Bickleigh Saddle Club
Bickleigh Barracks
BSC COMMITTEE MEETING – 13th August 2013@ 18:00hrs
Present: / Mr J AbeyMr P Duley
Mr G Harding
Mrs R Guy
Mrs P Duley
Mrs N Delaney
Mrs C Hooper
Miss K McGowan / Chairman
Livery Rep
Pony Club/ Child Protection
Membership Secretary
Yard Manager
Business Manager /
Apologies / Mrs A Scarrett
WO Wilkin / Events Sec
Vice Chair /
(a) / Discussions and Decisions:
(b) / Actions:
1. Minutes of previous minutes / 1. The committee agreed the minutes of the previous meeting on 1st July 2013.
2. Stable Managers Letter / The committee discussed an on-going grievance complaint concerning a member of staff and how this matter can be resolved for the best of all concerned.
The Managing Trustee, Cdre Little, has passed the matter back to the Committee to resolve.
A number of related issues, events and grievances were discussed which need resolving with immediate affect if the club is to continue. Two of the committee members offered to speak with all staff at a meeting with the Business and Yard Manger to make matters clear to finally find a solution to this issues so that the club could move forward.
External Equality & Diversity and Standards & Values training to be arranged for attendance by all staff to be delivered asap. Tues 24 Sept 13.
Attendance at this training is compulsory for all staff.
The committee agreed that there would be a zero tolerance policy to any cases of bullying or harassment at the yard.
To improve communication and better management of the yard and service to club members it was agreed that the two managers needed to have more frequent meetings. Kate & Cherie to work out how they will achieve this to best effect. / Business Manager / Yard Manager
3. Matters Arising / 1. China fleet promotion will wait until the newsletter.
2. The admin/office apprentice is hold for the present.
3. The Alex Smith website link is still to be done. / Business Manager
Business Manager
4. Chairmans Report / 1. Business Plan drafted and submitted to Managing Trustee – Cdre Little. Ratify at September meeting.
2. Drafting funding application to support a project to deliver 80 hours free riding activity over 12 months for Plymouth Schools / school children. Continue after September’s meeting. If successful this could bring in valuable revenue to the stables.
3. Working on funding bid to Awards for All to fund the establishment of a volunteer scheme at the stables.
4. Requested Business Manager (Kate) to produce initial draft application to RN & RM Charity for cost of new fencing and additional material of for school surface.
5. Working on Business case for school roof project and have requested quotes from contractors to build (supply and fit) roof over ménage and have received estimate for planning permission (£5K). Advertise for a volunteer Project Manager on next newsletter to see the building of a roof for the school through to conclusion.
6. Met with DIO Area Manager to discuss possibility of the stables leasing the land from DIO / MOD. Draft tenancy agreement and proposed costing being worked by DIO for further discussion and approval.
7. Staff lunchtime cover. It was agreed to stagger lunch times except Saturday’s, one staff member to be nominated to remain on site as coverage.
8. Access to yard by staff friends, family, partners etc. To be kept to a minimum including lunch times unless taking part in an event.
9. Medlands - Sun 14 July. Fantastic turnout at Medlands show with a great representation from Bickleigh. Many thanks to Kate, Gemma, Doug, Ami, Vicki and all the Pony Club members, other BSC members, friends and family involved. Special thanks to Rob Burns for supplying water and juice and the use of his vehicle as a central mustering point.
10. John stated that he still intends to stand down as Chairman in November 2013 to make way for a new individual to take on the role and be voted in at the AGM. A call for nominations / applications, for this and all other committee positions to be published on the September newsletter and on the stables website so that all members are aware, plus the date agreed date of the Nov AGM and venue. John stated that he will of course be happy to assist the charity, the new chairman and management committee where appropriate. / Business Manager
5. Vice-Chair / 1. Nil
6. Stable Manager / 1. The new website is ready to go (, just waiting for the old one to be taken down.
2. All the paperwork headers etc have been redesigned, looking for a print company (preferably free – can offer free advertisement around the arena.
3. Staff contracts and TORS are up to date and approved by the committee, waiting for the trustees approval.
4. Field fencing quotes are in.
5. Some form of ‘lone working policy’ is required for certain occasions. / PAM DULEY
Report / 1) Kashflow now installed and Doug and Kate have worked hard to update figures from beginning of financial year. Once previous years accounts are completed these figures can be entered onto Kashflow.
2) Wages software not yet installed, aim is to have this completed by the end of August, September at the latest.
3) P & L and Trial Balance for the stables submitted to committee members.
4) Treasurer has spoken to Kate about looking at producing figures to look at return on investment on the stables own horses. If one or two are having a low return it may be worthwhile looking at a certain type of horse i.e. larger one to ensure there is a horse for all and income for each horse is maximized.
5) After receiving suggestions from the managers regarding reducing staff costs it was decided to look at reducing staff hours rather than looking at redundancies. This will be reviewed at the end of September in readiness for the winter months and to look at our financial position after the lucrative school holidays.
