DECEMBER 18, 2014

A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on December 18, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.

Item 1 – Roll call. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees; Isbell, Moos, Rohn, and Ross. Attorney Rocklin was also present. Absent: Trustee Heaton and Mayor Moser. Trustee Daniels appeared later in the meeting. In the absence of Mayor Moser, Mayor Pro-tem Moos directed the meeting.

Item 2 - Review of the Minutes of the November 20th meeting. Trustee Ross moved to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Trustee Isbell. Motion carried 4-0.

Item 3 – Public hearing on Tavern license request at Cobblestone Hotel. Mayor Pro-tem Moos opened the public hearing for public comment on the request for a Tavern liquor license for the Cobblestone Inn & Suites located at 485 S. Elm Road in the Eaton Cobblestone Subdivision. Ms. Linden Johnson introduced herself to the board as the manager of Cobblestone Inn & Suites and provided an update regarding progress of construction of the hotel, as well as information she received while gathering signatures during the petition process. Ms. Linden projected opening around January 7, 2015 but it could be later depending on completion of construction. No comments received from the public so hearing is closed. Concluding questions and discussion, Trustee Ross moved to grant the Tavern license, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Motion carried 4-0.

Item 4– Ordinance No. 567 – Changing zoning from Agriculture (A-1) to Industrial (I-2) for the Anderson Annexation (WCR 39 & 72). Gary reported this ordinance was in the process in 2011 but was delayed by a death of one of the partner members and we had not received the required paperwork to complete everything. Completing the first reading of Ordinance No. 567, changing the zoning from agriculture to industrial for the Anderson Annexation, Trustee Ross moved to adopt, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Roll call; Moos-aye, Rohn-aye, Ross-aye and Isbell-aye. Motion carried 4-0.

Item 5 – Resolutions: 2014-16: Water Rates, 2014-17: Non-potable Water Rates, 2014-18: 2014 Budget Amendments, 2014-19: 2015 Budget and 2014-20: 2015 Budget Appropriations. Resolution 2014-16 increases the water rates to $27.76 for the first four thousand gallons of water, and then an additional $3.71 for each one thousand gallons used thereafter. The rate for bulk water at the Water Station or Hydrants will be $8.52 for each one thousand gallons. Concluding questions and discussion, Trustee Isbell moved to adopt Resolution 2014-16 which becomes effective January 1, 2015, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Motion carried 4-0.

Resolution 2014-17 amends the fees charged for non-potable water as follows:

Residential Lot Size Rate/Month

0 – 4,000 sq. ft. $12.00 per month

4,001 – 8,000 sq. ft. $14.00 per month

8,001 – 12,000 sq. ft. $16.00 per month

12,001 and greater $18.00 per month

For large commercial or industrial areas and private parks (not owned by the Town of Eaton), and large greenbelt areas, such as in subdivisions, the following rates shall apply: $0.15 per 100 sq. ft. landscaped area per month. Concluding questions and discussion, Trustee Isbell moved to adopt Resolution 2014-17, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Motion carried 4-0.

Resolution 2014-18 appropriates additional sums of money to defray expenses in excess of amounts budgeted for the Town. Concluding discussion and questions Trustee Rohn moved to adopt Resolution 2014-18, seconded by Trustee Isbell. Motion carried 4-0.

Resolution 2014-19 summarizes expenditures and revenues for each fund and adopts a budget for the calendar year beginning the first day of January 2015 and ending on the last day of December 2015. Concluding questions and discussion Trustee Ross moved to adopt Resolution 2014-19, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Motion carried 4-0.

Resolution 2014-20 are appropriations for the year 2015. Concluding discussion and questions Trustee Ross moved to adopt Resolution 2014-20, seconded by Trustee Isbell. Motion carried 4-0.

Item 6 – Letter regarding concurrent representation of Town Attorney – Avi Rocklin. Attorney Rocklin submitted a letter to the Town Board and Eaton Area Park and Recreation District Board explaining her dual representation for both boards and believes there have been no past conflicts and doesn’t foresee any coming up in the future but would like to have representatives from both boards sign off on the letter of approval before continuing her services. The Town Board has no objection and approves Attorney Rocklin continuing to represent the Eaton Area Park and Recreation District Board. Attorney Rocklin also suggested an Intergovernmental agreement between the Town and the Eaton Area Park and Recreation District concerning cooperation and financial assistance be drawn up and approved at the next meeting.

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Item 7 – Citizen comments/questions. None.

Item 8 – Reports.

Ø  Trustee Ross provided an update on the MPO. Trustee Ross reported that Gary made a presentation at the last MPO meeting for the project submitted to them and the Town has been awarded full funding of $103,000 on the resurfacing of Collins Street. The Great Western Trail Authority has also received over $500,000 from the MPO for the trail from Eaton to Severance.

Ø  Chief Mueller provided an update on activities in the police department. Trustee Ross commended the police department for the activities they do for the community.

Ø  Gary provided a brief explanation of the upcoming costs for dispatch services. An IGA agreement with Weld County is being drawn up and will probably be received in January or February for approval.

Item 9 – Adjourn to Eaton Housing Authority meeting. As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. to the Eaton Housing Authority meeting.

Gary reviewed the Housing Authority proposed 2015 budget with the board. Concluding questions and discussion Trustee Ross moved approval of the Eaton Housing Authority 2015 Budget, seconded by Trustee Daniels. Motion carried 5-0.

Having no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk