Quick Guide
Updating an REQUISITE for Academic Year 2015_16
- Log into the following link:
- Click on Login Using Federated Access
- Enter Staff ID in Username i.e. 00123xxs and your password which is the same password you log into your PC with each day.
- NB-Download Akari Document User Guide under the home tab and use as a reference also alongside this document
- Requisites are updated at Course Stream level against the Modules under the module tab
- If the requirement is to have a requisite against one module but in many Streams/instances there is a need to update each stream/instance individually
- Under ‘Course Stream’ Tab enter the Course Stream Code under the ‘Course Stream Code’ field and Searchi.e. BEE
- Important Notice: Akari have informed us that in order to update a Requisite a user needs to ensure that they add the requisites against the correct version of the module.
- Example 1.
If there is only one version of the module on Akari which is for example Valid From Sept 2014 and no new version has been created for the coming academic year, then it is correct to add the requisite updates against that version of the module. If the module is already available under the modules tab on Akari in a course stream, you can go ahead an update the requisites there by clicking on Edit and follow the instructions below for example 1.
- Example 2.
If a module owner/editor has created a new version of a module which is valid from Sept 2015, that will not appear automatically within a course stream. Please note that it is to the newest version of the module that the requisite should be added. If that is the case please follow the instruction below for example 2.
Example 1 – Steps to follow;
- Click on the stream which is Valid from Sept 2015 i.e. the next academic year
- Click on ‘Edit’ in the drop down options
- To update the Requisites go to the Modules tab for the year in question i.e. Year 1.
- All the existing modules will be listed under the Modules tab.
- You can expand or collapse the years as required, for this example I will use Year 1.
- Add Requisites – How to add or update a requisite against a module within a course stream/instance
- All the existing modules will be listed under the Modules tab.
- You can expand or collapse the years as required, for this example I will use Year 1.
- To add Requisites click on the Add tab under Requisites tab beside the module
- The following screen will appear; you can add requisites at this stage.
- Choose the Requisite type that you require by clicking on one of the following buttons
- Add modules to Co-Requisite
- Add modules to Exclusion Requisites
- Add module to Prerequisites
- Co-Req. = A Co-Requisite is where if a student selects module X they must also choose module Y.
Excl. Req. = An Exclusion Requisite is where if a student chooses module X they cannot then choose module Y or module Y and Z (whatever they are not permitted to take along with module X)
Pre-Req. = A Pre-Requisite is where if a student wants to take module X they must have completed module Y or module Y and Z in the previous academic Year.
- For this example I will add a co-requisite to MA140
- I click on the ‘Add’ button
- I choose ‘Add modules to Co-Requisites…’
- Enter the details as below
- Enter module Code and Search
- Click on the module and ‘Add Modules’
- The following table will appear which will show the requisites
- Choose Close and you will be brought back to the modules tab
- Note: There will now be an ‘Edit’ button beside the module you have added the requisite too
- Continue as so and update all requisites as required
- Please note that there is a requirement to update Requisites again every course instance individually.
- If the requirement is to have a requisite against one module but in many Streams/instances there is a need to update each stream/instance individually.
Example 2 – Steps to follow;
If a module owner/editor has created a new version of a module which is valid from Sept 2015, that will not appear automatically within a course stream.
Please note that it is to the newest version of the module that the requisite should be added.
You can check if there is a newer version of the module by going to the module tab on the main screen, click on all modules, enter the module code and search, if there are two versions of a module the following screen will appear.
As you will see there is an approved version for Sept 2014 which is Version 1.
Version 2 is the newest version, this could be in draft or pending approval.
Where there is a version 2 please follow these instructions.
- Click on the stream which is Valid from Sept 2015 i.e. the next academic year
- Click on ‘Edit’ in the drop down options
- To update the Requisites go to the Modules tab for the year in question i.e. Year 1.
- All the existing modules will be listed under the Modules tab.
- You can expand or collapse the years as required, for this example I will use Year 1.
- Add Requisites – How to add or update a requisite against a module within a course stream/instance
- All the existing modules will be listed under the Modules tab.
- You can expand or collapse the years as required, for this example I will use Year 1.
- Find the approved version of the module under the Modules tab
- Click on the x at the end to delete the module from this course instance
- Go to the bottom of the page
- Click on Add Modules/Subjects to Year x
- Enter the Code of the module
- In the search it will find the two versions of the module
- Click on the newest version, in this example version 2 which is in draft or pending approval, valid from Sept 2015 and Add.
- Once the newest version has been populated in under the modules tab, it will be against this module that you add the requisites.
- Two examples of how the module would look, please note valid from Sept 2015, and they can be in either (draft) or (Pending Approval)
- To add Requisites click on the Add tab under Requisites tab beside the module
- The following screen will appear; you can add requisites at this stage.
- Choose the Requisite type that you require by clicking on one of the following buttons
- Add modules to Co-Requisite
- Add modules to Exclusion Requisites
- Add module to Prerequisites
- Co-Req. = A Co-Requisite is where if a student selects module X they must also choose module Y.
Excl. Req. = An Exclusion Requisite is where if a student chooses module X they cannot then choose module Y or module Y and Z (whatever they are not permitted to take along with module X)
Pre-Req. = A Pre-Requisite is where if a student wants to take module X they must have completed module Y or module Y and Z in the previous academic Year.
- For this example I will add a co-requisite to MA140
- I click on the ‘Add’ button
- I choose ‘Add modules to Co-Requisites…’
- Enter the details as below
- Enter module Code and Search
- Click on the module and ‘Add Modules’
- The following table will appear which will show the requisites
- Choose Close and you will be brought back to the modules tab
- Note: There will now be an ‘Edit’ button beside the module you have added the requisite too
- Continue as so and update all requisites as required
- Please note that there is a requirement to update Requisites again every course instance individually.
- If the requirement is to have a requisite against one module but in many Streams/instances there is a need to update each stream/instance individually.