8. Membership Report / 1. The membership form has been revised to include a gift aid area at the bottom of page 2. Also at the top of page 2, there is an area requesting clients to attend 10-15 minutes before the start of the lesson to allow for a prompt start and help in tacking up the horse. Members of staff need to highlight this area in particular when the client is completing the form.
2. The membership list has been reviewed at some length and any inaccuracies or errors passed to the stables managers for checking and clarification. A list of these have been given to Kate. The only other issue found was mis-spellings of clients’ names. It does need to be fed back that careful completion of the form is essential, ie, address, emergency contact information, height and weight, and rider experience are lacking on many occasions.
3. A policy for the handling of members causing problems needs to be set up and added to standing orders.
4. Link entry pass to membership. Create a pass form which will be held by pass office. / Chairman
Membership Sec
9. Livery Report / 1. Lt Telford RN has submitted notice to move Henry from Bickleigh at the end of August. They will receive a ‘Sorry you are leaving’ letter in due course.
2. Whilst we may be losing Henry we can welcome a number of new additions on working livery. Vicky Triggs has brought ‘Dream’ her thoroughbred to the yard on Sunday 4th August. Joining us w/c 5th August is another thoroughbred ‘Jack’ belonging to Claire English. At the time of writing this report we are waiting for ‘Midnight’ a 16.1hh, weight carrying Fresian belonging to Steve and Charlie Waters to arrive (hopefully by the weekend). Staff at BSC are actively assisting Jo Carpenter, a riding member of the Club, in buying a suitable mount which will be kept at BSC on working livery. All new liveries will be receiving a ‘Welcome’ letter!
3. As we are not classed as a livery yard but a riding school, it should now be a priority to only accept horses on working livery and not replace full livery with full livery and gradually phase these out on a no replace basis. This was agreed by the committee.
4. Sarah (owner of Princess) wishes it to be brought to the committee’s attention that she was very disappointed at the lack of communication between staff members and then in turn to her as a livery owner. It was agreed that livery owners must be informed at the earliest opportunity on any matters relating to their horse.
5. Another livery owner had raised a complaint with regard to communication and the service she was provided. The Livery Rep briefed the committee members on the situation which she has fully investigated and replied to the owner the concerned.
6. Existing contracts to be reviewed and amended as necessary and also chase up existing livery owners who need to renew contracts.
7. A Letter was received from several livery owners with a number of points. The Livery Rep has spoken individually and at length to the signatories to discuss and where appropriate resolve the issues raised. One of the signatories has since apologised for the letter. / Business Manager
/Livery Rep
10. Events Report / 1. Various events planed.
28/8 Show Jumping evening - 1700
4/9 Show Jumping evening – 1700
24/8 Agility demo evening – Kelly
15/9 BBQ / PC presentations (possible open day) – sub committee required
Nov – AGM date to be confirmed
TBC Quiz night – White Thorn.
July 26 - Video Lesson Day - unfortunately there were no bookings for this so it did not go ahead. However should any riders wish for there lesson to be videoed then we can arrange.
July 29 - Dressage to Music - this was cancelled due to no bookings.
BBQ September 15 - Looked at the possibility of a hog roast as this has been very successful in the past and it also allows members of the committee and staff to focus on what is happening around the yard instead of manning the BBQ. Have been quoted £325 for the hog roast, this includes the pig, equipment etc. If possible could the committee discuss and confirm an outcome.
John met with the Plymouth Play Association at another event (my apologies to John if this was not the case) he was attending and he will be discussing the possibility of them attending the BBQ.
Spoken with Gemma and Paul who will be providing Raffle Prizes. Prizes will be numbered and will match the number on tickets sold for the BBQ .
Kate will be talking with the RDA to discuss them putting on a demo at the BBQ. She will also be speaking with Kelly about putting on an agility demo.
Kate and Gemma going to look at putting together posters for the BBQ and get them distributed to camps around the area.
11. Pony Club / Child Protection / 1. Due to personal reasons Pam is reluctantly standing down. She is willing to offer advice as required w.r.t. Child Protection (part of her day job).
Sarah Thompson, the other nominee for the role, has kindly agreed to take on the post as Pony Club / Child Protection member and will attend the next committee meeting.
* This is an interim measure and as with all committee positions will be up for re-election at the AGM. / Chairman
12. AOB / Kate asked whether to put minutes on website – agreed to.
AGM in November – date to be confirmed.
Kelly’s hours are less than the minimum stated in standing orders but correct iaw her contract. Change standing orders/ clarify with Trustee.
Rox abseiled off of a local viaduct to raise money for a mounting block for the stables and funding for another charity.
Nicki raised a number of members queries and questions which she had received and which were discussed by the committee and answered in turn.
A longer list from one member will answered outside the meeting by the chairman including offering to meet with the individual to discuss the matters raised if so required. / Business Manager
10. Date of next meeting / 1. Monday 9th September @ 1800
Signed on Original
(on behalf of) P Duley
Mr J Abey Mr M Wilkin
Mrs A Scarrett Mr G Harding
Mrs R Guy Mrs P Duley
Mrs N Delaney Mrs C Hooper
Miss K McGowan Staff Notice Board
Adjt 42 Cdo RM DIO Estate Manager