Supplemental Table 1.Standardized coefficients from probit regression of suicide attempts on selected psychiatric disorders and covariates.
Total sample(N = 36,309) / Subsample that ever had a traumatic event
(N = 23,936)
Age group (Ref: 65+)
18–29 / 0.205** / 0.208** / 0.246** / 0.249**
30–44 / 0.271** / 0.274** / 0.321** / 0.326**
45–64 / 0.263** / 0.264** / 0.281** / 0.281**
Sex (Ref: male)
Female / 0.256** / 0.264** / 0.260** / 0.269**
Race/ethnicity (Ref: White, non-Hispanic)
Black, non-Hispanic / −0.077* / −0.071 / −0.049 / −0.042
American Indian/Alaska Native, non-Hispanic / 0.008 / 0.013 / 0.011 / 0.015
Asian/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic / −0.189** / −0.187** / −0.121* / −0.117
Hispanic, any race / 0.024 / 0.026 / 0.052 / 0.057
Education (Ref: college or above)
< High school / 0.116* / 0.119* / 0.157** / 0.163**
High school or GED / 0.093** / 0.094** / 0.099** / 0.102**
Some college / 0.121** / 0.120** / 0.112** / 0.112**
Marital status (Ref: married)
Never married / −0.034 / −0.037 / −0.068* / −0.071*
Widowed/divorced/separated / 0.026 / 0.027 / −0.006 / −0.006
Family income (Ref: ≥ $70,000)
< $20,000 / 0.272** / 0.274** / 0.307** / 0.310**
$20,000–$34,999 / 0.185** / 0.184** / 0.210** / 0.210**
$35,000–$69,999 / 0.058 / 0.057 / 0.077 / 0.076
Broadly defined PTSD / 0.288** / 0.280**
Narrowly defined PTSD / 0.280** / 0.273**
Veteran status / 0.078 / 0.081 / 0.091 / 0.092
Lifetime DSM-5 major depressive disorder (hierarchical) / 0.594** / 0.608** / 0.545** / 0.558**
Lifetime DSM-5 bipolar 1 disorder(hierarchical) / 0.549** / 0.556** / 0.538** / 0.547**
Any lifetime DSM-5 anxiety disorder / 0.099** / 0.106** / 0.094** / 0.100**
DSM-5 borderline personality disorder / 0.431** / 0.449** / 0.387** / 0.401**
DSM-5antisocial personality disorder / 0.336** / 0.340** / 0.328** / 0.330**
Lifetime DSM-5 alcohol use disorder / 0.104** / 0.108** / 0.091** / 0.093**
Lifetime DSM-5 tobacco use disorder / 0.165** / 0.167** / 0.151** / 0.153**
Lifetime DSM-5 drug use disorder / 0.108** / 0.112** / 0.076 / 0.080
Threshold / 2.465** / 2.466** / 2.421** / 2.421**
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01
Note: The model specifications in Supplemental Table 1 are the same as presented in Supplemental Table 2 but are estimated by probit regression as opposed to logistic regression. Logistic and probit models differ in the assumptions about the distribution of the error terms and hence differ in their standardized regression coefficients; however, the statistical significance is generally consistent.
Supplemental Table 2.Standardized coefficients from logistic regression of suicide attempts on selected psychiatric disorders and covariates.
