SEMDA 2017 Conference, May 2-4, 2018, Greenville, SC
Emerging Technology Poster Application Form
Thank you for your interest in applying to the SEMDA 2018 Poster Session. Below you will find instructions for completing the form on page 3. Please note that if your poster is accepted, the information in this form will be used as an abstract and will be included in the SEMDA 2018 conference materials, which are made available to all attendees. Please do not include confidential information in this application. Please direct any questions to SEMDA 2018Jason Rupp at .
Submit the completed formin Microsoft Word format to , by April 7th, 2018.
General Guidelines
The text of the application must fit within the template outlined on page 3 and can be no longer than 1 page, using 11 point Calibri (Body) font.You may use pictures and graphs, but these must be included within the 1 page format.
Use a short and concise title that indicates the content of the abstract. Capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions, articles, and species names. Species names should be spelled out at first use. Italicize scientific names of organisms (example: Staphylococcus aureus).
Authors' names should be entered using initial(s) for the first and middle names followed by the full last name, with presenting author underlined (e.g. PM Coker, J Ballard, and AP Deutsch).
All affiliations should follow the last author's name and be referenced with superscript numbers. Each author should be listed by institution, city, and state (2-letter postal abbreviation) or country.
Presenting Person and Contact Information
Please indicate who is responsible for monitoring the poster during the Conference.Supply a contacte-mail address.
Abstract Body (1 page limit)
The body of the uploaded abstract submission should not exceed one page and must fit within the template outlined on Page 3. Clearly define all concepts and abbreviations on first use. Please follow the structured format below. See below for further description of each section.
State the problem under investigation, or a hypothesis, and commercial application.
Product/Technology Description
Concisely, describe the proposed technology or product that addresses the problem/hypothesis.
Market Opportunity
Briefly identify and describe the market or markets to which the technology may be applied.
Stage of Development
Describe the current stage of development of the invention or technology. Explain the experimental methods used to demonstrate the technology, using enough quantitative data to permit evaluation by reviewers.
Intellectual Property
List all types of intellectual property, if any, covering theinvention or technology, including patents, patent applications, copyrights, and trademarks.
Future Development
Summarize the findings and potential impact of the device or technology. Describe any future development and/or commercialization plans. Please also list any partnership or investment opportunities.
Submit the completed form in Microsoft Word format to , by April 15th, 2018.
Please Enter Poster Title Here
Presenting Person:
State the problem under investigation, or a hypothesis, and commercial application.
Product/Technology Description
Concisely, describe the proposed technology or product that addresses the problem/hypothesis.
Market Opportunity
Briefly identify and describe the market or markets to which the technology may be applied.
Stage of Development
Describe the current stage of development of the invention or technology. Explain the experimental methods used to demonstrate the technology, using enough quantitative data to permit evaluation by reviewers.
Intellectual Property
List all types of intellectual property, if any, covering the invention or technology, including patents, patent applications, copyrights, and trademarks.
Future Development
Summarize the findings and potential impact of the device or technology. Describe any future development and/or commercialization plans. Please also list any partnership or investment opportunities
SEMDA 2018 Conference Poster Application
January 1, 2019
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