. Half a truck would be $300, two would be $1200. It might be a good idea to combine this with the recycle event. Tina will call the fundraising contacts to find out when they are scheduling for next year, to let us coordinate both events.
We will need a recycle chair for next year.
We welcome Laura Blaskovich and Marie Shobe to the Music Boosters! Laura has signed up to be our webmaster next year and will co-chair the Dinner and Concert event with Marie. Thanks Laura and Marie!
Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday May 9th at 7:00 pm