Total sample(N = 36,309) / Subsample that ever had a traumatic event
(N = 23,936)
Age group (Ref: 65+)
18–29 / 0.240** / 0.242** / 0.277** / 0.279**
30–44 / 0.316** / 0.320** / 0.361** / 0.368**
45–64 / 0.299** / 0.300** / 0.314** / 0.314**
Sex (Ref: male)
Female / 0.277** / 0.284** / 0.278** / 0.286**
Race/ethnicity (Ref: White, non-Hispanic)
Black, non-Hispanic / −0.087* / −0.081* / −0.059 / −0.051
American Indian/Alaska Native, non-Hispanic / 0.007 / 0.017 / 0.008 / 0.017
Asian/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic / −0.209** / −0.204** / −0.128 / −0.121
Hispanic, any race / 0.026 / 0.029 / 0.056 / 0.062
Education (Ref: college or above)
< High school / 0.150** / 0.150** / 0.185** / 0.189**
High school or GED / 0.110** / 0.109** / 0.116** / 0.116**
Some college / 0.129** / 0.127** / 0.119** / 0.118**
Marital status (Ref: married)
Never married / −0.035 / −0.038 / −0.069 / −0.072*
Widowed/divorced/separated / 0.020 / 0.021 / −0.011 / −0.011
Family income (Ref: ≥ $70,000)
< $20,000 / 0.295** / 0.297** / 0.326** / 0.329**
$20,000–$34,999 / 0.215** / 0.213** / 0.236** / 0.235**
$35,000–$69,999 / 0.071 / 0.069 / 0.089 / 0.089
Broadly defined PTSD / 0.281** / 0.277**
Narrowly defined PTSD / 0.256** / 0.252**
Veteran status / 0.082 / 0.086 / 0.096 / 0.098
Lifetime DSM-5 major depressive disorder (hierarchical) / 0.652** / 0.668** / 0.587** / 0.604**
Lifetime DSM-5 bipolar 1 disorder(hierarchical) / 0.601** / 0.614** / 0.567** / 0.581**
Any lifetime DSM-5 anxiety disorder / 0.093** / 0.102** / 0.089** / 0.097**
DSM-5 borderline personality disorder / 0.430** / 0.449** / 0.387** / 0.404**
DSM-5antisocial personality disorder / 0.324** / 0.330** / 0.316** / 0.319**
Lifetime DSM-5 alcohol use disorder / 0.117** / 0.120** / 0.100** / 0.102**
Lifetime DSM-5 tobacco use disorder / 0.176** / 0.180** / 0.159** / 0.162**
Lifetime DSM-5 drug use disorder / 0.099* / 0.104* / 0.072 / 0.076
Threshold / 2.553** / 2.553** / 2.487** / 2.484**
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01
Note: The model specifications in Supplemental Table 2 are the same as presented in Table 1 but are estimated by logistic regression as opposed to probit regression. Logistic and probit models differ in the assumptions about the distribution of the error terms and hence differ in their standardized regression coefficients; however, the statistical significance is generally consistent.
Supplemental Table 3. Factor analysis fit indices for 7 PTSD models
Model / Chi-square / df / CFI / TLI / RMSEA (95% CI) / Difference testing against exploratory bifactor hybridChi-square / df / p-value
DSM-5 / 2361.325 / 164 / 0.992 / 0.991 / 0.024 (0.023–0.025) / 2150.402 / 106 / <0.0001
Dysphoria / 2432.548 / 164 / 0.992 / 0.990 / 0.024 (0.023–0.025) / 2220.317 / 106 / <0.0001
Dysphoric arousal / 2205.689 / 160 / 0.993 / 0.991 / 0.023 (0.022–0.024) / 2007.107 / 102 / <0.0001
Externalizing behaviors / 1964.794 / 155 / 0.993 / 0.992 / 0.022 (0.021–0.023) / 1775.074 / 97 / <0.0001
Anhedonia / 1927.487 / 155 / 0.994 / 0.992 / 0.022 (0.021–0.023) / 1750.227 / 97 / <0.0001
Hybrid / 1671.260 / 149 / 0.994 / 0.993 / 0.021 (0.020–0.022) / 1501.057 / 91 / <0.0001
Exploratory bifactor hybrid / 211.912 / 58 / 0.999 / 0.998 / 0.011 (0.009–0.012) / — / — / —
CI: Confidence interval
Supplemental Table 4.Multiple group analysis testing measurement invariance of the exploratory bifactor hybrid model between veterans and nonveterans: configural versus metric/scalar invariance.
Model / Chi-square / df / CFI / TLI / RMSEA (95% CI) / Difference testing against configural invarianceChi-square / df / p-value
Metric/scalar invariance / 311.407 / 204 / 1.000 / 0.999 / 0.007 (0.005–0.008) / 105.158 / 88 / 0.0951
Configural invariance / 262.229 / 116 / 0.999 / 0.998 / 0.010 (0.009–0.012) / — / — / —
CI: Confidence interval