PRESENT: Julia Lindsay, PC Chairman in the chair, Cllr Sandra Barnes, District Councillor, Linda Paice, Parish Clerk, and 11 electors of the Parish.

  1. APOLOGIES were received and accepted fromDebbie Hoggins. Cllr Chris Lofts, County Councillor had advised that he may be late joining the meeting but had sent a written report.
  1. TheMINUTES OF THE 2015 ANNUAL VILLAGE MEETING were signed as a true record.
  1. MATTERS ARISING- An update was given on the planned traffic calming scheme, the playing field and superfast broadband.
  1. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT - Julia Lindsay read her report to the meeting, printed copies having been provided with the meeting papers.
  1. There was no POLICErepresentation.
  1. SPEED REDUCTION PROPOSALS were clarified. The scheme was delayed due to works still to be carried out by Balfour Beatty.
  1. Unaudited PARISH COUNCIL ACCOUNTS for the year to March 2016 were available and were noted.
  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR, Sandra Barnes, had prepared a written report which was available for all present and highlighted various current issues.
  1. PLAYING FIELD – The Chair explained that a decision on the next step regarding the playing field would be made by the Parish Council meeting following this meeting. All were welcome to attend.
  1. At present no one had come forward to fill the post of NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH CO-ORDINATOR.
  1. There was no representative present from the VILLAGE HALLand no report provided. It was noted that Peter Baker was due to the leave the village and a letter of thanks for all his work on behalf of the Hall would be sent.
  1. There was no report from the PARISH PATH WARDEN and no report provided. Paul Houghton updated the meeting on his efforts over the last five years regarding designation of a footpath. Things were now looking hopeful that a satisfactory conclusion would be reached.
  1. There had been no significant PLANNING MATTERS to report.
  1. ISSUES MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WISHED TO RAISE –A question was asked regarding possible re-positioning of the VAS once the traffic calming scheme was completed. No decision had yet been made in this regard.

15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Thursday May 18th 2017

Villagers were thanked for attending and there being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.10pm